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Putrajaya Menelan Belanja 23 Bilion By MSuri 8/2/2001 8:00 am Thu |
Banyak cantik... pembinaan Putrajaya menelan belanja RM23 bilion banyaknya.
Sebuah syarikat PHSB (Putrajaya Holdings Sdn Bhd) ditubuhkan untuk menguruskan
pembangunan wilayah persekutuan itu sejak dulu, maka adalah sukar bagi
rakyat menilai ketelusan projek-projek di situ.
PHSB meminjam sebanyak RM2.15 bilion untuk membangunkan Putrajaya dan untuk
membayar hutang RM466 juta kepada Khazanah Nasional Bhd. Pinjaman berbentuk
bon itu dikeluarkan bersiri, RM 861.14 juta dan RM 1.288 bilion.
Menurut beberapa rakan tidak banyak kemudahan asas di Putrajaya. Untuk
menikmati mamak style teh tarik misalnya, anda perlu memandu lebih kurang
satu jam. Rumah yang dibeli tidak boleh dipasang 'grill' (gerigi besi) dan
tidak dibenarkan membuat penambahan (extension atau renovation). Selain itu
anda juga tidak dibenarkan membina pagar di sekeliling rumah anda. Banyak
penduduk merungut kerana agak bimbang keselamatan mereka, lagipun banyak
pendatang asing yang berkeliaran di tapak projek mungkin mempunyai aktivi
sampingan di waktu malam. Beberapa penulis ada mencatat tidak ada kemudahan sekolah ugama di
Putrajaya. Malah tidak ada dalam master-plan Putra Jaya!. Penduduk
di situ juga dilarang mengecat rumah mereka warna hijau + putih.
Seperti biasa projek Putrajaya sebenarnya adalah projek membuat harta
oleh para kroni. Siapa yang mendapat tender jika tidak para kroni juga.
Dengan mewilayah persekutuankan Putrajaya, ia bagai menambah lagi nilai
tinggi kepada hartanah yang dimiliki serta mengizinkan lagi untuk tanah
atau rumah dijual pada harga yang lebih tinggi. Nyatalah pembangunan
Putrajaya mempunyai agenda tersembunyi - ia adalah satu perniagaan
hartanah berbentuk spekulasi dengan kerajaan menghabiskan wang berbillion
banyakknya sebagai penyeri. -MSuri- Rencana Rujukkan: Putrajaya to cost RM23 billion
y=010206091904.iqxlsp01.txt Malaysian administrative capital to cost six billion dollars
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 6 (AFP) - Malaysia's new administrative capital of
Putrajaya will cost around 23 billion ringgit (6.05 billion dollars) to
build, developers said Tuesday.
Completion date for what is dubbed an "intelligent garden city" is still
2010, said Mohamad Hashim Hassan, chief executive officer of Putrajaya
Holdings Sdn Bhd. Putrajaya began rising four years ago from oil palm and rubber plantations
25 kilometres (16 miles) south of the national capital Kuala Lumpur.
Critics see it as a wasteful "mega-project" by Prime Minister Mahathir
Mohamad. A focus of complaint is the prime ministerial residence which an opposition
party has dubbed "Mahathir's palace." Mahathir hit back at criticism last Thursday when he declared Putrajaya a
federal territory, saying the city is for future leaders and will spur
national development. Hashim, who gave the construction cost, said some work would be speeded up
at the government's request for completion in 2003 instead of 2005.
This would include another 12 million square feet (1.08 million sq meters)
of government buildings, a monorail, a boulevard and a convention centre.
Putrajaya covers a total of 4,581 hectares (11,316 acres).
Hashim, quoted by Bernama news agency, was speaking after the signing of an
agreement to issue bonds worth 2.15 billion ringgit to help finance the
future development of the city.
Febuary 06 , 2001 15:47PM Putrajaya Holdings to issue Islamic bonds
The bonds will be issued in two separate tranches of up to RM861.14 million
and RM1.288 billion respectively, securitised against the lease rental
revenues of two parcels of Government office buildings, namely Parcel C and
D, constructed by PHSB. The main ABBA Serial Bonds Issue Facility Agreement was executed between
PHSB as Issuer and RHB Sakura Merchant Bankers Berhad (RHBS) and Alliance
Merchant Bank Berhad (AMB) as joint arrangers.
Also signed today were the Asset Purchase and Asset Sale agreements in
respect of the first tranche of the bonds issue totalling RM861.14 million
securitised against the future lease rentals receivable from the Federal
Government under Parcel C. RHBS is also the facility agent for the issuance of the bonds.
On hand to sign the agreements were PHSB chief executive officer, Datuk
Mohd Hashim Hassan, RHBS managing director, George Ratilal and AMB chief
executive officer, T. Jeyaratnam. The signing was witnessed by Putrajaya Holdings chairman, Datuk Professor
Zainuddin Muhammad. Also executed today were the Trust Deed and security documents between PHSB
and PAB Trustee Bhd as trustee for bondholders and security trustee.
PAB was represented by its director, Datuk Nik Mohd Amin Nik Majid.
These bonds have been assigned a credit rating of "AAA" by the Malaysian
Rating Corporation Bhd. Speaking to newsmen later, Hashim said that the full completion date of
Putrajaya will still be 2010, although certain parcels would be expedited
to meet the government's requirements.
"It will still take us until 2010 but there are certain components that the
government wants us to expedite. This is mainly government buildings, so we
are talking about another 12 million sq ft of government buildings and the
core island development particularly the monorail, the boulevard and also a
government convention centre. This is to be completed in 2003 instead of
2005," he said. The overall size of the government precint in Putrajaya is 25 million sq
ft, with 12 million sq ft constructed by PHSB to date.
Hashim said the overall cost of building remained at around RM23 billion. -- BERNAMA