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Pembedahan Kritikal atau UMNO Kritikal? By Man Kubur 7/2/2001 7:40 pm Wed |
Sikap Pak Lah untuk memasukkan Anwar ke penjara sebelum dirawat adalah
memang tidak patut sama sekali. Sudahlah Anwar dinafikan bantuan
perubatan setelah dilebamkan beberapa hari satu ketika dulu, sikap
Pak Lah hanya akan mengundang kemarahan rakyat yang sudah semakin
curiga dengan agenda Pak Lah sendiri yang mungkin kempunan untuk
menjadi PM satu hari nanti. Pemberitaan oleh media kroni akhir-akhir ini cuba menonjolkan rawatan
dalam negara oleh pakar tempatan sudah memadai tetapi mereka tidak pun
mahu menulis risiko jika pembedahan gagal. Ia boleh mengakibatkan LUMPUH
SELAMA-LAMAnya!! Saya memetik kenyataan Dr Halili:
Kenyataan tersebut menyebut tiga teknik pembedahan:
dan teknik yang paling kurang merbahaya adalah teknik pembedahan endoskopik
yang tidak ada kepakarannya di negara ini. Terpulanglah kepada pesakit dan
keluarga pesakit untuk menentukan cara yang terbaik kerana itu hak asas mereka.
Kita amat kesal berita meloya yang menggemburkan kepakaran pakar bedah negara
sedangkan kepakaran mereka hanya dalam teknik pembedahan biasa sahaja.
Teknik endoskopik dan mikroskopik adalah lebih moden dan selamat dan
doktor di negara ini tidak arif mengenainya.
Bernama melapurkan seorang professor dari U.S. membuat kenyataan kununnya
pakar bedah negara berkebolehan melakukan melalukan pembedahan saraf, tetapi
ia sengaja tidak melapurkan bahawa teknik itu boleh membawa kesan yang
dahsyat seandainya gagal. Pak Lah jangan bersikap remeh dalam perkara ini kerana kemarahan rakyat kini
umpama bom jangka yang boleh meledak bila-bila masa. Tersilap langkah Pak Lah
hanya membuka pintu kubur untuk diri sendiri untuk menjadi kutukkan pelbagai
generasi. Sanggupkah Pak Lah dikutuk semua termasuk ahli UMNO sendiri?
KENYATAAN MEDIA Keluarga dan peguam Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim membantah dengan
sekeras-kerasnya keputusan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Dato' Seri Abdullah Badawi
melalui pihak penjara untuk menyegerakan penghantaranDato' Seri Anwar
Ibrahim ke penjara Sungai Buloh sebelum pembedahannya dilakukan. Dato' Seri
Anwar Ibrahim juga diarah supaya dipindahkan dari lokap atas ke bilik
kurungan kecil yang biasa dikhaskan kepada pesakit jiwa atau sebagai hukuman
kepada banduan yang bertindak ganas. Arahan yang dibuat setelah Setiausaha
Politik kepada Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Othman Desa dan Setiausaha Sulit
kepada Timbalan Perdana Menteri melawat lokap Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim di
penjara Sungai Buloh. Sebelum ini panel doktor telah mencadangkan pihak penjara menyediakan paip
air untuk mandi dan tandas yang bersesuaian serta tirai untuk mandi di mana
kemudahan tersebut tidak ada semuanya. Pengubahsuaian telah dibuat di lokap
kurungan kecil untuk memaksa Dato' Seri Anwar berpindah ke situ. Kami amat
menyesali sikap Dato' Abdullah kerana sanggup mengambil tindakan peribadi
dan bermotif politik untuk menambah penderaan terhadap Dato' Seri Anwar yabg
kini dalam keadaan kesakitan akibat sakit tulang belakang.
Sebelum ini pihak peguam Dato' Seri Anwar telah memohon kepada pihak hospital untuk membenarkan pakar dari Jerman untuk memeriksa Dato' seri Anwar dan memberikan nasihat apakah jenis pembedahan yang paling sesuai dan mempunyai risiko yang paling rendah. Pihak kerajaan belum lagi membri kelulusan terhadap permohonan tersebut. Dato' Seri Anwar membuat permohonan untuk pakar dari Jerman bukanlah kerana tidak mempunyai keyakinan terhadap kewibawaan doktor-doktor Malysia. Permohonan tersebut adalah kerana :-
S.N. NAIR & PARTNERS Source: [BUNGARAYA] Anwar - Urgent Open Appeal to Abdullah
Urgent Open Appeal by DAP National Chairman Lim Kit Siang to Deputy Prime
Minister and Home Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on Tuesday, 6th
February 2001: Abdullah should leave clear instruction before leaving for his three-day
visit to Singapore tomorrow that Anwar should not be transferred back to a
smaller cell in Sungai Buloh Prison from Kuala Lumpur Hospital until full
completion of treatment for his spinal problem
==== I am making this urgent open appeal to the Deputy Prime Minister and Home
Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to leave clear instruction before
leaving for his three-day visit to Singapore tomorrow that former Deputy
Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim should not be transferred back to a
smaller cell in the Sungai Buloh Prison from the Kuala Lumpur Hospital until
full completion of treatment for his spinal problem.
Anwar Ibrahim's family, in a statement issued yesterday through Anwar's
solicitor, S. N. Nair and Partners, said Anwar is facing imminent transfer
back to Sungai Buloh Prison to a new jail cell that is smaller than the
previous one though surgery has not yet been performed on him.
This new cell is normally reserved for violent criminals and psychopaths as
a form of punishment. This instruction, said Nair, came soon after the Home Minister's political
and private secretaries visited the prison last week.
The panel of doctors attending to Anwar had recommended that Anwar's jail
cell be equipped with a pipe and toilet that would be more appropriate for
someone with a back condition. The Home Ministry then instructed the prison
authorities to fit the smaller cell with the required facilities and used
this as an excuse to transfer Anwar to the smaller cell.
Nair had written to the hospital on 5 and 22 February requesting surgery for
Anwar. The letters also requested permission for a German specialist to see
Anwar. To date, however, the request has not met with any response from the
hospital. A neurosurgeon, Dr Halili Rahmat, one of the doctors attending to Anwar,
has confirmed that the seven specialists are unanimous in their decision
that Anwar requires immediate surgery to correct his spinal problem.
Dr. Halili said: "After two months of non-surgical treatment, Anwar's
condition has not improved. Anwar is clearly in great pain due to pressure
being subjected on his nerve. All of us unanimously agree that immediate
surgery is required to correct the problem.
"But it is not as simple as that. There are three different types of surgery
that can be considered - conventional open surgery, endoscopic surgery and
microscopic surgery. It is up to the patient and the family to decide on
which technique they want. This is their right.
"The trouble is, while the conventional open surgery technique is available
locally, the other two techniques are still new to Malaysia and we don't
know much about them. Our professional opinion is we should invite the
German expert to Malaysia so that he can examine Anwar and review the
situation. We won't know which surgical technique is best for Anwar until
the German spine specialist examines Anwar."
If during Abdullah's three-day official visit to Singapore, Anwar is denied
full completion of treatment of his spinal problem and sent back to Sungai
Buloh prison from the Kuala Lumpur Hospital to a smaller cell, it would
smack of personal vindictiveness on Abdullah's part as the Minister in
charge of Prisons Department and would fuel a national and international
outrage highly detrimental to Abdullah's image and reputation - and would
even spoil his first official visit to Singapore.
The national and international furore that could ensue from such a reckless
disregard of the medical interests of Anwar would be reminiscent of the
furore after Anwar received the black eye and other injuries from the former
Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Rahim Noor, when handcuffed and
blindfolded in the Bukit Aman police headquarters lock-up. It would remind
Malaysians and the world that although Anwar had been in prison for 870
days, the former No. 1 Policeman has not served a day or even a second in
jail for his crime yet. I urge Abdullah to be considerate and to approve Anwar family's request to
allow the German expert to come to Malaysia to examine Anwar, especially as
he is an experienced doctor in endoscopic microsurgery, which is a new
surgery technique that allows for a minimum risk for patients, having
conducted about 6,000 such surgeries with a 90 percent success rate and
demonstrate that he represents a more compassionate government when he takes
over as Prime Minister. Sumber: AFP Hospitalised Anwar says he'll be returned to jail within days
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 5 (AFP) - Jailed Malaysian politician
Anwar Ibrahim, who has been in hospital for over two months
with acute back pain, says the government plans to move him
back to a prison cell "in a matter of days."
Doctors have said the former deputy premier needs spinal
surgery. Anwar's family and lawyers, in a statement Monday, said Home
Affairs Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi "has instructed the
prisons department to expedite his return to prison even
before the operation has been performed on him."
The statement said a detention room at Sungai Buloh jail,
which is smaller than Anwar's previous cell, was currently
being fitted with a shower and toilet to receive him.
Lawyer Sankara Nair said the information came from Anwar
himself but he could not reveal the source of it.
"Anwar has information that the work is being done now and
his transfer is imminent -- in a matter of days," Nair told
AFP. Last week the home ministry said Anwar would not be returned
to jail against medical advice. It was not known if doctors
had yet been consulted on any move. "We as lawyers and family deeply regret Abdullah's actions
which appear personally and politically motivated," the
statement said. It said Anwar was in severe pain and any move would prolong
his "torture." Anwar is serving a total of 15 years after being convicted
in separate trials of abuse of power and s###my.
He says his former mentor, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad,
orchestrated a conspiracy to frame him because he was seen
as a political threat. The government denies any plot.
Anwar has been in Kuala Lumpur General Hospital since
November 25. His family and lawyers say he needs specialist
endoscopic microsurgery which should be conducted overseas
in a dedicated spinal centre. Abdullah said recently that according to expert opinion the
surgery could be performed in Malaysia.
Anwar's lawyers have sought permission to bring in a German
spinal specialist to examine him but Nair said Monday that
no reply had been received so far. Anwar, in a statement through his lawyers last week, said
close aides of Abdullah inspected his cell last month in
apparent preparation for returning him to jail.
A home ministry spokesman confirmed at the time that the
aides visited the jail and saw Anwar's cell. He described it
as a general visit to the prison not specifically related to
Anwar. "It is up to the doctors. We will not force him to go back
if the doctors say no," the ministry spokesman said at the
time. Monday's statement from the family said Anwar had an
"inalienable right" to choose what kind of surgery he should
undergo. It said he was not disparaging local medical skills but
there were no dedicated spinal surgeons in Malaysia able to
conduct such microsurgery. |