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ACA, UMNO money politics and Taib Mahmud By Lim Kit Siang 5/2/2001 9:51 pm Mon |
[Tiga isu menjadi fokus kenyataan oleh LKS, tetapi nampaknya rencana
Asiaweek lebih menonjol. LKS mempersoalkan kenapa gambar menjadi isu
tetapi tidak pula isi yang tersiar itu?
LKS menyelar sikap BPR yang gempar dengan skandal Datuk Murad menjelang
pilihanraya tetapi diam terus selepasnya. Sampai sekarang tidak ada nombor
akaun disiarkan walaupun berbilion kununnya telah masuk dan keluar 20 akaun
utama. Kini sudah ada satu laman web yang memuatkan skandal Taib Mahmud pula tetapi
BPR masih tidak berbuat apa-apa. Apakah BPR hanya bekerja untuk kepentingan
diktator presiden UMNO sahaja? Patutlah skandal Abol Hassan diperapkan sahaja.
- Editor] ACA, UMNO money politics and Taib Mahmud
Media Statement by DAP National Chairman Lim Kit Siang in Petaling Jaya on
Friday, 2nd February 2001: ACA should explain its impotence on rampant money politics in UMNO and
whether it has set up high-level investigation into serious allegations of
corruption and abuses of power against Taib Mahmud made by an Internet site
The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad yesterday slammed the
Asiaweek news magazine for deliberately publishing a picture of him in its
Jan 26 issue with an attempt to portray him as a foolish and tired-looking
person when Asiaweek had persuaded him to come out from his Putrajaya
office at the Prime Minister's Department to take nearly 200 photographs,
stating that "To find a picture that makes you look as if you are an idiot,
is deliberatly done". Although the Asiaweek captioned Mahathir's picture with the words "Is the
prime minister being left behind by a new Malaysia that he helped build?"
and depicted Mahathir as a person "slumped in his chair and appeared tired
and worn down by the unprecedented criticism of his rule" in the preface to
the magazine's interview with Mahathir, Malaysians are more interested in
what the Prime Minister said in the interview.
It is very significant that Mahathir did not complain about the
question-and-answer interview carried by Asiaweek, which would indicate that
Mahathir is happy about its accuracy but not the photograph chosen or the
captions used. It is rather disappointing that in his first public comment on the Asiaweek
interview, he did not take the opportunity clarify two impressions, firstly,
that he had not learnt the lessons as to why there had been a continued
erosion of political support for UMNO and Barisan Nasional since the last
general elections in November 1999, continuing to blame Anwar Ibrahim for
all his political problems and UMNO's woes; and secondly, his repetition of
the baseless allegation that "Some Chinese are extremists" because of their
support for "meritocracy", clearly referring to the Suqiu election appeals.
Mahathir's Asiaweek interview has also highlighted the impotence of ACA,
which should explain why it is so incompetent as unable to prosecute anyone
for rampant money politics in UMNO when the Prime Minister had publicly
admitted its seriousness - again in the Asiaweek interview - and wept many
times over it in public. The following extracts are from the transcript of the Asiaweek interview:
It is perfectly natural for the UMNO grassroots to feel entitled to their "few dollars" when their leaders "make so much money for themselves" as the grassroots would be the best persons to know when their leaders suddenly strike rich and change their lifestyles as a result of their political positions. If the leaders are corrupt, nobody has the moral right to ask the followers
to be clean. Mahathir will only be right in demanding that the UMNO
grassroots stick to the straight and narrow path of honesty and dedication
if he is prepared to cleanse the whole Augean stables in UMNO and rid it of
corruption and money politics, starting from the top downwards instead of
bottom upwards! When the former Bank Negara assistant governor Datuk Abdul Murad Khalid made
a statutory declaration in October 1999 alleging that the former Deputy
Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had amassed a fortune of RM3
billion while in government through 20 "Master Accounts", ACA
director-general, Datuk Ahmad Zaki Hussin swung into action and announced
that the ACA had set up a special high-level team to investigate into
Murad's allegations against Anwar, claiming that almost every paragraph of
Murad's seven-page statutory declaration contained some information on
corruption. When the 1999 general elections were over, nothing more has been heard
about this high-level ACA investigation.
Did Zaki and the ACA set up a special high-level investigation team into the
rampant money politics in UMNO when the UMNO President had publicly admitted
its seriousness and wept several times over it?
Zaki and ACA officials had said more than once that they would glean
information about corruption from any source, whether from "surat layang" or
from the Internet. Since last week, a website has appeared on the Internet making serious
allegations of corruption and abuses of power against the Sarawak Chief
Minister, Tan Sri Taib Mahmud, and anyone visiting it would find it crammed
with details and documentation. Has the ACA set up a high-level investigation team to probe into all the
allegations made on this website, which has attracted over 10,000 visitors,
and is the Sarawak Chief Minister prepared to issue a comprehensive
statement to clear his name with regard to all the allegations on this
website before the holding of the Sarawak state general elections?