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Gambar Dungu?? Kamera Tidak Menipu!!
By MSuri

4/2/2001 9:30 pm Sun

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Mahathir menuduh majalah Asiaweek sengaja memilih gambarnya yang menggambarkan beliau seorang yang dungu.

"Mereka mestinya telah mengambil 200 keping foto tetapi memilih untuk menyiarkan gambar yang 'paling cocok' , demikian mengikut lapuran Bernama.

Mahathir dilapurkan merasa tertipu oleh senyuman dan kemesraan pemberita Asiaweek itu. (Apakah Mahathir cemburu gambar mudanya yang tersenyum itu di Lunas sudah tidak mampu untuk menipu dan memikat pengundi lagi? Tidakkah Mahathir sedar dia menipu sehingga menangis bile bercakap perihal korupsi?)

Mengikut Berita Harian pula Tengku Adnan menafikan beberapa lapuran Asiweek yang dikatakan tidak benar. Tetapi dia sekadar menghantar bantahan sahaja. Tiada saman dikeluarkan dan tidak ada demo yang dirancang untuk memboikot atau mengharamkan Asiaweek. Nampaknya orang kuat Umno pun was-was juga, mungkin ada benar juga lapuran itu agaknya?

Lagipun bukan Asiaweek sahaja melapurkan Datuk Shahrir menghentam Mahathir. Ia sudah kedengaran dan tersebar ke serata dunia sejak Lunas tertewas.


Banyak cawangan sudah bising mengenai kenyataan Shahrir - patutlah Mahathir terkilan betul sehingga gambar pun nak dimarahinya. Mungkin Mahathir perlu bertanya kepada dirinya sendiri, mengapa BN memilih gambar Anwar yang paling sesuai juga semasa kempen pilihanraya yang lepas. Ia tersiar di kaca TV dan di dada akhbar satu gambar yang mencerminkan Anwar 'pening kepala'.

Iklan tersebut menyalahi etika iklan kerana tidak boleh mengatakan jenama lain secara terus terang. Kerapkali iklan sabun misalnya hanya memaparkan kotak putih berjenama X sahaja kerana jika mereka menyebut nama tersebut sudah pasti melentinglah dan berperanglah semua mereka yang tekena.

Minggu ini beberapa kaset dan VCD reformasi dirampas di Kampung Baru dan di Jalan Pahang Barat. Dua peniaga ditahan tetapi yang menghairankan kita kenapa pengedar video buatan UMNO di Lunas dan di sekitar KL dan Cheras satu ketika dulu masih tidak diapa-apakan sampai sekarang. Jika video itu benar mengapa tidak dijadikan sahaja bukti di mahkamah?

Teknik menggunakan gambar memang berkesan, apatah lagi jika gambar tersebut satu foto yang sahih dan meyakinkan. Di Lunas terbukti gambar Anwar yang lebam berjaya menewaskan gambar Mahathir yang muda dan tersenyum girang. Mahathir sendiri turut memperakui Lunas tertewas kerana gambarnya turut menjadi punca kerana 'as if we are involved in the crime' (seolah-olah kami mengizinkan jenayah lebam itu), kata beliau.

Kalau dulu Ku Li terkena dengan gambar tengkolok, Anwar cuba dikenakan dengan gambar menari pula menjelang pilihanraya tetapi tidak berjaya. Mungkin Mahathir sendiri terasa bila foto ber'kucu kota hey' beliau tersebar walau belum setahun menjadi 'pak haji' yang entah dimana ketayapnya.

Gambar Oh Gambar - Ramai orang boleh terketar-ketar. Jangan terk*nc*ng dalam seluar, nanti tertangkap juga gambar.......

Rencana Rujukkan:

Asiaweek : Letters & Comment "Mahathir's Dilemma,"

From Asiaweek

Issue 9th February 2001

Letters & Comment

Mahathir: 'I just don't care. I do what I think I should do, and I am satisfied with the results. I know what they say about me is not true, but I cannot make them believe otherwise.' - The PM on negative opinions of him {Jan. 26}

It is sad to see a leader who has done so much for his country being humiliated by a member of his own party {"Mahathir's Dilemma," THE NATIONS, Jan 26}. Must Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's fate be like that of the predecessor he so mercilessly tormented 30 years ago, Tunku Abdul Rahman? It's ironic. The Tunku was hounded out of office despite having led his country to independence, and then was ignominiously ignored. The old man bitterly lamented that even the country's history books did not mention his name in recounting the path to freedom.

Will Mahathir too be left whining and sulking over an ungrateful nation while he pens his memoirs? Had Mahathir promised when he assumed power in 1981, half - no, a quarter - of what he has now achieved, it would have been dismissed as a fantasy. Mahathir should be enjoying the status of an elder statesman whose wise counsel is eagerly sought, and devoting time to his lovely grandchildren. Instead he had to endure such insolence from the anopheles of his party.

Mahathir once quipped that he would like to be succeeded by his clone. Alas, there is no budding Mahathir out there. The man has many gifts, but attracting young talented Malaysians into his cabinet is not one of them. This more than anything else is the most glaring failure of his leadership.

M. Bakri Musa
Morgan Hill, California

Dr. Mahathir is yesterday's news. He can't or won't change and has been left behind by the passage of time. He is Malaysia's malaise. Will history judge him well? Perhaps a better question is whether history will remember him at all.

Howard Hendricks, Jr.
Gary, Indiana

If Mahathir had retired the same time as Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore, he would have ranked among the top three Asian leaders during the second half of the 20th century. Even his critics will concede that the prime minister was largely responsible for Malaysia's economic development. It will be a shame if his political era ends with only the legacy of Anwar Ibrahim's black-eye. Mahathir is stubborn, but he is also very intelligent. Hopefully he will do what must be done to end his political career on a high note, not an "I don't care." By the way, the U.S. government loan he refers to - to Chrysler - {"When You Grow Old, You Face Reality," INTERVIEW} was repaid in full and did not harm the American taxpayers.

Myint Thein
Dallas, Texas

None within the existing Malaysian cabinet has the necessary social as well as political standing to take over the baton once Mahathir's rule comes to an end. His successor will need to have influence not only within the United Malays National Organization but among Islamic fundamentalists, the Chinese and Indian communities and the supporters of the onetime heir to the leadership, Anwar Ibrahim. The changeover will be a nightmare for the nation, which Mahathir claims to have transformed from underdeveloped to what it is today - a mega-mall replete with gigantic and grotesque buildings.

Mark M. Chan
via the Internet

Malaysia's Poor Indians
The Indians in Malaysia are in the plight you describe because, politically, they do not have the numbers and they contribute little to the national economy {"Forgotten Community," THE NATIONS, Jan. 26}. Any politician in his or her right mind would not take up this issue because it would not serve their career. The Indians' future is very bleak indeed.

Joe Krishnan
via the Internet

The Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC), the Indians' only political party, must make a difference. To move forward, the MIC needs a strong opposing Indian party, which will keep it on its toes. That political party could also be a member of the Barisan Nasional coalition.

Vickneswaran Kanagasingam
Kuala Lumpur

Mahathir accuses magazine of making him look like an "idiot"

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 1 (AFP) - Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad accused Asiaweek news magazine Thursday of deliberately using a cover photograph of him which makes him look like an idiot.

"To find a picture that makes you look as if you are an idiot, is deliberately done," he told reporters.

"They must have taken nearly 200 photos but chose that 'so right' photograph," Bernama news agency quoted him as saying in answer to a question.

The photo appeared on the cover of the January 26 issue of the Hong Kong-based news magazine, which also carried an interview.

During the interview, the magazine said, Mahathir "slumped in his chair and appeared tired and worn down by the unprecedented criticism of his rule."

Bernama quoted Mahathir, 75, as saying he was taken in by the smiling and friendly interviewers.

Mahathir, speaking at the administrative capital of Putrajaya south of Kuala Lumpur, said he had a right to look tired.

"I work about 24 hours a day and I rest a little. I cannot do any work in the office because so many people come to see me. I go home and sit down and write all my letters, speeches and other correspondence."

In the Asiaweek interview the premier, a doctor by profession, defended his record and denied accusations of cronyism.

But asked about his career regrets he was quoted as saying: "Maybe I regret going into politics. I should have stayed a doctor.

"When I was practising I was very popular. People loved me."

Asked by Asiaweek what he thought he would be remembered for, Mahathir replied: "I don't care."

Mahathir said Thursday that if people recognised his achievements, "it is okay, but if they don't recognise it, it is okay too.

"I won't be around anyway ... I would be hovering up there, looking down."

Berita Harian:

Laporan Asiaweek disifatkan pembohongan

31 January 2001

KUALA LUMPUR, Rabu - Umno menegaskan Ahli Majlis Tertinggi (MT), Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad, tidak pernah mengeluar atau membuat kenyataan seperti yang dilaporkan oleh majalah Asiaweek keluaran 26 Januari lalu.

Sehubungan itu, parti utama Barisan Nasional (BN) itu menghantar surat bantahan rasmi kepada majalah berkenaan hari ini sambil menyifatkan laporan artikel bertajuk Mahathir?s Dilemma (Dilema Mahathir) sebagai satu pembohongan besar dan sengaja dilakukan untuk melaga-laga pemimpin Umno.

Surat bantahan yang ditandatangani Setiausaha Eksekutif Umno, Senator Datuk Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, menegaskan: ?Shahrir tidak pernah mengeluar atau membuat sebarang kenyataan kepada Perdana Menteri dalam mesyuarat yang disebut dalam artikel anda. Ini adalah satu pembohongan yang terang-terangan dan laporan tidak adil dari pihak anda.?

Asiaweek keluaran 26 Januari lalu melalui artikel tulisan Peter Cordingley itu antara lain menyebut:

?Tetapi kali ini Perdana Menteri menjadi penerima akhir. Senario adalah mesyuarat majlis tertinggi parti pemerintah pada awal Disember lalu. Ketika semua pegawai kanan memerhati dalam keadaan terpegun, seorang ahli veteran, Shahrir Abdul Samad, memberitahu Perdana Menteri bahawa beliau adalah punca kerajaan mengalami aib kekalahan pilihan raya kecil hanya beberapa hari sebelum itu.?

Melalui surat itu, Tengku Adnan turut mempersoalkan tindakan melampau Asiaweek yang ternyata bukan sahaja mencetus isu berikutan kekalahan BN di pilihan raya kecil Dewan Undangan Negeri Lunas, November lalu, bahkan usaha jelas untuk melaga-lagakan sesama pemimpin Umno.

?Saya juga keliru dengan kewibawaan sumber anda walaupun anda menyebut sumber berkenaan sebagai ?ahli parti? yang hadir di mesyuarat itu. Ini jelas menunjukkan usaha memalsukan fakta di pihak anda,? katanya.

Justeru, beliau mendesak majalah berkenaan supaya lebih bertanggungjawab dan menyiasat kesahihan fakta artikel sebelum menyiarkannya.

Laporan keterlaluan seperti itu katanya, hanya menjejaskan kewibawaan Asiaweek sebagai majalah disegani masyarakat antarabangsa.

?Umno berharap Asiaweek akan lebih bertanggungjawab dalam menyiarkan laporan membabitkan isu Umno pada masa depan. Sekurang-kurangnya cuba bersikap objektif dan siasat semula fakta sebelum menerbit artikel atau laporan,? katanya.

Source: The Singapore Straits Times
3rd February 2001

Mahathir photo: Asiaweek denies it had an agenda

It was struck by 'how tired Malaysian leader looked'

By Francis

KUALA LUMPUR - Hongkong-based Asiaweek magazine yesterday said that it was struck by how tired Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad looked in the picture that it chose for its cover. But it denied that it had any agenda in using this picture.

'All of us who were there were struck by how tired he seemed,' editor Dorinda Elliott told The Associated Press.

'We thought the pictures we ran were reflective of what we were struck by.'

'We certainly did not have an agenda,' Ms Elliott said.

Speaking to Malaysian journalists on Thursday, Dr Mahathir, 75, slammed the magazine for articles and pictures published in its Jan 26 issue based on an interview conducted at his new administrative capital, Putrajaya.

Bernama quoted Dr Mahathir as saying that 'to find a picture that makes you look as if you are an idiot, is deliberately done.'

'They must have taken nearly 200 photos but chose that 'so right' photograph.'

Dr Mahathir rarely gives interviews to foreign news organisations, which he often accuses of portraying Malaysia through a prism of pro-Western, anti-Asian values.

Dr Mahathir claimed that he was taken in by friendly interviewers who persuaded him to come out from his offices to take pictures, Bernama said.

The Prime Minister appeared irked by a photo that showed him outdoors, with Putrajaya's buildings as a backdrop, and captioned: 'Is the Prime Minister being left behind by a new Malaysia that he helped build?'

The article noted that during the interview, Dr Mahathir slumped in his chair 'and appeared tired and worn down by unprecedented criticism of his rule.'

Bernama quoted Dr Mahathir as saying that anyone who worked as hard as he did would be tired.

The picture was taken by Munshi Ahmed for Asiaweek.--AP

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