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Penyatuan Semua Fokus PAS. By Kapal Berita 8/1/2001 11:40 am Mon |
PAS menunjukkan kematangan berpolitik bila menyarankan penyatuan
keseluruhan rakyat dibincang diperingkat parlimen. Sekaligus
umno termalu sendiri dengan isu 'penyatuan melayu' yang bukan
sahaja membimbangkan kaum Cina tetapi seluruh pelabur, khususnya
di luar negara. Keadaan pasaran saham kini cukup membimbangkan
pemimpin Umno. Siapakah punca ketidak tentuan itu jika tidak
pemimpin atasan Umno sendiri? BERNAMA GUNAKAN PERKATAAN 'PUT ASIDE' PULA
Nampaknya Bernama menggunakan perkataan 'put aside' pula
setelah 'gugur' selang beberapa jam satu komen dibuat oleh
penganalisis politik tempatan. Yang menarik lapuran Bernama menyebut BA telah lama berunding
dengan Suqui sejak sebulan lalu persetujuan untuk 'put aside'
(ketepikan dulu) tujuh rayuan yang menyentuh hak Melayu.
MATANG BERPOLITIK BA tidak menggunakan sebarang kekata tidak enak kepada Suqui
tetapi presiden UMNO lah yang begitu galak mengutuk Suqui
sehingga BN kecundang di Lunas. Pemimpin UMNO dan MCA pula sering mengambil dan menolak kata
bila mereka gusar kepada kekalahan. Mereka menerima Suqui
sebelum pemilu Nov 99 lalu, tetapi mereka menolak pula selepas
Ogos 2000. Sikap kepura-puraan pemimpin Umno itu menyebabkan
BN tewas di Lunas dan bursa saham meragam sampai ke hari ini.
Bukankah itu semua satu 'demo khas' dari kaum Cina dan pelabur
buat Umno yang masih tidak faham? Kini pada Jan 2001 mereka menggunakan ugutan untuk
memaksa Suqui mengenepikan 7 rayuan sedangkan itu tidak perlu
dilakukan kerana BA sudah lama memahami cetusan Suqui itu
hanyalah rayuan yang memang tidak bermaksud untuk menyanggah
keistimewaan orang Melayu. Komen Lim Kit Siang cukup menarik perhatian, di mana pemimpin
Umno dan akhbar harian sengaja memilih kata-kata yang menyakitkan
untuk mencapai sesuatu yang diinginkan. Apakah mereka itu faham
atau berpura-pura tidak faham? Disinilah terjawab arti keikhlasan.
Rencana Rujukkan:
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 6 (Bernama) -- PAS wants the proposed Umno-PAS-Keadilan
talks to be a delegation-level meeting and not one involving just the
presidents of the three parties. "This is to allow more views to be presented," PAS president Datuk Fadzil
Noor told reporters at the party's headquarters here on Saturday after the
PAS Central Commiteee met to decide on the format for the talks.
Umno had proposed the "Malay unity" talks among the presidents of the three
parties with the option of delegations joining the discussions.
Fadzil said PAS wants the discussions to cover issues of national interests
as well and not be restricted to Malay unity.
He said it would be inappropriate for the meeting to discuss the interests
of just one race because talks on unity should cover all the races in the
country. Asked if other parties should also be included in the talks, Fadzil said
PAS at this stage was accepting Umno's proposal for a meeting among Umno,
PAS and Keadilan, but would later think of including leaders from parties
representing other communities. He said PAS had set up a technical committee headed by party
secretary-general Nasharudin Mat Isa to discuss with representatives from
Umno and Keadilan on the procedures for the meeting.
Only after that could the meeting's scope and agenda could be discussed, he
said. Fadzil confirmed that he received a letter on the proposed talks from Prime
Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who is Umno president, a few days
ago. He said he would reply to the letter once Dr Mahathir returns from Myanmar
next week. "We will discuss about the venue and time for the meeting later, but PAS is
suggesting that it be held at Parliament House," he said.
The PAS chief said the party would send its top leaders to the meeting and
hoped Umno and Keadilan would do likewise.
On Suqui's decision yesterday to "put aside" seven election appeals
touching on Malay rights, Fadzil said the Chinese lobby group had already
agreed to do that at a meeting with the Barisan Alternatif (BA) secretariat
led by Dr Chandra Muzaffar last month.
"We (BA) have long regarded the issue as settled but we are uncertain as to
whether the Government will accept the other (76) appeals," he said.
--BERNAMA Source: [BUNGARAYA] Suqiu puts aside 7 points
Speech by DAP National Chairman Lim Kit Siang at the Petaling Jaya DAP
Dinner held in Petaling Jaya on Saturday, January 6, 2001 at 9 p.m.
Suqiu Committee should clarify and rectify the general impression that it
had withdrawn seven of its 83-point election appeals
The Suqiu-UMNO Youth joint statement yesterday that in view of "the
prevailing ethnic tension", agreed that seven of its 83-point election
appeals be "put aside, is a victory for communal political blackmail and a
sad day for healthy democratic development in a new Malaysia.
It is particularly sad that despite two recent statements by Suqiu
Committee to reiterate that it had respected and never challenged Article
153 of the Malaysian Constitution on the special positions of the Malays
and natives of any of the states of Sabah and Sarawak, the Suqiu Committee
had been forced to compromise its position on seven of the election appeals.
MCA President and Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Ling Liong Sik, who
had called on Suqui to "drop" the "sensitive" appeals, had said that only
2% of the appeals are questionable - but it would now appear that it is
close to 10 per cent of the Suqiu Appeals which are regarded as objectionable.
There was a campaign to escalate ethnic tensions over the Suqiu Appeals,
but this is not the work either of the Suqiu Committee, the over 2,000
organisations which endorsed the Suqiu Appeals or Malaysians who supported
the Suqiu Appeals - as all they wanted was to exercise their democratic
right to express their aspirations for a new Malaysia where there is
genuine national unity, justice, freedom and good governance and there was
no attempt by anyone of them to create social unrest and ethnic tensions.
Those who tried to escalate ethnic tensions had clearly acted under
official blessings, making not only provocative statements but also actions
designed to polarise the country communally - utterly reckless of the harm
they were doing to the economy and image of the country. However, they
had not been very successful, for even the Malays have seen through their
ulterior political agenda. I had said that the Suqiu-UMNO Youth joint statement is a sad day for
healthy democratic development in Malaysia for without challenging the
constitutionally-entrenched sensitive issues, there should be room for
Malaysians to raise and discuss important and fundamental questions
affecting nation building in a plural society in the best interests of the
country in an open, civil and democratic environment, without any attempt
by anyone to threaten an ethnic confrontation or escalation of ethnic
tensions. What exactly is the agreement reached between Suqiu Committee and UMNO Youth?
The Joint Statement in English used the term "put aside" the seven points
regarded by UMNO Youth as having "touched on the special position and
rights of Bumiputeras", the Bahasa Malaysia version used the term
"diketepikan" while the Chinese version used the term "kerk zhie".
The Chairman of Suqiu Committee, Quek Suan Hiang, has issued a statement
criticising the Bahasa Malaysia print media for distorting the joint
statement in using terms like "gugur" and "tarik balik".
However, it is not just the Bahasa Malaysia media which gave front-page
headlines like "Suqiu gugur 7 tuntutan - empat pertemuan tertutup selama 24
jam tamatkan kontroversi" (Utusan Malaysia) and "Suqiu gugur 7 tuntutan -
berkait hak, keistimewaan orang Melayu", this is also the language used by
the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as well as MCA
and Gerakan leaders in their comments on the Suqiu-UMNO Youth joint statement.
Utusan Malaysia quoted Abdullah as praising Suqiu's decision - (tindakan
Suqiu menarik balik tuntutan yang mempertikaikan hak dan keistimewaan orang
Melayu") - as a victory for Malaysians.
MCA Deputy President, Datuk Lim Ah Lek said Suqiu made the right decision
to "drop the controversial points" (NST) while Gerakan deputy president
Datuk Kerk Choo Ting said "it is a good thing that the committee withdrew
some of the sensitive demands" (NST). Quek has denied that the Suqiu Committee has agreed to "drop", "withdraw"
or "retract" the seven points referred in the joint statement.
In view of the confusion which has been created, the Suqiu Committee and
UMNO Youth should clarify and rectify the general impression given to the
government and the people that Suqiu Committee had withdrawn seven of its
83-point election appeals, and in particular whether "put aside",
"diketepikan" and "kerk zhie" whether separately or collectively tantamount
to "drop", "withdraw" and "retract". Furthermore, the question has also to be addressed as to whether the Suqiu
Appeals, endorsed by over 2,000 organisations, could be varied in any
manner by the Suqiu Committee without the consent or reference back to
these over 2,000 organisations? -Lim Kit Siang- |