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Suspend MAS Bailout to Restore Market Confidence? By Lim Kit Siang 7/1/2001 11:07 pm Sun |
[Kejatuhan bursa saham bermula sejak Mahathir berbiadap kata semasa
perutusan merdeka. Dia kemudiannya meniup kembali isu Suqui bila
mentari Lunas memancarkan sinarnya. Saham tidak pula menjunam di hari
pertama Suqui merayukan rayuannya menjelang pilihanraya umum setahun
lebih yang lalu. Tidakkah semua fakta sejarah ini sudah cukup untuk
mengajar kita siapakah yang betul-betul ekstrim dan merbahaya?
Suquikah atau Mahathir itu sendiri? - Editor]
Suspend MAS bailout to restore market confidence?
Media Statement by DAP National Chairman Lim Kit Siang in Penang on Sunday, January 7,
2001: Daim should suspend the outrageous RM1.792 billion MAS deal to bail out
Tajudin Ramli to restore confidence in the Malaysian economy and the stock
market Yesterday, the Finance Minister, Tun Daim Zainuddin admitted for the first
time that the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) had been a victim of
extremist and irresponsible politicking over the Suqiu Appeals when he
expressed his belief that the stock exchange "would pick up" now that the
Suqiu issue had been "resolved". He said this "denotes the beginning of a pick-up".
It is sad that the economic welfare and interests of the country had
repeatedly been sacrificed to serve the political agenda of extremist,
irresponsible and desperate politicians as happened in the Suqiu
controversy - where the attempt to escalate ethnic tensions came solely
from a small group of people from one side.
Even now, this group of extremist, irresponsible and desperate politicians
are not fully prepared to stop their attempt to escalate ethnic tensions to
serve their ulterior political motives.
Daim should realise however that the Suqiu issue and the attempt to
escalate ethnic tensions was not the sole cause for the poor performance of
the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange, and why the forecast by the Deputy Finance
Minister (1) Datuk Shafie Mohd Salleh four months ago on Sept. 12, 2000
that the KLSE Composite Index (CI) would rebound to the 1,000-point level
by the end of last year had completely gone wide off the mark.
In actual fact, last year ended with the CI at its lowest level not only
for the year but a 14-month low, and in the first week of the new year, it
had hit a 17-month low. The manner in which those in power had condoned the extremist,
irresponsible and desperate politicos to communalise the Suqiu controversy,
threatening an escalation of ethnic tensions and polarisation, is only one
reason for the general economic, political and nation-building gloom
surrounding the stock exchange and the Malaysian economy.
If the government is serious in wanting to restore confidence in the
economy and the stock exchange, then it should convince Malaysians and
foreign investors that there would be an end to the corporate shenanigans
reeking with cronyism, bad corporate governance and the sacrifice of the
interest of minority shareholders like the restructuring of Renong-UEM, the
"bail-out" buying of 29.9% MAS equity by the Government at RM8 per share
while the market value was RM3.68 and the RM6 billion government bail-out
of the Light Rail Transit and public transport system.
Although Daim said that he had yet to decide on the person likely to head
Malaysian Airlines - probably the greatest thing the Finance Minister can
do to boost investor confidence about the government's seriousness about
corporate reforms and economic restructuring is to end the abuses of
privatisation where profits are privatised and colossal losses are
re-nationalised by suspending the outrageous RM1.792 billion MAS deal and
bail-out of Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli and Naluri Bhd by paying a premium of
RM4.32 or 117 per cent over the market price of the MAS share of RM3.68.
-Lim Kit Siang- |