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TJ MT MGG: Polis Dan Pesalah Undang-Undang Lalulintas By M.G.G. Pillai 24/12/2000 3:17 am Sun |
MGG160 Kalau polis meminta satu waran tangkap terbaru bagi 275,000 kes yang lama, para
mejistret terpaka membuat penjelasan kenapa mereka memenuhi permintaan polis itu.
Seandainya waran dikeluarkan ketika para pesalah gagal menghadirkan diri di mahkamah,
terpaksa pula pihak polis membuat penjelasan kenapa mereka mengabaikan perkara itu
sehingga kini. Sesiapa yang ditahan dalam operai yang dijalankan kini harus bertanya di
mahkamah bilakah saman itu dikeluarkan, bila pula tarikh kes itu dibentangkan di mahkamah
dan bila pula waran tangkap dikeluarkan. Kalau ada waran yang dikeluarkan tetapi
dikuatkuasakan beberapa tahun kemudiannya, kes itu harus dicabar di mahkamah. Kalau anda
meminta dibicarakan, kes terhadap anda itu tidak dapat dibuktikan. Semua ini memerlukan
masa dan wang. Rakyat Malaysia pada kelazimannya tidak akan berjuang untuk
mempertahankan haknya. Pihak polis memang mudah bertindak mengikut perasaan mereka. Jikalau anda ditangkap
kerana memandu laju di lebuhraya, anda patut ditahan dan diberikan saman. Saman ekor
yang dibuat selepas anda ditangkap oleh pancaran laser yang mengesan kelajuan anda itu,
memang tidak boleh dipakai. Tetapi, apabila anda memperbaharui cukai jalan, anda akan
ditahan melainkan anda melunaskan kes memandu laju yang tidak pun wujud itu. Mahkamah
Tinggi telah menentukan bahawa Jabatan Perkhimdaatn Jalan tidak boleh menolak
mendaftarkan kenderaaan seteiap yagn memohonnya walaupun namanya sudah
disenarai-hitamkan. Tetap, ketua JPJ telah bertindak untuk mengenepikan peraturan itu.
Oleh krana kerajaan gagal melunaskan pembayaran, ramai peniaga kecilan yang terdesak
dan mencungap untuk terus berniaga. Mujur ada Petronas yang mempunyai dana untuk
menyelamatkan kerajaan daripad menjadi muflis. Kerajaan telah menswastakan dan juga
mengkorporatkan beberapa jawatan yang memberikannya dana untuk perbelanjaan hariannya;
Telekom, Tenaga, Pos, Cukai Pendapatan. Kerajan tidak pernah mahu mengaku betapa ia
gagal menangani ekonomi negara ataupun berjimat dengan belanjanya ataupun bertindak
mengatasi masalah yang ada. Kebelakangan ini kerajaan lebih berminat menunjuk-nunjuk
betapa ekonomi negara terus berkembang dan bagaimana ia berjaya menanganinya. Inilah
satu sandiwara betapa semuanya berjalan dengan baik sedangkan perkara sebenarnya adalah
terbalik. Menteri Kewangan, Tun Daim, yang selama ini memang tidak pernah menolak
peluang memuja-muji ekonomi Malaysia kini bersikap diam membatu. Tetapi menteri
pertahanan telah membuat pengumuman mengenai tiga projek besar tentera di mana tiga
orang kroni menerima kontrak, termasuk pembinaan pangkalan kapalselam. Apa yang akan
dibina seterusnaya memang akan muncul secara tangkas dan tegas.
Tindakan kerajaan sekarang ini membuktikan dua perkara: Pertama, ia cuba menekan mereka
yang tidak lagi mahu menyokongnya; kedua, semua institusinya sudah begitu sengkek,
haprak dan rasuah keadaannya, ia tidak mampu melaksanakan aktibiti itu tanpa
menyusahkan orang ramai sehingga ia mencetuskan kemarahan rakyat lagi. Sebagai
contohnya rakyat tidak diberitahu apakah batasan yang terdapat pada setiap balai polis
apabila diserbu oleh rakayt yang mahukan maklumat. Di balai polis Jalan Bandar, Kuala
Lumpur mereka hanya mampu menangani 400 pemeriksaan dan permintaan untuk kepastian.
Di Lembah Pantai hanya 200 sahaja dan di Pos Polis Mega Mall hanya setakat 100 sahaja.
Ini bereti sesiapa yang datang selepas 10 pagi tidak akan sempat diberikan layanan.
Tidak ada sebarang papan tanda mengenainya dan orang ramai hanya mengetahui keadaan
sebenar selepas beratur lama-lama. Di sebaliknya pula kita diberitahu melalui media
betapa pihak polis sanggup bersengkang mata hingga larut malam untuk memenuhi permintaan
orang ramai. -MGG Pillai- Rencana Asal: When a policeman gives you a ticket for a traffic offence,
you acknowledge it by signing it. It asks you to settle the
matter at the police station or appear in court. If you do
neither, the magistrate issues a warrant of arrest if the
police requests it. The police, in the current blitz, did
not act as it should. Over the years, it ignored 600,000
traffic summonses, but the home ministry exempts all before
1990. If the police obtained fresh warrants of arrest for
the 275,000, the magistrates must explain why they allowed
it. If the warrants were issued at the time the offenders
did not turn up in court, the police should explain why it
ignored it until now. Those caught in the blitz should ask
when produced in court when the summons was issued, when the
court hearing was, and when the warrant of arrest was
issued. If there is a warrant and it is executed years
later, that should be challenged. If you claim trial, the
case against you cannot be proved. But it takes time and
money, and Malaysians, as a rule, would not fight for their
rights. The police take the law into their own hands. If you
are caught speeding on the highway, you must be stopped and
the summons issued. The "saman ekor", issued after an
electronic beam finds you speeding, is not valid. Yet, when
you renew your road tax, you are barred unless you settle
this non-existant speeding offence. The High Court decided
the Road Transport Department cannot refuse to register all
vehicles belonging to an owner if one is blacklisted; but
the RTD chief promptly said he would ignore the ruling.
The demerits one racks up for traffic offences raise an
interesting legal question: it is the car or the driver
that acquires the demerits? The police does not stop you to
inform you of your demerits; he just notes the number of
the car down, and adds the demerits to it. If the car is
driven by other than the legal owner, why should he suffer?
But this happens every day. If you settle your summons,
would it it is erased from the computer records. You have
to come two days later if you want a receipt. By then, you
run into a brickwall if you want to check on that.
Usually, it is not, and you are back to square one.
But while the country is agog at a police so inept that
it cannot enforce the warrants of arrest upon 275,000
traffic offenders except in a blitz, there is more than we
are told. The government is in desperate need of money.
Enforcement agencies are ordered to collect as much dues
from the public as possible. The "lesen terbang" and the
police blitz are but two prominent. Company secretaries are
routinely fined RM3,000 for breaches of statutory duty, like
not filing annual returns on time. The aim is to collect as
much money as possible. The government claims it is flush
with money, and "prove" it with new projects worth billions
of ringgit, but it cannot meet day-to-day expenses.
It does not meet its bills. Many small business men so
indebted are driven up the wall. Petronas, with its ready
cash, saves it from bankruptcy. It privatised or
corporatised those departments which gave it its funds for
day-to-day spending: Telekom, Tenaga, Pos, Internal
Revenue. It would not admit it mishandles the economy nor
cut cut down spending nor take steps to overcome it. It is
important these days to show Malaysians how well the economy
is and how well it manages it. So a charade is kept. All
is well. When it is not. The finance minister, Tun Daim
Zainuddin, who would not pass up a chance to extol the
virtues of the Malaysian economy when it does not have any,
is strangely silent. But the defence minister announces new
military installations, three cronies amongst others awarded
contracts to build a submarine base, what will be built in
the future come fast and furious. Be that as it may, when the government acts as now over
the blitz, it tells the people two things: one, it must
punish them for not supporting it as it insists they should;
and two, its institutions are so devalued, corrupt and worse
that they cannot carry this out with so much inconvenience
that it angers the people even more. One example: while
Malaysians are asked to check on their status in this blitz
at police stations around the country, it does not mention,
as it should have, that there is a limit to which a police
station would handle public queries about the traffic
offences. In Kuala Lumpur, the Jalan Bandar police station
would handle only 400 queries and checks, the Lembah Pantai
200, the Mega Mall police post 100. This means that all who
come after 10 am will not be attended to. There are no
signs anywhere about it, and people are told after queing
for hours. Yet, we are told, in the media, the police will
stay up late to attend to this request.
M.G.G. Pillai |