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TJ MT MGG: Perpaduan Dan Perpecahan Orang Melayu ? By M.G.G. Pillai 24/12/2000 1:41 am Sun |
MGG159 Khabarnya, Perdana Menteri masih tidak lagi tahu betapa orang Melayu sudah berpecah,
berpuak-puak dan tidak tahu bersyukur lantas tidak memperdulikannya sambil berkeyakinan
bahawa pihak pembangkang lebih memahami masalah mereka lebih baik lagi daripada yang
pernah ditunjukkan oleh UMNO selama ini. Dia masih lagi mahukan orang Melayu terus
menyokongnya dan UMNO kalau tidak mahu berpecah untuk selama-lamanya. Bukankah dia
merupakan lambang keselesaan bangsa Melayu dan bukannya seorang banduan di Penjara Sungai
Buluh ataupun sesiapa saja yang berkata bahawa perdana menteri itu sudah menyimpang jauh
daripada budaya Melayu. Banduan yang korup? Memanglah, bukankah itu yang diperakukan oleh barisan kehakiman
tertinggi negara yang mempunyai maruah tinggi dan mulia sehinggga sanggup bersantai
dengan peguam yang bersedia menyediakan kertas pengkhakimannya?
Perdana Menteri masih tidak dapat mempercayai bahawa orang Melayu sanggup berpecah dan
berpuak-puak dalam usaha menyokong seorang insan yang tidak lagi mampu memimpin mereka
sebelum berakhirnya 2020. Contoh terbaik mengenai perpecahan Melayu itu telah didedahkan oleh 26,000 pengundi di
Lunas di mana mereka telah menolak seorang calon India pilihan perdana menteri dan
memilih seorang calon Melayu bagi kawasan di mana majoriti pengundinya adalah orang
Melayu. Bagaimanakah orang Melayu anggup memilih calon Melayu parti pembangkang sebagai
wakil rakyat mereka ? Bukankah orang Melayu sudah sedar betapa UMNO sudah kehilangan dua
kerusi di Kedah melalui pilihanraya kecil dan kini menggugat kuaa politik BN dalam
negeri yang didominasi oleh pengundi Melayu. Bukankah itu satu bukti bahawa orang Melayu
sanggup berpecah kerana menyokong parti pembangkang? Memang teruk betul orang Melayu
kini. Mereka masih tidak faham kenapa UMNO dan BN mesti dikekalkan, kalau tidak melalui
peti undi apakah untuk disimpan di musuem?
Tetapi itu bukan keadaan yang sebenarnya. Pemimpin feudal memang dahagakan pengikut yang
membuta tuli. Tetapi, sokongan akan diberikan kepada pemimpin feudal selagi syarat yang
lazim itu dihormati. Inilah yang telah berubah apabila Anwar Ibrahim diaibkan dan
dipenjarakan. Ia telah menghiris perasaan setiap manusia Melayu sehinggakan mereka
bangkit untuk menyoalnya. Kebangkitan orang Melayu itu tidak bererti mereka tidak akan
akur semula kepada peraturan budaya sebaik sahaja muncul seorang pemimpin lain yang
sanggup mematuhi kelaziman peraturan budaya Melayu itu. Orang Melayu berperangai sumbang
seperti sekarang ini kerana mereka sudah tidak dapat menerima lagi kepimpinan perdana
menteri yang songsang. Mereka akan terus beperangai demikian selagi seorang pemimpin baru
tidak muncul-muncul. Kini, semakin jelas betapa orang Melayu semakin menjauhkan diri daripada UMNO. Apakah
ini bererti orang Melayu sudah berpecah dan tidak keruan? Mampukah orang Melayu balik
rujuk ke dalam UMNO sandainya Perdana Menteri akur untuk membebaskan Anwar Ibrahim
daripada penjara Sungai Buluh? Sanggupkah Anwar melupakan pengalaman yang mengazabkannya
itu dan rujuk kepada UMNO untuk mengambil alih jawatan perdana menteri seperti yang
sepatutnya? Kalau ini yang akan dilakukan oleh Anwr apakah akan berulang semula
ketidakpuasan orang Melayu kerana kesanggupannya memimpin parti yang sudah pupus tarikh
luputnya? Kalau Perdana Menteri terlalu bertegas dengan keputusan mahkamah kenapakah para juaknya
sedang berunding dengan proksi musuh ketatnya mengenai kemungkinann diajukan satu
pengampunan diraja? Orang Melayu menyokong Anwar Ibrahim kerana mereka sudah yakin bahawa kepimpinan
Mahathir sudah memecah belahkan perpaduan orang Melayu. Inilah sebabanya Melayu berpecah
kini, dan bukannya disebabkan oleh alasan yang difikirkan oleh seorang Perdana Menteri.
Orang Melayu telah berpecah untuk bersatu di bawah seorang pemimpin pembangkang.
-MGG Pillai- Rencana Asal: Malay Unity And Disunity? The Prime Minister knows not, it seems, why Malays are
divided, fractious, ungrateful, ignore him and, horror of
horrors, believe the Opposition understands them better than
an UMNO which takes them for granted. He insists the Malay
must unite behind him and UMNO, or be forever irrevocably
split. He, after all, is the benchmark of Malay comfort.
Not that corrupt s###mite prisoner in Sungei Buloh, nor any
who insists the Prime Minister has lost his right to the
Malay cultural mantle. Corrupt s###mite? Of course, the
brightest and the best in the Malaysian judiciary, their
integrity so peerless and unquestionable that going on
holidays with lawyers who get the judgement they want
burnishes it, has so decreed. It is beyond the Prime
Minister's understanding why the Malays want to be so
divided and disunited by supporting a man who could not lead
them before 2020. Malay disunity upsets him much these days. This time,
he did his bit for Malay unity by weaning 300 PAS members
from Trengganu into UMNO. But he cannot understand why
many, many UMNO members move the other way -- without
benefit of cash and other benefits. A few hundred thousand
UMNO members joined KeADILan and PAS in the two years he, as
Goliath, was put in his place by David, one Dato' Seri Anwar
Ibrahim, now in solitary confinement in Sungei Buloh prison.
Several opposition leaders, including members of parliament
and state assemblymen were once UMNO members. That more
Malays prefer him to the Prime Minister is, in the latter's
view, proof enough of Malay disunity. What better example of Malay disunity can there be that
26,000 electors of Lunas elected not an Indian he preferred
but a Malay in a Malay-dominant constituency? How dare the
Malays elect an opposition state assemblyman? Do not the
Malays know that UMNO has now lost two constituencies in
Kedah to the opposition in byelections and now threatens
National Front political equanamity in that Malay-dominant
state, and proof, yet again, of how Malays divide and
disunite by supporting the Opposition! It is terrible,
these Malays, who refuse to understand why UMNO and National
Front must be preserved in office, if not electorally than
in a museum. The Prime Minister asks now: "What has become of the
Malays? They were united before but now we are very weak
and there are people who try to divide the Malays further.
They offer bribes to ensure that there are Malays who will
oppose other Malays, particularly the Government." In other
words, he insists the Malay's only role is to support the
government blindly and without thinking to ensure a corrupt
government that loses its way is a far better bet than the
opposition which challenges all this. To put it another
way, when the Malay-controlled government is corrupt,
arrogant and capricious, it is proof that there is Malay
unity. When this is challenged, as now, then not only
Malays but Islam is also threatened. It is not. The feudal leaders demand blind leadership.
The followers accept so long as feudal norms are met. This
was not in how Dato' Seri Anwar was humiliated and jailed.
It struck at the core of Malay cultural sensitivity. And
they rise to question. This does not mean the Malays would
not fall back into line under a new feudal leader who
follows the cultural rules. The Malays behave as they do
now because they find their feudal leader, the Prime
Minister, flawed. And would until a successor emerges.
Who could that be? There are two in the horizon: one
in UMNO and one outside. Both do not hold, indeed were
prevented from, office. But it is on them the Malay depends
upon to bring him back to his cultural comfort. The Prime
Minister finds this inimical to his governance. The
evidence he totes out ignores that UMNO's cultural role of
protector cannot sustain so long as he is in office. He
cannot address Malay gatherings out of Putra Jaya. His writ
does not run in UMNO general assemblies and supreme
council. In the Lunas byelection, he cancelled a promised
gathering, his first before the people who elected him into
power. If he had, it is now clear, the opposition majority
would have been more than 500 votes. It is by now clear that the Malays move away from him
and UMNO. Does this mean the Malays are disunited and in
dissarray? Would the Malay ground return to UMNO if the
Prime Minister eats humble pie and release Dato' Seri Anwar
from Sungei Buloh prison? Would Dato' Seri Anwar let
bygones-be-bygones and return to UMNO to succeed the Prime
Minister as he was meant to? If he did, would that begin
another around of Malay unhappiness and uncertainty that he
then leads a party long past its sell-by date? If the Prime
Minister is so firm about legal niceties, why are his
nominees talking to his nemesis's nominees on a deal that
would ensure a free royal pardon? The Malay unite behind
Dato' Seri Anwar as cultural leader, that Malays who back
the Prime Minister, by his definition, inhibit Malay unity.
So, yes, there is Malay disunity, but not for why the Prime
Minister thinks it is. The Malays move to unite under an
opposition leader. M.G.G. Pillai |