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GPMS Benamkan Suqui atau Mahathir? By Kapal Berita 17/12/2000 4:15 pm Sun |
Pembuka Kata Saya sedikit malas untuk memberi komen mengenai telatah GPMS. Lagipun
kita bukan tidak tahu Suhaimi Ibrahim sudah lupa daratan dan asyik
berkereta mewah memanjang. Beliau tidak layak untuk memperjuangkan
ketuanan melayu, kerana hidupnya yang tidak berprinsip dan oportunis
selalu. Pejuang tulin adalah pejuang yang sanggup ke penjara untuk
membebaskan orang melayu dan hak mereka, bukannya buat tak tahu bila
tanah rizab melayu dirampas oleh kerajaan dengan sewenang-wenangnya.
Atau ketawa riang bila Putra Jaya hilang dari peta negeri Selangor
dengan sekelip mata sahaja tanpa bersidang dan tanpa berperang.
Pejuang apakah ini kalau tidak pejuang duit semata-mata?
Seperti yg kita maklum Rayuan Suqui telah diterima dengan baik oleh
semua pihak sebelum pemilu 1999 lagi. Sejak itu rayuan tersebut senyap
sehinggalah pada 31/8/2000, dimana Mahathir kembali sewel dan melabel
Suqui sebagai ekstrim ditengah-tengah ucapan hari kemerdekaan dihadapan
ribuan rakyat termasuk beberapap pemimpin parti pembangkang. Ucapan
biadap itu disambung oleh akhbar tempatan beberapa hari sebelum ia
tenggelam kembali. Agaknya mereka mahu rakyat melupakan hukuman terhadap
Anwar (8/8/2000) yang telah memilukan rakyat sehingga sambutan hari
kemerdekaan di alaf baru itu tidak bermaya sekali, walhal sudah 23 hari
ia berlalu. Sekali pandang nampak seolah-olah GPMS mahu berperang 'tuntutan'. Malangnya
Suqui adalah satu rayuan lembut yang tidak mencabar mana-mana undang-undang.
GPMS jangan cuba berlagak mejadi satu jagoan, kerana jika tersilap langkah
boleh membawa padah. Bukan Suqui yang akan tenggelam, tetapi Mahathir dan Umno
yang mungkin semakin terkelam. Ini adalah kerana kaum Cina memang sudah lama
memerhatikan telatah kebudak-budakkan pemimpin umno dan talibarut mereka.
Pemuda umno hanya berani memanjat pagar kerana polis FRU tidak kacau. Dan
mereka berjuang macam bermain-main sahaja, sampai Lunas yang diwarisi berzaman itu akhirnya terbakar dan Aziz Sheikh Fadhir terketar-ketar. Dia letak jawatan
tapi tiba-tiba dengan mudah menukar pendirian tak sampai pun 24 jam. Bengap
juga pemuda umno... pemimpin seperti itupun masih lagi disayang...
Malang Oh Malang!! Nampaknya makin cepatlah umno baru(a) terbenam. Isu Suqui
itu tentunya mempercepatkan proses itu berjalan kerana kaum cinalah harapan
untuk undi menang.... BN kini cuba hendak berperang, gara-gara Mahathir yang
mulakan. Siaplah kau orang.... Mahathir juga akan memudahkan kapal umno karam dan
tidak kembali lagi ke daratan. Seorang pemimpin Gerakan P. Pinang, Dr Toh Kin Woon menyatakan adalah
tidak wajar GPMS cuba berperang tuntutan kerana rayuan Suqui tidak
terbatas kepada satu kaum sahaja, tetapi ia lebih mewakili semua kaum.
Kita petik kata-kata beliau:
Straits Times Singapura Kita heran baru setahun rayuan Suqui itu diterima dengan baik sebelum
pemilu lepas itu ditolak dengan kasar pula sejak BN kalah di Lunas.
Apakah ini satu sikap bersyukur pemimpin BN akan kekalahan tersebut?
Atau ia sengaja bersandiwara untuk mencari sokongan di saat rakyat sudah
tidak percaya lagi dengan BN? Jawapannya sudah ada.... Mahathir hanya
seronok bercakap menuduh bukan-bukan sahaja, sedangkan tidak ada seorang
pun wakil Suqui dikenakan tindakan sampai hari ini! Kalau mereka betul-betul
ekstrim, mengapa tidak ditangkap sahaja dan dibicarakan? Nampak jelas
BN sebenarnya berani bila tidak ada pilihanraya kecil sahaja. Kalau ada satu
pilihanraya kecil lagi diwaktu terdekat, saya pasti isu Suqui ini akan cuba
ditutup rapat-rapat. Jika tidak BN akan terus nahas dan terbabas!
Perhatikan bagaimana sejarah merekod kenyataan dan sikap BN sebelum pemilu
tahun lepas:
Cukuplah dengan komen ringkas dari sejarah itu. Gelagat GPMS hari ini
menunjukkan ada sesuatu sedang dirancang oleh pihak tertentu untuk
menegeruhkan keadaan. Apakah ia satu loceng amaran satu Ops Lalang yang
baru akan dilancarkan? Itu kita tidak tahu... tetapi kita pastinya
cukup arif dengan telatah pemimpin BN yang semakin menjadi-jadi ini
sejak tewas di Lunas. Mereka gagal menyekat kemarahan itu sehingga ia
mencemarkan kesucian bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini.
Gerakan objects to GPMS demands
by Noor Adzman Baharuddin (Penang Bureau Chief)
15 December 2000 Gerakan has cried foul over the intention of the Federation of Peninsular
Malay Students (GPMS) to submit a memorandum containing about 100 proposals
on a broad range of issues affecting the country, to the Government.
A member of the party's central committee, Datuk Dr Toh Kin Woon described
the GPMS's intention, which also includes holding large-scale
demonstrations in every State until and unless Suqiu withdraws its demands,
as wrong. GPMS's plan is apparently in response to a memorandum submitted by Suqiu to
the Government on the eve of the last general election.
Its spokesman hinted that the GPMS would submit the counter memorandum
unless Suqiu withdraws all its demands, Toh, who is also Penang Gerakan
vice-chairman, said in a statement today.
Alluding that Gerakan supported Suqiu's demands, he said the Malaysian
Chinese Organisation's Election Appeals Committee's requests were made on
behalf of all Malaysians, including Bumiputeras.
He said the requests, among other things, included suggestions at
eradicating poverty, irrespective of race; improving income distribution to
achieve social justice and providing more democratic space to all
Malaysians. At no time did Suqiu demand for the abolition of the special position of
the Bumipteras as provided for under Article 153 of the Federal
Constitution, as alleged by some quarters.
It is, therefore, never the aim of Suqiu to deny the rights of any
community. Its demands are made in the larger interest of all Malaysians, or for that
matter, against any one community, he added.
Toh, who is also a State Executive Councillor, also said that Suqiu had the
support, at least in principle, of the ruling coalition and all Opposition
parties. Given that these demands are just, there is no reason for Suqiu to withdraw
them. Instead, Toh said, the GPMS should not be prompted by Suqiu's actions into
submitting a counter memorandum or to hold demonstrations.
If the group has concerns, it has every right to raise them and to submit
recommendations for their remedy and improvement.
However, the proposals must not be racially divisive, he said, but must be
constructive and aimed at promoting the common interests of all Malaysians.
"We must allow for more democratic space for the full realisation of the
talent of all Malaysians," he said. All Malaysians should also renew their pledge to reject racial politics and
to pursue a non-ethnic but democratic, socially just and economically
sustainable policy approach, he said. GPMS extremist demands - a prelude to escalation of ethnic tensions to
justify another Operation Lalang mass crackdown to shore up Mahathir and
UMNO's tottering position? The extremist demands of the Federation of Peninsula Malay Students (GPMS)
yesterday immediately after breaking-fast with the Prime Minister, Datuk
Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at Putrajaya the previous night is most ominous
and raises the question whether it is a prelude to escalation of ethnic
tensions to justify another Operation Lalang mass crackdown to shore up
Mahathir and UMNO's tottering political position.
GPMS president Datuk Suhaimi Ibrahim said that if Suqiu refuses to withdraw
its demands, it would submit 100 demands which would include:
· the post of the country's Prime Minister to be the exclusive rights of
the Malays. · increase the Bumiputera quota in public and private institutions of
higher learning (IPTA and IPTS) to 70 and 60 per cent respectively.
Mahathir gave a most extraordinary response when asked by the press as to
whether GPMS demands would create racial disunity. Claiming that he had not
read them, he said such a situation was expected. He said "When we set
aside what had already been agreed, there will be people who will oppose"
and warned that by making irresponsible demands, all the efforts put to
foster racial understanding for the past 43 years would go to waste. (NST)
Mahathir seemed neither surprised or concerned about the GPMS extremist
demands. In fact, one should ask whether GPMS action was the result of
the "inspiration" given by the Prime Minister when he spoke for more than
an hour to some 2,000 GPMS members on Wednesday night - and which was
attended by other UMNO leaders including the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk
Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department
Datuk Dr. Abdul Hamid Othman and the Minister of Internatonal Trade and
Industry, Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz. I am reminded of the pre-Operation Lalang scenario in 1987 and in
particular the escalation of ethnic tensions by UMNO and UMNO Youth leaders
resorting to the most provocative racist slogans to justify mass arrests
under the Internal Security Act. The Government White Paper tabled in Parliament on 23rd March 1988 entitled
"Towards Preserving National Security" to justify the Operation Lalang mass
arrests five months earlier referred to the escalation of ethnic tensions
by the UMNO Youth rally on 17th October 1987 which displayed banners with
"MAY 13 HAS BEGUN" Is GPMS now playing UMNO Youth's 1987 role in the run-up to another
Operation Lalang crackdown? Mahathir should be forewarned that the escalation of ethnic tensions to
justify another Operation Lalang and mass arrests of Opposition leaders and
personalities of dissent is no answer either to the multiple crisis of
confidence facing the country or the salvation of UMNO.
Malaysia at the beginning of the 21st century is very different from
Malaysia of 1987, and this time, those who cynically play with communal
fire can end up in putting their entire political legacy to the flames.
In the final analysis, the country hopes that the Deputy Prime Minister,
Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi, as the Home Minister as well as successor-
designate to the premiership, would have the strength of character to
prevent the repetition of the build-up to another Operation Lalang scenario
- whether by UMNO Youth or a new proxy organisation like GPMS.
From The Singapore Straits Times Malay group issues own list of demands
In a face-off with Suqiu, the Chinese body, it threatens to push its
demands on Malay supremacy if Suqiu does not withdraw calls to scrap
Malay rights By Wan Hamidi Hamid A DANGEROUS game is being played out in Malaysia.
A 400,000-strong Malay student group has come up with a 100-point
demand for greater Malay supremacy, and a direct challenge to a
Chinese pressure group. It will go ahead and submit its laundry list of demands to the
government if the Chinese Election Appeals Group, or Suqiu, does not
withdraw its proposals calling for the scrapping of Malay rights. It
has given Suqiu until Jan 14. This new development has prompted Malaysian Premier Datuk Seri Dr
Mahathir Mohamad to ask both groups to stop making such demands.
'I read in the newspapers that one of the demands is that the Prime
Minister must always be Malay. I suppose that is a direct reaction to
demands made by the other party. 'Once you make demands, others will also make demands,' he told
reporters yesterday. The Federation of Peninsula Malay Students (GPMS) has demanded that
the post of prime minister be gazetted as an exclusive Malay position,
despite the Malaysian Constitution being silent on the matter.
GPMS President Datuk Suhaimi Ibrahim said the federation would submit
the demands to the government if Suqiu refused to withdraw its
17-principles agenda with 83 points, which among other things, called
for the abolition of the bumiputra and non-bumiputra distinction.
It also called for affirmative action to be based on the protection
and enhancement of the status of the weaker sectors and not on race,
social background and religious belief.
Dr Mahathir had attacked Suqiu, saying it was an extremist group
making irresponsible demands that would undermine efforts to foster
racial understanding. He said the government had worked hard for the past 43 years after
Independence to bring all races together.
'We have achieved a degree of harmony which is not found in any other
multi-racial country in the world. 'But this small group insists on demanding things only for themselves.
They provoke others to make similar demands.
'Now we will be back to square one if we keep on...'
GPMS secretary-general Syed Anuar Syed Mohamad told The Straits Times
that the federation is giving Suqiu until Jan 14 to withdraw its
demands, failing which, GPMS would submit its demands to the
government. 'If the government has to accept Suqiu's demands, then the same
privilege must be accorded to us.' On whether GPMS' demands are as 'extreme' as Suqiu's, Mr Syed Anuar
said that the Chinese group started it first.
Suqiu had presented its proposals to all political parties prior to
last year's general election, and it was accepted by the opposition
parties and three Barisan Nasional component parties, including MCA.
MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Ling Liong Sik was quoted as saying in
September last year that Suqiu's demands, which he described as
appeals, were universal and would benefit all races.
Last August, Umno Youth demanded that Suqiu apologise to the Malays
for allegedly insulting them with the call to abolish Malay rights,
but the matter was left hanging with no concessions from anyone.
Asked for its reaction to the Jan 14 deadline, a Suqiu official said
yesterday: 'There is no change in our stand. There is also no plan to
call for an official meeting to discuss the GPMS challenge.'