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Siapa Gangster? Siarkan Tape Parlimen! By Lim Kit Siang 13/11/2000 9:47 am Mon |
Hujah Lim Kit Siang ini cukup bernas. Beliau mencabar kerajaan memancarkan
rakaman debat parlimen antara Mahfuz dan MP BN Tampin tempoh hari supaya
rakyat dapat menjadi hakim siapakah sebenarnya yang berkelakuan gangster
(penyangak) dalam parlimen sehingga mengajak bertumbuk.
Sikap media pro kerajaan yang menuduh Mahfuz itu amat mendukacitakan kerana
mereka sanggup menipu. Nampaknya akhbar The Sun sahaja yang menunjukkan
sikap kewartanan yang jujur: "Many unparliamentary words were heard and the situation reached its climax
when Shahziman Abu Mansor (Tampin) called on Mahfuz to settle the matter
physically outside the Dewan." - The Sun
"Banyak perkataan yang tidak beretika parlimen kedengaran dan situasi itu
menjadi klimaks (memuncak) bila Shahziman Abu Mansor (Tampin) memanggil
Mahfuz untuk menyelesaikan perkara itu secara fizikal di luar dewan"
Minggu lepas PM memberitahu bahawa beliau memerhatikan sidang parlimen
melalui satu kamera khas. Oleh itu sewajarnya rakaman video itu dipaparkan
kepada rakyat demi kebenaran. Jika Mahfuzlah punca segala kemelut dan pertengkaran itu, sudah tentu rakaman
pita itu sudah dipancar ke seluruh negara. Nampak sangat BN sendiri pun
resah kerana wakilnya sendiri yang melakukan aksi yang tidak beretika itu .
DAP National Chairman Lim Kit Siang in Petaling Jaya on Sunday, 12th
November 2000: Telecast the Putrajaya videotaping of Dewan Rakyat ruckus on Wednesday to
let the people see for themselves the unparliamentary and gangsterish
behaviour of the BN MP for Tampin in challenging Mahfuz Omar to a
fistfight outside the House Parliamentary ruckus - Telecast Putrajaya videotape
The Barisan Nasional government is using its control of the mainstream mass
media to distort and cause confusion as to who was the culprit responsible
for the worst parliamentary ruckus in Malaysian history on Wednesday during
the emergency parliamentary debate on Sunday's police "trigger-happy"
firing of tear gas and chemically-laced water cannon, brutality and
vandalism against the peaceful crowd at Kesas Highway demanding restoration
of the people?s democratic rights. What transpired during the hour-long emergency debate moved by the PAS MP
for Pokok Sena, Mahfuz Omar was best captured by the Sun report of
November 9, 2000: "A debate on policy cruelty during an opposition gathering in Klang last
Sunday almost turned violent with a shouting match between government and
opposition MPs during the last hour of the sitting.
"The first 30 minutes was filled with heated speeches from Mahfuz Omar (PAS
- Pokok Sena), Dr. Tan Seng Giaw (DAP - Kepong) and Abdul Rahman Yusof
(Keadilan - Kemamam). "Backbenchers Datuk Mohd Zin Mohd (BN - Shah Alam) and Datuk Ruhani Ahmad
(BN - Parit Sulong) argued back the next half hour, followed by a
conclusion from Deputy Home Minister Datuk Zainal Abidin Zin who spoke on
behalf of the government. "Throughout the hour, the House was restless, with MPs from both sides
interrupting the debates with shouts and jeers.
"Even Deputy Speaker Datuk Lim Si Cheng appeared unable to control the
situation as his voice was drowned out by the others and his orders disobeyed.
"Many unparliamentary words were heard and the situation reached its climax
when Shahziman Abu Mansor (Tampin) called on Mahfuz to settle the matter
physically outside the Dewan." It is clear from the accounts I have heard of what transpired in
Parliament as well as the official report of the parliamentary proceedings
on Wednesday's Hansard that the culprit trying to turn the Dewan Rakyat
into a Taiwan-type of legislative chamber where Members of Parliament take
the law into their own hands in fisticuffs and physical attacks on each
other was none other than the Barisan Nasional MP for Tampin Shahziman Abu
Mansor. It is most regrettable that while expressing their dismay and disapproval
at the parliamentary ruckus on Wednesday, neither the Speaker Tan Sir Zahir
Ismail nor the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Datuk Dr. Rais
Yatim had been fair in not pinpointing Shahziman as the culprit who
exceeded the bounds of parliamentary propriety in challenging Mahfuz "to
settle the matter physically outside the Dewan".
Malaysians, and in particular the voters, are entitled to know who was the
culprit who started the parliamentary mayhem on Wednesday and this can
easily be done by telecasting the Putrajaya videotaping of the Dewan
Rakyat ruckus on Wednesday. Last week, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad said that he
was keeping a close watch on attendance of MPs at the Dewan Rakyat as he
has a live video link-up of the proceedings to his office in Putrajaya and
that could look into the chamber to see who is talking and who is not and
he knows when the room is empty. Nobody believes that the Prime Minister would have the time to sit in his
Putrajaya office to follow the parliamentary proceedings - or he would be
guilty of the worst form of parliamentary "truancy" when he should set the
example of diligent attendance in Parliament for the Cabinet Ministers and
Barisan Nasional MPs. If the Prime Minister hardly had the time to tune in to the live video
hook-up to the parliamentary proceedings from his Putrajaya office, there
is even lesser justification for the installation of a closed circuit
camera to allow him to snoop at parliamentary proceedings without prior
approval or knowledge of Parliament or the nation.
One can only assume that the parliamentary proceedings to Putrajaya are
being recorded and taped for viewing by the Prime Minister at his leisure
and pleasure. This is why the Putrajaya videotape of the parliamentary ruckus on
Wednesday should be telecast to the nation so that the people can see for
themselves the unparliamentary and gangsterish behaviour of the BN MP for
Tampin in challenging Mahfuz Omar to a fistfight outside the House.
If it was Mahfuz who had ignited the parliamentary ruckus with
unparliamentary and gangsterish provocation against Barisan Nasional MPs to
fisticuffs outside the Chamber, this Putrajaya videotape would have been
telecast to the nation already.
After the Putrajaya videotape of Shahziman's unparliamentary and
gangsterish behaviour in the Dewan Rakyat had been telecast to the nation,
the Barisan Nasional MP for Tampin should be referred to the Committee of
Privileges for grave breach of parliamentary privilege.
- Lim Kit Siang - |