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TJ KB: Malu buat Parliamen Malaysia By Kim Quek 10/11/2000 2:27 am Fri |
TJ Ringkas Kapal Berita: PM baru2 ini mengejutkan orang ramai bila beliau mendedahkan bahawa
beliau memantau perbahasan di Parlimen melalui satu kamera TV yang
disambung terus ke pejabatnya. Ini dijelaskan apabila beliau memberi
amaran kepada MP BN supaya tidak ponteng sesi parlimen.
Sikap Mahathir ini membayangkan bagaimana beliau menganggap MP
BN sebagai budak-budak kecil sekolah sahaja yang tidak berdisiplin,
ponteng, (atau berdengkur?) oleh itu mereka perlu di perhatikan
kerana asyik ponteng. Yang hairannya MP BN tidak pula menyanggah tindakkan PM, sebaliknya
mereka memekik mempertikai hujah pembangkang. Akhirnya speaker pula
tidak membenarkan pembangkang bersuara mempertikaikan kehendak Mahathir.
Yang mengejutkan speaker mempertahankan Mahathir dan berkata:
"MALAH, Setengah parlimen di negara lain memancarkan secara langsung
debat parlimen kepada umum". Nampaknya logik speaker agak berbelit, tetapi kini ia menyerlahkan
bahawa jika rakyat layak menonton, maka PM tentunya lebih layak
untuk mamantau atau menonton. Penulis memberi dua konotasi disebalik pemantauan. Ada dua kemungkinan
iaitu orang yang menonton lebih tinggi dari orang yang ditonton seperti
ketua jabatan memerhati orang bawahannya dan orang menonton lebih rendah daripada mereka seperti pengerusi memerhati mesyuarat pengarah2.
Oleh itu mengikut logik speaker, PM lebih tinggi kedudukkannya di sisi
masyarakat. Hujah ini adalah satu dosa dalam demokrasi kerana beliau
telah merendahkan status rakyat. Dalam demokrasi, rakyat lebih TINGGI
(supreme). Parlimen adalah satu institusi yang tinggi dalam demokrasi
kerana ia mewakili kehendak RAKYAT. Sebab itulah sesi parlimen dipancarkan terus disesetengah negara kerana
rakyat lebih berhak. Merekalah penentu sesuatu kerajaan dan seseorang wakil
itu berada di dalam bangunan itu. Hak ini tidak boleh diberikan kepada
orang lain yang tidak melantik MP memalui proses demokrasi, walaupun kepada
PM sendiri! Memandangkan tuan speaker sudah berada di kerusi itu sudah lama, sikap
beliau dalam isu ini amatlah memalukan dan ia telah menjatuhkan
kredibiliti parlimen. Tambah jatuh lagi bila wakil2 BN melalak tidak
tentu pasal mempertahankan sikap yang sedemikian...
-Kim Quek- -TJ Kapal Berita- Sumber: bunga-raya list SHAME ON MALAYSIAN PARLIAMENT
08.11.2000 Malaysian Parliament has sunk to another record low in its shameful history
as the Supreme Institution in a parliamentary democracy.
Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad recently made the shocking revelation that
he had put Parliament under TV surveillance wired directly to his office,
when he warned his MPs not to play truant in Parliament. Malaysian
Parliament is famous for the frequent stoppages to its sessions due to lack
of quorum, as MPs from the ruling party, who occupy three quarter of the
seats in the House, are not in the habit of attending Parliament.
The nonsensical drama that unfolded in Parliament following protests from
Opposition MPs of this TV surveillance marks the shocking ignorance of the
fundamental concept of parliamentary democracy and the slavish mentality of
parliamentarians from the ruling party (in particular the Speaker), who are
obvious victims of 2 decades of dictatorial rule by Prime Minister Mahathir
Mohamad. Instead of jumping up in protest in unison with Opposition MPs at this
latest insult from the Prime Minister who had obviously treated them like a
bunch of school kids by subjecting them to his personal TV surveillance, MPs
from the ruling party acted in the exact opposite. They shouted down the
opposition MP who challenged the Prime Ministerˇ¦s right to put Parliament
under such surveillance, and the Speaker even went to the ridiculous extreme
of prohibiting the Opposition MP from speaking further.
The most shocking and revealing part comes from the Speaker, who defended
the Prime Minister's action as not something "extraordinary", and said:
"Some parliaments in other countries EVEN directed the telecast
to the public." The Speakerˇ¦s logic seems puzzling on first appearance. However, upon
further deliberation, it is clear what the Speaker meant was that, since the
people of a country are already entitled to watch the proceedings of
parliament through television, the prime minister should of course be EVEN
MORE entitled to monitor parliamentary sessions through his TV.
Before we proceed further, we have to understand the connotations associated
with TV surveillance. When the head of a department monitors the goings-on
in his general office through his TV, it implies he is superior to the
people he is monitoring on. Hence, the first connotation is that the
surveilant is superior to his objects.
Now, it may be acceptable for the head of a department to do so over his
general employees (though many would resent it), it is not acceptable for
the chairman of a company to monitor the meetings of the directors through
his TV (in case some one else is chairing the meeting). Why? This is
because such monitoring is considered below the dignity of the directors.
Hence, the second connotation is that only low ranking personnel accept TV
surveillance. With these connotations, the Prime Minister has in effect reduced the status
of Parliament to that of a branch in his Prime Minister's Department.
Adding salt to injury, he has done so without the knowledge of Parliament.
That he did not think it necessary to inform Parliament in advance confirms
his utter contempt for that Institution a mere rubber stamp to his will.
Back to the Speaker's logic. When he said the Prime Minister was more (or
even equally) entitled to what the people are entitled to when it comes to
the right to watch parliamentary sessions in camera, he was committing the
cardinal sin in a democracy; he has demeaned the status of the people, and
he has also implied that the Prime Minister is above the people. In a
democracy, the PEOPLE are supreme. Parliament is the supreme institution in
a democracy only because it represents the will of the PEOPLE.
Parliamentary sessions are telecast to the people in some countries, because
those governments recognize the people as the supreme masters, and respect
their rights to know how their representatives are doing in the House. The
same privilege cannot be extended to any individual when the purpose is for
surveillance, certainly not even the Prime Minister.
Considering the fact that the Speaker has presided over the House for more
than a decade, his low mentality and his shameful conduct only reveals the
degraded state of existence of our Parliament. Equally contemptible are the
disgraceful behaviours of the MPs from the ruling party, who reacted to such
affront on their dignity with such shamelessness.
- Kim Quek - |