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Agenda: Gassed Again (Jalan Kebun) By Kapal Berita 7/11/2000 10:33 pm Tue |
Source: Agenda :
From AgendaMalaysia 6th November 2000 Gassed Again By Sonia Randhawa It seemed a hurriedly organised event, emails and flyers coming into
circulation only days before it was scheduled to occur, with no
confirmation of the venue. The Opposition parties and supportive NGOs
were attempting to convene 100,000 people at the 'Markas Keadilan',
Shah Alam, on Sunday 5 November, to reiterate the people's right to
peaceful assembly. The authorities were not amused. Special Branch officers visited the
offices of some known dissidents. Six people were detained on Saturday
night and roadblocks were set up on highways throughout Selangor to
deter out-of-town visitors. Despite this, thousands flocked to the
site at Jalan Kebun. Police roadblocks prevented most from reaching
the venue, so gatherings were held in the traffic jams leading up to
the roadblocks. Participants showed imagination in their demonstrations of loyalty to
the Reformasi movement. Aside from the usual flags, headbands and
banners, there were some decidedly odd pieces of jewellery. One woman,
for example, held her tudung on with a paste-diamond 'R' (for
Reformasi) brooch. The scattering of the participants, who were at venues ranging from
the 'Markas Keadilan' and the Pas headquarters in Gombak to toll
booths near the original venue, meant that it was difficult for anyone
to estimate the numbers gathered, but there were around 10,000 near
the Kesas Highway toll booth leading from Kota Kemuning.
The situation was also a logistical nightmare for the authorities.
Having reached the blocked-off toll booths, protestors could move
neither forward nor back. Even if they wanted to disperse, it rapidly
became impossible. Intimidating bright-red Federal Reserve Unit trucks
were positioned in front of at least 5km of tailback; cars five-deep
along the road. The heavy machinery was directed at a very small
number of people, lessening its impact, psychologically and
physically. (Some people spent the whole afternoon in the queue, never
realising that the trucks had positioned themselves up ahead.)
At 3pm, the FRU trucks fired tear gas into the crowd before them, and
officers advanced into the crowd, but they were unwilling to proceed
far without protection from the trucks behind. After more than
half-an-hour, two rounds of tear gas and the arrest of four people,
the crowd was still growing in size. At one stage, the FRU officers
were advancing and tear gas was wafting over the crowds. One lone Pas
supporter was oblivious. Having made his ablutions before the ruckus
began, he continued praying amid the chaos.
"Ini suara rakyat, kuasa rakyat," said one demonstrator. ("This is the
voice of the people, the power of the people.")
Leaders of all the Opposition parties made speeches, ending at around
5.30pm. The speeches rehashed old themes, calling for Prime Minister
Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad to stand down and bolstering the 'power
of the people'. But then the police may have achieved what the party
leaders had been attempting since Anwar's sentencing: a revival of the
peoples' fervour. While negotiators were sent forward to discuss how the crowd could
disperse, the police let rounds of tear-gas off directly into the
crowd, rendering people unconscious and smashing a car windscreen.
Reports of demonstrators being attacked with rotan canes were
circulating, and many were falsely convinced that a helicopter, which
had been circling menacingly throughout the afternoon, was joining the
fray. "How can they behave like this?" cried one woman, eyes streaming
behind her sunglasses. "We were ready to disperse. People were talking
to them." "They are like dogs," said one young man who had been advocating a
peaceful approach to the situation all afternoon, trying to prevent
people from disturbing the police or giving them cause to attack.
"They were dragging people from their cars, smashing in headlights."
He shook his head in disgust. Stories circulated that the police had even fired tear-gas into vans
holding those arrested. People were angry once more. Some 116 were
arrested. Not all managed to hear the speeches of the leaders; only a couple of
thousand were near the front of the queue. But it wasn't what the
leaders said that was of importance, it was the revived feeling of
camaraderie and purpose, which had been largely lost. Following the
protracted debate by Parti Keadilan Nasional on how to reinvent itself
following the Anwar sentencing, the police reaction to Sunday's events
may have been fortuitous.