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TJ MKini Dana JE: Songlapan Biasa By Marhain Tua 5/11/2000 8:47 am Sun |
MGG113 DANA JE: SONGLAPAN BIASA (JE Fund: The Usual Corruption) Oleh: Ng Boon Hooi Pembantu MCA didapati menerima Dana JE
Antara penerima dana itu termasuklah ahli keluarga dan saudara mara
Konnashegran Perumal, pembantu politik kepada timbalan pengerusi MCA Negri
Sembilan dan juga ahli exco Dr. Yeow Chai Thiam.
Jumlah yang mereka terima ialah RM82,000. Jawatankuasa penyiasat itu telah
diketuai oleh Jawatankuasa Wabak Nipah Bukit Pelandok. Merfeka telah
meneliti senarai penerima Dana JE MCA setelah tersiarnya laporan itu
minggu yang lalu. (MCA telah menafikan terbabit dengan tabung sumbangan
RM10 juta itu, Oct. 23). Laporan itu juga menyatakan bahawa penerima yang bersaudara kepada
Konnashegran itu bukannya penternak khinzir dan mereka juga tidak pernah
penjadi pesakit Nipah Encephalitis. Ibu Konnashegran yang bernama Sakkuboy
Ramakrishnan elah menerima dua peruntukan berasingan sebanyak RM25,000 dan
RM7,000. Kesemuanya berjumlah RM32,000.
Istei Konnashegran yang bernama Rani Narayanasamy menerima RM25,000 dan adik
iparnya Satiapama Batumalai menerima RM25,000.
Pasukan penyiasat itu dianggotai oleh ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Wabak Nipah,
Bukit Pelandok, pemimpin tempatan, penternak khinzir dan sukarelawan daerah
Port d##kson yang telah dihenyak wabak tersebut.
Laporan itu mencatitkan nama saudara mara Ketua Kampung Bukit Pelandok
yang bernama Teow Hong Chew yang telah menerima RM19,000 daripada dana
itu. Anak lelakinya, Teow Kim Hoo, menerima RM5,000. Dua orang menantu
perempuannya, Yau Chuan Lian dan Lee Lian Chan telah menerima RM7,000
setiap seorang. Mereka ini tidak pun menternak khinzir dan tidak juga
pernah dijangkiti wabak Nipah Encephalitis.
Ketua Kampung itu ialah ketua bahagian MCA, Bukit Pelanduk. Laporan itu
juga mencatatkan dua penama, Yong Bee Kiau dan Yong Bee kim mempunyai
nombor kad pengenalan yang sama, 480330-05-5166 dan telah menerima sejumlah
RM50,000. "Kami tidak faham bagaimana dua penama yang mempunyai nombor kad
pengenalan yang sama menerima sejumlah RM50,000, demikian catatan laporan
itu. Ada juga catatan bagaimana Low Joon Koon, seorang janda kepada seorang
penternak yang telah mati menerima sejumlah RM43,000. Ramai lagi janda
(penternak yang mati) tidak pun menerima jumlah yang besar seperti yang
diberikan kepada Low. "Low memang amat aktif berkempen untuk Dr. Yeow Chai
Thiam (ahli exco Seremban), terutama sekali dalam pemilu yang lalu dan
ketika diadakan pilihanraya kecil Teluk Kemang.
Mengikut laporan itu, seorang pelajar maktab dan ibunya See Saw Ngoh yang
tidak ada kena mengena dengan ternakan khinzir dan wabak Nipah Encephalitis
telah menerima RM25,000 dan RM7,000. See dilaporkan sebagai seorang sahabat
karib Ketua kampung Bukit Pelandok.
Seorang ketua pasukan itu telah memberitahu Malaysiakini betapa
jawatankuasanya akan mengeluarkan satu laporan yang lebih menyeluruh
mengenai tuduhan berlakunya salah-urus dana itu. Pendedahan itu nanti akan
merupakan bahan terbaru kepada mereka yang mengkritik pemberian dana yang
penuh kontroversi. Mengikut ahli jawatankuasa pusat MCA, Lim Si Cheng, sejumlah 4,426 telah
menerima sebanyak RM15.851 juta yang telah diterima oleh dana itu. Lim
yang merupakan timbalan speakar parlimen telah menyatakan bahawa baki
sebanyak RM2.7 juta di dalam tabung itu akan digunakan untuk melatih dan
memberi tunjuk ajar kepada penternak khinzir untuk mempelajari kemahiran
lain seperti masak-memasak. Namun demikian, Presiden Dewan Perhimpunan Cina Selangor telah menolak
cadangan MCA untuk menggunakan wang yang berbaki itu untuk tujuan latihan.
Mengikut Ngan, cadangan MCA itu merupakan satu pemesongan daripada tujuan
asal penubuhan dana dan adalah sesuatu yang tidak jujur terhadap para
penderma. Beberapa soalan telah dikemukakan mengenai sumbangan berjumlah RM10 juta
daripada bank dan syarikat insuran kepada tabung itu. Dua minggu yang lalu
setelah beberapa penternak khinzir mendesak penjelasan daripada MCA
mengenai hal ini, mantan timbalan menteri kewangan Wong See Wah yang juga
merupakan Pengerusi MCA di Negri Sembilan telah berkata bahawa RM10 juta
itu tidak diambil kira dalam dana itu tetapi telah diserahkan kepada
kerajaan pula (sila lihat pig Farmers query MCA over JE fund, Oct 20)
Wong mengaku pernah menerima chek bagi pihak kerajaan tetapi tidak ingat
berapakah jumlah yang terbabit. Rencana Asal: From Malaysiakini (Nov 2, 2000) EXCLUSIVE! MCA aides found to be beneficiaries of JE fund
Ng Boon Hooi 12.15am, THURS: Several beneficiaries of the RM16 million MCA Japanese
Encephalitis Humanitarian Fund included individuals who were neither
victims of the Nipah virus outbreak in 1998/99 nor the affected
pig-farmers, according to a report by a fact-finding team.
The fund recipients included close family members and relatives of
Konnashegran Perumal, the political assistant to MCA Negeri Sembilan
deputy chairman and exco member Dr Yeow Chai Thiam.
Altogether, they received RM82,000 from the fund, said the report. , The
fact-finding committee, headed by the Bukit Pelandok Nipah Outbreak
Committee, investigated into the list of recipients of the MCA JE fund
after its report was released by the party last week (MCA denies knowledge
of RM10 million donation, Oct 23). The report, a copy of which was obtained by malaysiakini two days ago,
said that the recipients linked to Konnashegran were neither Nipah
Encephalitis patients nor pig farmers.
The report said that Konnashegran's mother, Sakkuboy Ramakrishnan,
received two separate allotments of RM25,000 and RM7,000, amounting to
RM32,000 in total. His wife, Rani Narayarasamy, received RM25,000 and sister-in-law Satiapama
Batumlai, RM25,000.
The investigation team comprised members from the Bukit Pelandok Nipah
Outbreak Committee, local leaders, pig farmers and also volunteers in the
districts in Port d##kson most affected by the outbreak.
Village headman The report also said that relatives of Bukit Pelandok headman Teow Hong
Chew had also received a total of RM19,000 from the fund.
The headman's son, Teow Kim Hoo, received RM5,000, while two
daughters-in-law, Yau Chuan Lian and Lee Lian Chan, both received RM7,000
each. They were allegedly not involved in the pig-rearing industry and none of
them were Nipah Encephalitis patients.
The report noted that the village headman is an MCA branch leader in Bukit
Pelanduk. It also pointed out that two names, Yong Bee Kiau and Yong Bee Kim, which
have the same identity card number, 480330-05-5166, received a total of
RM50,000. "We have no idea why (the) person(s) with the same NRIC number could get a
total of RM50,000," the report noted in its remarks.
The report also stated that Low Joon Koon, a widow of a pig farmer who had
passed away, had received a total amount of RM43,000.
It noted that many other victims, including their widows, did not get such
a high sum of money as that given to Low.
"Low is very active in campaigning for (Seremban exco member) Dr Yeow Chai
Thiam, especially in the last general elections and the Teluk Kemang
by-election," the report added in its remarks.
College student According to the report, a college student and her mother, See Sew Ngoh,
both of whom are neither pig farmers nor Nipah Encephalitis patients,
received RM25,000 and RM7,000 respectively.
The report said that See is allegedly a close friend of Teow, the headman
of Bukit Pelandok. A team leader told malaysiakini that his committee will release a more
comprehensive report on the alleged mismanagement of the fund soon.
The revelations will add more fodder to those who had criticised the
disbursement of the controversial fund.
According to MCA central committee member Lim Si Cheng, 4,426 people
benefitted from the RM15.851 million collected for the fund.
Lim, who is also deputy parliamentary speaker, said a balance of the RM2.7
million from the fund will be used for training and to teach farmers new
skills like cooking. However, Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall president Ngan Ching Wen said that
MCA should not use the remaining amount of money for training programmes.
Ngan said that MCA's action is a gross diversion from the real purpose of
the fund and is unfair to the donors. Donation given to government In addition, there were questions raised over a donation of RM10 million
from banks and insurance companies to the fund.
Two weeks ago, after a number of pig farmers demanded an explanation from
MCA regarding this, former deputy finance minister Wong See Wah, who is
also Negeri Sembilan MCA chairman, said that the RM10 million was not
credited to the JE fund but to the government instead (Pig farmers query
MCA over JE fund, Oct 20). Wong added that he had received the cheques on the government's behalf but
he could not remember the amount of money involved.