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TJ Sadirah K: Perpaduan Yang Mengatasi Semangat Perkauman By Marhain Tua 4/11/2000 9:46 pm Sat |
Awalkata: Tulisan asal dalam Bahasa Inggeris terdapat di muka surat 14 HARAKAH
terbitan 16-31 Oktober 2000 Oleh: Sadirah K Adalah diharapkan Mahathir akan sedar dan memahami getaran pergolakan
rakyat dan berundur selepas memegang tampuk kuasa selama sembilan belas
tahun. Seperti juga pemimpin yang lain, Mahathir menghadapi beberapa kes
polis yang telah dirakamkan terhadapnya. Selagi dia memegang tampuk kuasa
itu dia mampu menepis tuduhan tersebut. Sebaik sahaja dia disingkirkan dia
akan menghadapi segala tuduhan itu seperti juga yang akan dihadapi oleh ahli
keluarganya. Mahathir masih lagi berlagak sakan dengan mulutnya yang celupar itu. Ketika
berucap mengenai 'Perpaduan Ummah' dia telah disoal oleh seorang pelajar
yang bertanya akan paradoks yang menyangkuti masalah Anwar Ibrahim. Setelah
memberikan beberapa fakta yang difikirkannya sahih, Mahathir merasakan
dirinya tidak berdosa. Inilah yang menonjolkan jurang di antara pemahannya mengenai 'perpaduan'
dan amalannya serta iltizamnya terhadap perkara itu secara realiti.
Lagipun apakah sebenarnya 'perpaduan ummah'? Masyarakat muslim memang
bersatu dalam menghambakan diri mereka kepada Allah dan berkongsi semangat
persaudaraan yang merapatkan perpaduan itu.
Namun demikian, apabila iltizam terhadap penyatuan itu lemah di tahap
individu berbanding dengan tahap pemikiran, warna kulit, perkauman ataupun
darjat; ia menjadi satu sumber yang menjauhkan manusia daripada Penciptanya.
Inilah yang memberi kecenderongan terhadap usaha menyerakin keimanan dalam
ruang lingkup yang terhad. "Anda adalah amat hampir kepada Allah seperti juga seorang insan yang tidak
anda senangi", membawa satu kesedaran agar kita menyedari akan pertalian
kita dengan Allah. Pendapat mengenai perpaduan ummah itu cuba
menyelesaikan isu di tahap bawahan kerana sesuatu penghargaan itu
diberikan terhadap perbezaan dan kegemilangan. Apabila seseorang itu
dianggap lebih kemelayuannya ataupun lebih Sindhi, Punjabi ataupun Iraqi
daripada seorang Muslim menyebabkan keimanan itu dinilai mengikut
pengharapan sesuatu masyarakat yang terbabit.
Keunggulan Islam terletak kepada kesejagatannya yang melepasi pemikiran
mengenai dimensi 'nation state'. Kita mengabdikan diri kepada Allah dalam
satu barisan persaudaraan. Untuk menilai keimanan sesaorang mengikut
kacamata perkauman bererti kita tidak menyeluruh dalam penilaian itu. Inilah
paradoks yang telah menjebak UMNO.
"Di kalangan pengikut parti pembangkang, kebencian mereka terhadap kerajaan
membuatkan kami menghadapi masalah. Mereka tidak mahu mendengar cakap kami
langsung," demikian kata Mahathir dalam satu wawancaranya dengan
Financial Times. Kerana itulah Mahathir menganggap PAS sebgai sebuah parti
yang menyemai kebencian terhadap kerajaan. Ini boleh disamakan dengan sikap
parti Conservatives yang menyemai kebencian terhadap Parti Buruh di United
Kingdom. Episod Anwar telah menyerlahkan wibawa Mahathir yang negatif. Peristiwa
mata lebam, penggunaan ISA dan juga kes mahkamah telah mencemuhkan maruah
Malaysia di mata dunia. Namun, Mahathir terus melalak dalam menonjolkan
pendapatnya mengenai perpaduan ummah itu.
Yang menjadi persoalan sekarang bukannya 'kesedaran Mahathir'. Yang lebih
penting lagi ialah ketidak-sedarannya dan apa yang telah diperlakukannya
kepada negara ini, parti politiknya dan juga rakyatnya. Bangsa Melayu itu
belum pernah berpecah-pecah sebelum ini. UMNO pun belum pernah lagi terhina
begitu teruk sebelum ini. Apabila beliau ketandusan idea dia telah mencetuskan masalah etnik dengan
cara menaikkan perngharapan kumpulan Suqui dan juga royalti petroleum
kerajaan Terengganu. Di sebalik kegagalan ini, pemimpin ini masih lagi tidak
dituduh sebagai seorang insan yang gagal bertanggungjawab. Inilah tahap
kepimpinan dalam UMNO masakini.
Gagasan Barisan Nasional yang berasaskan parti perkauman telah memerintah
Malaysia tanpa memperbetulkan kepincangan ini. Selepas merdeka selama 43
tahun inilah masanya rakyat Malaysia mengenepikan jurang perkauman dalam
dunia politik mereka. Tidak banyak yang boleh dicapai dalam laluan politik
yang ada. Satu anjakan paradigma amat diperlukan kalau kita betul-betul
mahukan satu 'penyatuan dalam perbezaan.'
Sebaliknya pula sesaorang pemimpin yang komited terhadap penyatuan tentu
telah mewujudkan beberapa sistem dan proses yang menggalakkan dialog,
perbincangan, pemahaman dan mengubah struktur parti politiknya itu
bersesuaian dengan harapan yang baru.
Di dalam sebuah parti yang berasaskan matlamat perjuangan, perkauman hanya
merupakan satu bidang sahaja. Kini, perkauman merupakan satu bidang yang
menaungi isu mengenai politik, sosial, keagamaan dan hal ehwal ekonomi.
Bidang yang dianggap sensitif akan terus membuatkan beberapa hal terperap
tanpa penyelesaiannya. Apakah yang baik untuk orang Melayu, Cina, Indian,
Kadazan, Iban, Dayak dan sebagainya, tidak harus menjadi persoalan lagi.
Persoalannya ialah apakah sesuatu itu betul, saksama dan berpatutan kepada
setiap rakyat Malaysia. Evolusi Barisan Alternatif (BA) harus dipandang dalam konteks ini. Di
sinilah terletaknya segala kemungkinan yang baru. Ia menjanjikan sebuah
Malaysia di mana rakyatnya dan parti politiknya berdialog mengenai
masalah perkauman tanpa perlu takut-takut ataupun perlu berkompromi
dengan ideologi politik. Dengan cara ini kita mampu merobah agenda kita
daripada sikap bertoleransi kepada pemahaman dan penerimaan. Ia tidak lagi
menjadi soal kewujudan bersama tetapi melakar bersama untuk memenuhi
kehendak masyarakat dan dunia. Barisan Nasional telah mencetuskan beberapa idea menonjol seperti Wawasan
2020. Tetapi, mereka terperangkap dalam agenda perkauman yang dilakar oleh
parti komponen mereka yang berbentuk perkauman itu. Kerana itu mereka tidak
mampu menyelesaikan konflik dan menyuntik keindahan wawasan itu menjadi
satu hakikat untuk membincangkan isu. Akhirnya mereka gunakan isu perkauman
itu untuk menyemarakkan imej mereka yang semakin luntur dan melunturkan
juga nila-nilai teras yang tersemat dalam wawasan itu sambil menyepikan
harapan ke arah perpaduan. Inilah yang membentuk masa silam kita. Masa hadapan, menjanjikan beberapa
kemungkinan besar dan akan membabitkan usaha merobah agenda penyatuan
negara itu daripada kewujudan bersama kepada pemahaman dan penerimaan yang
akan mengusahakan pembangunan itu sebagai rakan usahasama. Krisis Anwar
Ibrahim telah menonjolkan satu koalisi yang baru. Rakyat Malaysia perlu
membuka minda mereka kepada kemungkinan baru dengan menyisihkan segala
prejudis dan ketakutan terhadap parti politik yang menganggotai BA.
Kita perlu merangkul peluang ini untuk masadepan negara kita menjadi ahli
masyarakat gloal yang disegani. Namun, semua ini bergantung kepada keupayaan
mempamerkan hubungan multi-kaum ke tahap keyakinan yang baru yang
tidak berasaskan perkauman. Untuk mencapai kenyataan ini kita perlu memberi penekanan kepada motivasi
spiritual yang mementingkan keadilan, kesaksamaan dan kebebasan. Semua itu
adalah kayu pengukur yang digunakan untuk menilai usaha penyatuan
berbanding dengan kemudahan perkauman.
Kita bernasib baik kerana mempunyai peluang ini. Dato' Onn Jaafar pernah
menubuhkan Independence Malaysia Party (IMP) yang mendahului masanya.
Barisan Alternatif adalah satu parti yang muncul menepati masanya.
![]() Rencana Asal: (scan + ocr) Page14 HARAKAH 16-31 October 2000 National Unity Beyond Ethnic Nationalism
By Sadirah K Yugoslavia reveals to the world at large that ethnic nationalism is an outdated
and dangerous ideology in the modern World. Serbian nationalist Slobodan
Milosevic showered a trail of destruction and suffering ultimately isolating the
Serbian people. His stubborn rejection of interference within his nation
ultimately led to the destruction of his own land. He now faces the realities of
?war crimes? that are arraigned against him.
One hopes Mahathir, on his own volition, would sense national under-
currents and step down after nineteen years in power. Like other leaders he
has a host of police cases filed against him. So long as he holds onto the
reigns of power he can possibly fend off investigations. The moment he is
forced out he could face consequences, as will other members of his team
and family. Mahathir continues to shout his mouth off in London. Talking about
?Muslim Unity? he was confronted by a question from a student who posed
him the paradox of ?Muslim Unity? in the context of the ?Anwar Ibrahim? issue.
After giving him the facts, as Mahathir perceived it, he concluded that ?his con-
science is clear?. This highlights the gap between Mahathir?s understanding of ?unity? and his
practice and commitment to it in reality. After all what is ?Muslim unity??
Muslims are united in their submission to God sharing a brotherhood that pre-
supposes unity. However when commitment to ?unity? is weak at the personal level than
every distinction in thinking, colour, ethnicity or class becomes a source of
distance from God. The tendency then is to define faith within these limited
boundaries. ?You are as near to God as the person you are most divided from?, allows
each to introspect our personal relationship with God. The notion of ?Muslim
Unity? addresses issues at a lower level because recognition is given to
differences and distinctions. Where one is more Malays, Sindhi, Punjabi or
Iraqi than a Muslim to that extent faith is defined by community expectations
Islam?s magnificence lies in its universality beyond the notion of the
modern ?nation state? dimension. We lift ourselves in submission to Allah as
one brotherhood. To define one?s faith in the context of ethnicity is to deny its
wholeness. This is the paradox within which IJMNO has imprisoned itself.
?Among followers of the Opposition hatred of the Government is the one
thing that makes it difficult for us. They will not listen at all,? laments Mahathir
in his interview with the Financial Times. This is why Mahathir perceives PAS
as sowing hatred of the Government. This is akin to saying that the
Conservatives are sowing hatred against the Labour Party in the United
Kingdom. The Anwar saga has revealed the dark side of Mahathir?s character. The
beatings, the use of the ISA and the court cases have discredited Malaysia in
the eyes of the World, Yet, Mahathir continues to berate his views about
?Muslim Unity?! The issue at hand is not ?Mahathir?s conscience?. It is his lack of
conscience and what this has done to the nation, his party and the people.
Never before has the Malay hinterland been so divided. Never before has
UMNO suffered such humiliation in the Malay belt.
In his bankruptcy he has started to play the ethnic card in the manner he
dealt with the Suqui expectations and the Terengganu oil royalties. Despite all
these failures the leader is not held accountable. This defines UMNO?s level of
leadership and accountability. The ethnic based Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition that has governed
Malaysia has to address this reality. After 43 years it is time Malaysians
crossed the ethnic divide in politics. Enlarge the spectrum for engagement
and involvement beyond ethnicity. There is so much and no more that can be
achieved along the present route. A shift in paradigm is called for if we truly
eschew 'unity in diversity'. Our progress to-date is only a good beginning. Yet, in a modern globalised
environment ?ethnic nationalism? is dangerous.
Is ?National Unity? a matter of just tolerance and coexistence? If this is what
we understand and this remains the measure of our expectations then we can
all celebrate the achievements under the BN.
In his talk in Britain, Mahathir says, ?In Malaysia we are trying to show that
Muslims can co-exist with people of other religions and espouse all the
sciences and the arts.? His ultimate standard of National Unity seems to be
co-existence. The reality is that Islam outlines higher standards than co-ex-
istence when it comes to relations with other ethnic and religious groups.
As the President of an ethnic based party Mahathir has to religiously justify
ethnicity. Like a chameleon he manipulates fear to further his divide and rule
strategy while giving lip service to the notion of ?Unity?. There are many things
a leader committed to Unity will never do.
On the contrary a leader committed to ?Unity? would have established
systems and processes that encourage dialogue, discussions, enhance
understanding and re-fashion his party in the context of new expectations.
In the context of cause based parties, ethnicity, in some instances,
represents one facet. Currently ethnic perspectives seem to pervade political,
social, religious and economic issues. Being ?sensitive issues? concerns
remain unresolved. It is no more a question of what is right for Malays, Chinese, Indians,
Kadazans, Ibans, Dayaks, the Orang Asli or any other minority community.
The question is whether it is just, fair and equitable for every Malaysian.
In looking through this telescope one is not questioning special ?Malay? or
?Bumiputra Rights?. On the scale of justice and fairness positive
discrimination may be needed to help any of these communities achieve
equity. Yet this response should be a Malaysian response.
This will only be possible within a political landscape shaped by parties
representing causes beyond the ethnic dimension.
The evolution of the Barisan Alternatif (BA) should be viewed in this
context. Herein lie potential for future possibilities. A Malaysia where people
and parties dialogue on ethnic issues without the need to fear nor com-
promise political legitimacy. In this way we will be able to move the agenda
from tolerance to understanding and acceptance. It is no more a question of
co-existence but of taking on together the needs of our society and the world.
The BN has come out with some outstanding ideas like Vision 2020.
Nevertheless they are trapped within ethnic agendas shaped by their
component ethnic based parties. As a result they are unable to rise above conflicts and inject the reality of
the Vision to move issues forward. They end up playing the ethnic card to
bolster their own faltering popularity thus undercutting the core values en-
shrined in the Vision while shortchanging the notion of Unity.
This has shaped our past. The future however presents greater
possibilities and involves moving the agenda for National Unity from co-exist-
ence to understanding, acceptance and taking on the tasks of nation building
as equal partners. We need to grasp this opportunity for the future of our nation, as a
respectable member of the global community will depend on how we
showcase multi-ethnic relations displaying a new level of confidence, one that
is not based on ethnicity. For this to be a reality we have to stress spiritual motivations that underlie
notions like justice, fairness, equity and freedom. These represent yardsticks
for evaluating unity initiatives in contrast to ethnic benefits.
We are fortunate in Malaysia to have this opportunity. Dato Onn Jaafar?s
Independence Malaysia Party (IMP) was perhaps before its time. The Barisan
Alternatif is a party whose time has come