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TJ MGG: Wira Dunia Ketiga Dan Penderhaka Negaranya? By Marhain Tua 4/11/2000 8:15 am Sat |
[Rencana ini amat menarik. Nampak sangat Mahathir ketakutan dan
tidak tenang sehingga asyik membebel pasal Anwar. Beberapa baris
pertama dalam perenggan terakhir ada satu RAHSIA yang menarik :) - Editor]
(MGG: The Heroic PM And The Orwellian Traitors)
Perdana Menteri telah menuduh sesiapa yang cuba menghalang pelabur datang ke Malaysia
sebagai penderhaka. Adalah tidak patut kalau mereka cuba menghancurkan ekonomi Malaysia,
katanya semalam (29 Oktober, 2000) kepada wartawan di Brunei; kerana tindakan itu sudah
tentu akan "mencemar keselesaan rakyat". Sejak kebelakangan ini, para penderhaka yang
diiktiraf oleh Perdana Menteri adalah Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan para penyokongnya
yang sungguh aktif. Walaupun musuhnya itu berada di penjara Sungei Buluh, ini tidak
menghentikan perasaan takut si perdana menteri sehinggakan dia seakan-akan dihantui satu
igauan yang sungguh mengancamnya. Sikap perdana menteri yang sentiasa menyerang Anwar
adalah amat berbeza dengan sikap orang yang diserangnya yang sentiasa menunjukkan
kepintaran untuk mengelak serangannya itu.
Dalam kamus Inggeris, perkataan "traitor" yang bererti penderhaka itu tidak membawa
satu konotasi yang serupa dengan perkataaan "derhaka". Kalau mengikut tafsiran George
Orwell seseorang yang menuduh orang lain sebagai "traitor" ataupun penderhaka itu
selalunya merupakan seorang insan yang sedang ketakutan dan merasakan dirinya sendiri
yang terancam. Tetapi, dalam istilah peradaban Melayu, apabila seseorang itu dituduh
menderhaka, kesalahannya itu adalah merangkumi penyelewengan terhadap bangsanya kerana
cuba melawan rajanya. Tuduhan itu tidak membawa banyak kesan kerana ia dapat dibaca
setiap hari di media perdana yang dibeli kerana tabiat harian yang begitu sukar untuk
dikikiskan, dan bukannya disebabkan desakan untuk mengetahui berita yang terkini. Yang
dituduh oleh perdana menteri setiap hari itu ialah Insan Yang Mesti Dimusnahkan Dengan
Apa Cara Jua. Tetapi, dia tidak akan menyebut nama orang itu kerana mahu menjaga apa
juga cebisan maruah diri yang masih ada padanya.
Saya pernah berkata, Dato Seri Anwar bukannya seroang malaikat. Dia akan menjadi seorang
perdana menteri yang lebih teruk lagi kalau dia dipilih mengikut susur galur yang
dilakarkan oleh kaedah pengalihan kuasa UMNO. Dia mempunyai terlalu banyak kelemahan
seperti yang pernah dialami oleh Nelson Mandela. Namun, Anwar telah berjaya menonjolkan
dirinya laksana "David" yang berhadapan dengan perdana menteri yang berperanan Goliath
itu. Orang Melayu yang menyokongnya sebagai seorang panglima feudal berlagak seperti
"kurang ajar". Kesengsaraan yang dilaluinya kini akan cepat mematangkannya dan mampu
mengingatkannya kalau-kalau satu hari nanti dia cuba memakai kembali gebar kelakuan
buruk UMNO itu. Perdana Menteri Mahathir hanya mempunyai satu jalan pilihan: membenarkan pengampunan
kepada Anwar dan memberikan ruang untuk beliau mendpatkan "status quo ante" dalam UMNO
dengan bertanding bagi jawatan presiden UMNO. Inilah yang mampu mengembalikan satu
bentuk penghormatan kepadanya. Perbuatan "meminta maaf" adalah sebahagian budaya Melayu
yang mampu mengampunkan dan membasuh segala bentuk jenayah yang dilakukan. Dalam perkara
ini pun Mahathir bukannya mampu menguasai keadaan yang akan dipintanya itu. Perkara ini
hanya akan berlansung kalau Anwar bersetuju. Jika tidak, UMNO akan kehilangan kuasa untuk
selamanya. Soalnya sekarang, siapakah yang berani merantaikan loceng di leher kucing
itu? Perdana Menteri telah membuat pengakuan kepada beberapa teman baiknya betapa masalah
Anwar telah menghancurkan segala ketenangan yang ada; lebih menyeluruh lagi daripada apa
yang pernah dicetuskan oleh Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Episod Tengku Razaleigh merupakan
satu revolusi yang digerakkan oleh istana tetapi masalah Dato' Seri Anwar ialah getaran
revolusi yang digerakkan oleh rakyat marhaen. Malahan, peranan Perdana Menteri dalam
menjatuhkan perdana menteri pertama, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra dulu merupakan satu
rangsangan kepada muslihat Tun Abdul Razak menangani kerenah masyarakat istana. Tentangan
Dato Seri Anwar dulu telah didorong oleh Dasar Ekonomi Baru dan beliau tidak mencabar
ketuanan feudal itu. Cuma beliau menentang budaya mewah yang diberikan kepada para
kroni, pengampu dan adik-beradik. Saya tidak menjangkakan banyak perubahan dalam hal ini
kalaulah beliau balik berkuasa. Pemahaman orang Melayu tidak akan memberi ruang
kepadanya untuk merobah perkara ini. Lagipun, kekuatan orang-orang Mahathir bukannya
tandingan gurilla Anwar. Kini, para gurilla itu sudah pun berada di perkarangan istana,
dan apa yang termampu dilakukan oleh si maharajah ialah menuduh seluruh dunia kalau
berlaku sesuatu perkara itu. Jikalau beliau berkeras, dia akan dilarikan di malam hari.
Itulah yang berlaku kepada Nguyen Van Thieu, Marcos, Duvalier, Idi Amien ataupun sesiapa
yang menyerupai mereka. Mungkin ke Argentina di tengah malam buta. Si pemburu sudah
menjadi yang sedang diburu, si perdana menteri sudah menjadi si banduan. Si banduan
pula sedang menentukan pergerakan segala yang direncana.
Rencana Asal: THE PRIME MINISTER labelled as traitors those who discouraged foreign
investors to Malaysia. They should not damage Malaysia's economy, he told
reporters in Brunei yesterday (29 Sept 00), for that would redound on the
"people's well-being". These days, the only traitors he recognises are
his former deputy prime minister, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his
hyper-active supporters. His nemesis persistently snaps at his heels from
his prison cell in Sungei Buloh to encase the Prime Minister in an
ever-diminishing nightmarish political coccoon that threatens to envelop
him. The Prime Minister often incoherent attacks is in sharp contrast
with Dato' Seri Anwar's carefully considered riposte.
The word "traitor" does not have in English the cultural connotation
the Malay equivalent, "derhaka", has. So, while George Orwell is proven
right each time the Prime Minister is frightened and upset, in Malay it is
to paint his nemesis as a traitor of the Malays for challenging the
inherent feudal lord. That does not work as it once did, since these
remarks appear in the mainstream newspapers which are bought these days by
force of habit than to be up-to-date with the news. His target is He Who
Must Be Destroyed At All Cost, no less. But he cannot mention his name
without losing more of what little face he has.
He travels overseas often, nowadays in stealth in the questionable
company of his cronies, siblings and courtiers, but these days is waylaid
so often that he faces reality there than he at home. Not him alone.
The Prime Minister and his cabinet now face critical audiences, especially
students, in Malaysia and overseas; they would not dare meet them here
except in controlled circumstances. The government dismissed one group
that stalked him in the United Kingdom as "Pakistanis", ignoring the irony
of a Pakistani girl with a Malay mother labelled a Malaysian and showered
with scholarships when she went up to Cambridge University when in her
teens: if the government can shower scholarships on a Pakistani girl,
especially one who has no intention to return, how could it now attack an
anti-Malaysian crowd as Pakistani, some of whom could well be of similar
extraction? But in Bolehland, the goose's sauce is not the gander's!
The Prime Minister is caught in his own trap. Two days earlier, the
finance minister, Tun Daim Zainuddin, in his budget speech, boasted of a
well-entrenched Malaysian which could not be shaken off its perch, a state
possible only under the glorious reign of the Emperor of Putra Jaya, and
despite the treachery of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange and He Who Must
Be Destroyed At All Cost. If the economy is so strong, how could a score
of ill-organised Anwaristas, even with their own spin doctor, dissuade
foreign investors on a sure path to profits and wealth? Chile, at the
height of the Pinochet dictatorship, was the fastest growing economy in
South America, despite orchestrated foreign and local pressure to inhibit
foreign investment. She succeeded because her spin doctors were facile
enough to keep one step ahead of the opposition. Malaysia fails because
her economy is make-believe, papered-over, without the resilience we are
told it has. Foreign investors shy away not because anti-Malaysian pamphlets are
slipped surrepticiously into potential investors' information packs, but
policy failures, arrogance, we-know-what-is-good-for-you mentality, and
ignoring the political impact of the Anwar rebellion. The government
since September 1998 had only one aim: to ensure the Prime Minister's
survival in the feudal mantle. But the Malay dismisses as whining his
ill-disguised attacks on his once-political heir. The man is in jail, is
barred from politics for 20 years, yet a threat so serious the Prime
Minister, after calling upon the Sultan of Brunei in Bandar Seri Begawan,
must attack him. Dato' Seri Anwar, as I have said often, is no saint;
he would have been a worse Prime Minister if he was chosen in the genteel
political succession UMNO is noted for. He has too many faults, as indeed
Nelson Mandela had and has. But he galvanised himself to be David to the
Prime Minister's Goliath, the Malay leaning to him as the feudal lord
behaved as a "kurang ajar". His travails matures him into a leader who
would get shorter shrift if he ever ventured anew into UMNO's bad habits.
The Prime Minister has only one course open to him: to ensure a free
pardon, return him to status quo ante in UMNO, allow him to contest the
UMNO presidency. This might restore him to some cultural respect. The
"Minta Ma'af" (asking for forgiveness) is ingrained in Malay culture, and
washes away the most heinous of crimes. Even here he is not his own
master. This can work only if Dato' Seri Anwar agrees. If not, UMNO
would disappear from the power equation for ever. The problem is: who
would bell the cat? The Prime Minister admits to close friends the Anwar problem destroys
his equanamity more thoroughly than Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah: Tengku
Razaleigh's a palace revolt, Dato' Seri Anwar's a people's revolution.
Even the Prime Minister's role in the destruction of Malaysia's first
prime minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, was as a satrap to Tun Abdul Razak's
palace intrigues. Dato' Seri Anwar's revolt is fuelled by the New
Economic Policy and challenged not the feudal overlordship but the cosy
culture of cronies, courtiers and siblings. I cannot see much change in
this worldview, if he should come to power. The Malay worldview would
allow him no more. The Mahathir forces are no match to the Anwar
guerrillas. The guerrillas are at the palace gates, and all the Emperor
can do is to blame the world for that. If he persists, he would have to
be whisked out, as the Nguyen van Thieus, the Marcoses, the Duvaliers, Idi
Amins of this world, to Argentina in the dead of night. The hunter is the
hunted, the Prime Minister the prisoner, the prisoner dictating events.
M.G.G. Pillai |