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TJ: Umno Diamkan Perubahan By Man Kubur 2/11/2000 6:20 am Thu |
Terjemahan Ringkas sambil tokok tambah
UMNO DIAMKAN SUARA PERUBAHAN Rencana oleh sdr Rehman kali ini menggambarkan ujudnya satu
kesedaran senyap dari ahli bawahan umno untuk memperbaiki
imej parti mereka. Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dilapurkan sugul dan terkejut selepas
mesyuarat MKT 30 /11/2000 lalu. Cadangan-cadangan bernas yang
diambil dari pelbagai pihak dalam parti nampaknya diketepikan
sahaja dalam mesyuarat MKT itu. Ia tidak berdaya untuk diterima
sebagai agenda dalam perhimpunan agung 18/11/2000 nanti.
Sebaliknya UMNO mengekalkan sistem pemilihan pemimpin tertinggi
berdasarkan undi dari 2000 perwakilan. Ia juga mengurangkan musim
pemilihan itu mengikut tempoh pemilu. Ini merupakan tamparan hebat kepada angin perubahan dalam umno.
Ia mula retak semasa kes Tengku Razaleigh, dan semakin berkecai
sejak kes Anwar bergegar. Nampaknya pandangan pelbagai pihak
dalam umno sendiri tidak dilayan. Padahal umno kalah teruk
dalam pemilu yang lepas. Ia nampaknya terus berdegil dan masih
menerima Mahathir sebagai ketua dalam perhimpunan bulan Mei
lalu. Kini apabila sedikit ruang dibuka untuk bersuara, ia
disisihkan begitu sahaja. "The proposals I received were quite comprehensive and very
popular ," said Muhyiddin, "and the grassroots voting was the
most popular proposal." Muhyiddin menyatakan cadangan2 yang beliau terima agak lengkap
dan popular. Malah undi golongan akar-umbi adalah satu cadangan
yang paling popular. Apabila suara-suara akar-umbi dipersiakan sahaaja, nampak
jelas siapa yang menguasai pentas. Pemimpin tertinggi umno
masih belum bersedia untuk berubah. Jika pandangan akar-umbi
mendapat layanan sedemikian, apakah lagi yang boleh diharapkan
kepada para perwakilan? Mereka hanya datang untuk melicinkan pinggan
serta bertepuk walaupun Mahathir mengejek tuhan.
Semakin lama Mahathir berada dipuncak kuasa, semakin parah umno
Kini umno sudah semakin tempang. Jika umno karam dan tenggelam
jangan umno menuduh pembangkang sebarangan. Mahathir sendiri
yang menebuk lubang walaupun dia berada di tengah-tengah lautan.
Bila itu berlaku, dia akan berlepas dengan sebuah helikopter.
Namun begitu tiada sesiapa yang akan mengizinkan pendaratannya.
Ketika itu baru dia tahu apa yang lebih berguna dan apa yang sudah
menjadi sia-sia. Dipendekkan cerita, meletuplah ia di udara.....
-TJ Man Kubur- D1&num D628
Tuesday, 31 October 2000 No Amends Made Comment by Rehman Rashid Basically, the proposed amendments were a deal the party was offering to
its top leadership - widen the right to vote among the party's membership,
and receive in return longer and stronger mandates from those votes. With
surprising cynicism, the Supreme Council kept the suggestion for longer
terms and threw out the bit about the wider vote.
Umno retains the current process of choosing its top leadership on the
votes of some 2,000 general assembly delegates, but what used to be
triennial rounds of elections will now be extended to coincide with
national general elections, such that each Umno administration rides in
tandem with the five-year terms of Malaysia's elected national legislature.
(Indeed, Umno's elections can now be held anytime within 12 months after
the general elections, theoretically doubling the term of party office from
the present three years to six.) A rounder slap in the collective face of Umno's ostensibly teeming millions
would be hard to imagine. The past couple of years have been the most
difficult in the party's history since, well, 1987. Following the Anwar
Ibrahim Affair, remembering the Tengku Razaleigh Affair of a decade
earlier, the party wilfully resisted breaking apart again. Umno held on
through the drubbing it received in last year's general elections, and
limped to its general assembly last May resolutely holding itself intact
under party president Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Since then, the party has been trying to do what it can to repair the
damage to its voter base, amid much earnest talk of "getting back to the
grassroots". It was to restore the faith of the party's beleaguered
membership that the initiative was taken to revamp the Umno constitution so
as to accommodate some of the reformist impulses so strenuously manifested
in Umno's political opposition. "The proposals I received were quite
comprehensive and very popular," said Muhyiddin, "and the grassroots voting
was the most popular proposal." But perhaps that served only to indicate to Dr Mahathir the extent of
disgruntlement remaining in his party.
No doubt, there were valid arguments against the proposals. Certainly, the
logistics involved would have been nightmarish, and 30,000 voting members
instead of 2,000 might indeed have increased rather than reduced the scope
for 'money politics', especially if Umno is as rife with venality as its
worst enemies contend. Remarkably, Dr Mahathir himself seems to share those reservations.
"Probably there are people who are so rich that they can get workers from
all over Malaysia to ensure that they are nominated," he told the national
news agency Bernama. "This is something that is likely to happen. That is
why we felt that [supreme council] elections at divisional level would not
guarantee that there will not be money politics."
But the proposals did not even get to be dutifully picked apart and
dismissed at the upcoming special general assembly and there lies the
insult. It remains to be seen what will transpire at that Nov 18 meet, although it's doubtful that the party's assembly delegates would have much cause to protest a Supreme Council decision to keep them just where they are and for nicely lengthened terms. |