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Rais Yatim: Semua Minyak Kerajaan Punya. By Kapal Berita 1/11/2000 9:00 am Wed |
Dalam lapuran AP dan Star di bawah ini jelaslah Rais Yatim
telah membakar semua sijil PhDnya. Dulu dia mengatakan perjanjian
Petronas itu sebagai MOU sedangkan tiada sepatah pun perkataan
MOU dalam perjanjian itu. Semalam kerajaan pusat mengistiharkan perjanjian 1975 itu
dibatalkan. Rais memberi alasan Petroleum Development Act 1974
dan the Continental Shelf Act 1966. Katanya Terengganu tidak layak
menerima royalti kerana sumber ditemui melebihi 3 batu nautika
dari pantai. Dia juga menyatakan berdasarkan Petroleum Development
Act 1974, semua kerajaan negeri memberikan hak melombong secara
otomatik kepada kerajaan pusat melalui Petronas - termasuk dalam
kawasan pantainya atau di atas daratan.
Sayang sungguh Rais buta sejarah - mungkin dia sendiri sudah
membakar semua buku sejarah dan perjanjian yang ada. Rais
sebenarnya telah menjatuhkan maruah dirinya sendiri. Secara
tidak langsung tindakkan beliau itu menyanggah Tengku Razaleigh
yang pernah menurunkan tanda tangan merestui perjanjian itu.
Kita perlu bertanya mengapakan perjanjian itu ditanda-tangani oleh
kerajaan negeri dengan Petronas. Tidakkah itu bermakna kerajaan
negerilah TUAN PUNYA itu. Jika kawasan minyak itu memang milik
pusat, kerajaan pusat lah yang perlu menanda tangani sebarang
perjanjian, bukannya kerajaan negeri. Malangnya seorang yang
bersijil PhD tidak mampu melihat realiti sebab musabab perjanjian
royalti dan Akta yang didraf selama ini. Tanpa akta dan royalti,
sudah lama Sabah dan Sarawak menjadi entiti yang terpisah dari
Malaysia. Kebijaksanaan Allahyarham Tun Razaklah yang menyelamatkan
pemisahan ini - namun otak si pemegang PhD ini tidak membaca
semua sejarah ini - agaknya ia sudah dibakar dengan jambatannya
bersekali. Jangan Rais ingat dengan menguasai wang, umno akan dapat menguasai
orang. Jenguklah ke stadium Terengganu - mengapa ia sesak dengan
ribuan manusia walaupun tiada nasi bungkus percuma. Sebaliknya
hujan pula yang mencurah turun, tetapi mereka masih tidak berganjak.
Tidak takutkah Rais kepada tangan-tangan yang sedang terbuka itu
dipenuhi oleh titis air hujan dari langit. Tuhan tidak akan mempersiakan
doa orang yang dizalimi. Lambat laun ia pasti tiba juga dan ia mungkin
datang dari arah yang tidak disangka. Rakyat Kelantan sudah membuktikan
mereka lebih rela hidup berkat dari bergaya tetapi terlaknat. Kini
mereka sudah berjaya mendirikan pelbagai menara yang tinggi tanpa
perlu menghabiskan wang sesuka hati. Menara itu adalah iman yang
tercegak di dalam hati.... bukannya ketulan batu yang terpacak di atas
bumi tetapi sukar mencari isi. Media Statement(2) by DAP National Chairman Lim Kit Siang in Petaling Jaya
on Monday, 30th October 2000: Terengganu oil royalty - Rais' most unreasonable and outrageous statement
since his return to Cabinet after general election
He said the agreement was no more valid and effective following the Federal
Government's decision in September to introduce the Wang Ehsan scheme in the
form of payouts for development projects in the state.
Rais said that with the announcement, the Federal Government would no longer
recognise the agreement as a "beneficial document" to both Petronas and the
Terengganu Government concerning petroleum royalty.
In unilaterally and arbitrarily declaring the 1975 agreement on the cash
payment of petroleum royalty between Terengganu and Petronas as being "null
and void", Rais is not only extremely unreasonable and outrageous in
arrogating to himself the role of super-judge, he has also shown utter
contempt for the sanctity of laws, the concept of federalism as well as the
damage his statement to international confidence in the rule of law in
Malaysia and therefore the country's reliability as an investment destination.
Rais' statement is a very lame attempt to provide a fig-leaf to camouflage
and justify the Federal Governments' politically-motivated, unfair, illegal
and unconscionable hijacking of Terengganu oil royalty which exceeds RM1
billion this year as a result of increased production and unprecedentedly
high international oil prices. However, in declaring the 1975 agreement "null and void" with effect from
the Federal government's decision in September to introduce the Wang Ehsan
payments, Rais had in fact conceded the legality of the 1975 agreement in
the past 25 years - and it is not within his power or that of the Federal
government to unilaterally and arbitrarily declare it "null and void" or to
revoke it. As Parliament is in session, the government should table all the documents
since the 1970s showing the position of the Attorney-General's Chamber and
all the Attorney-Generals on the question of the Terengganu oil royalty in
the form of a White Paper in the Dewan Rakyat.
- Lim Kit Siang -
Tuesday, October 31 4:52 PM SGT Malaysian Opposition State Defies Federal Laws On Oil
KUALA LUMPUR (AP)--An opposition-ruled state in Malaysia has vowed to defy
Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's federal government and start developing oil
reserves in the state, adding fuel to an ongoing feud over payment of oil royalties.
"Since the federal government does not recognize the state government's agreement
with Petronas, we too do not recognize the federal government's stand," Wan Abdul
Mutalib Embong, a minister in the eastern state of Terengganu was quoted as saying
Tuesday. Petronas is Malaysia's national oil and gas company controlled directly by the prime
minister's office. On Sunday, Rais Yatim, a minister in Mahathir's Cabinet, said the federal government
and Petronas had exclusive rights on oil matters in all 13 states of this Southeast Asian
nation of 22 million people. Rais said the Terengganu state government, which is led by the fundamentalist
Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party or PAS, had no right to develop oil reserves in the state
independently. However, on Tuesday, Wan Abdul Mutalib reiterated that PAS would go ahead with
plans to sign an agreement with a private company to develop oil reserves in the state.
Wan Abdul Mutalib said the federal government should leave it to Petronas and the
Terengganu government to discuss oil matters.
"Why must the federal intervene when it is Petronas that should deal with us?" the
Utusan Malaysia newspaper quoted him as asking.
Terengganu was to receive 810 million ringgit ($1=MYR3.80)in annual oil royalties this
year from Petronas. But in September, Mahathir's government abruptly announced the
money would instead be used to fund infrastructure projects and channeled through a
federal agency outside the control of the state government.
Federal officials say PAS can't be trusted to administer these funds. The opposition,
meanwhile, insists the government wants to punish PAS for winning control of
Terengganu in last year's general elections.
Two other oil-producing Malaysian states, controlled by allies of Mahathir's party,
continue to receive royalties. Kuala Lumpur Revokes Petronas Royalty Deal With Trengganu
The Star, Oct 30, 00, p3: NO MORE ROYALTY PAYMENTS Deal With Trengganu Revoked KUALA TERENGGANU: The Federal Government declared yesterday the 1975
agreement on the cash payment of petroleum royalty between Trengganu and
Petronas as being "null and void". Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Rais Yatim said the
agreement was no more valid and effective following the Federal
Government's decision in September to introduce the "wang ehsan" scheme.
The scheme, in the form of payouts for the development projects in
the state, has replaced the cash payments which had been practiced
previously. "It is up to the Trengganu government to accept it as an official and
final decision," he told reporters after a dialogue with federal and state
government servants on the petroleum royalty issue here.
"The state government is free to take legal action if they are not
satisfied with the decision," he said.
With the announcement, Dr Rais said, the Federal Government would no
longer recognise the agreement as a "beneficial document" to both Petronas
and the Trengganu Government concerning petroleum royalty.
Dr Rais said the move to revoke the agreement was based on the
Petroleum Development Act 1974 and the Continental Shelf Act 1966 which
stipulated that Trengganu was not qualified to receive the petroleum
royalty because the resource is found outside three nautical miles off its
territorial waters. He said the decision was not politically motivated.
"It is not right to say that the Federal Government is cruel, unfair
and unwise to withdraw the petroleum royalty payment in cash to the state
government because the decision was made based on the laws," he said.
Dr Rais sid the Federal Government considered the people's welfare
and it would ensure that they continue to receive development projects
directly fromit and not through middlemen or a third party.
Asked if Trengganu needed to sign a fresh agreement with Petronas if
the state found petroleum and gas resources within its territorial waters
and inland, Dr Rais said: "Based on the Petroleum Development Act, all
states have given their rights to the Federal Government, through
Petronas, to exploit and mine petroleum resources found within their
territorial waters and mainland."
He said the states had no right to develop their own petroleum
industry. Asked how the cancellation of the agreement was effective, Dr Rais
said: "When one party revokes the agreement by not following the terms
contained in it, it automatically causes the agreement to be invalid and
ineffective." On a statement by the PAS state government that it was not keen to
take legal action over the issue as it was not confident that the court
and judiciary would be fair to them, Dr Rais said anybody who criticised
the system openly without any strong proof was exposed to contempt of
court. "It is up to the court to take action against them but I think the
statement made by the state government made by the state government leders
(PAS leaders) was politically motivated," he said.