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Kemelut: Ezam VS Mahathir By Man Kubur 30/10/2000 5:28 am Mon |
EZAM DIPERSOAL Beberapa hari kebelakangan ini Ezam mendapat perhatian banyak
pihak. Setakat ini Mahathir, Rafidah, Hamid Albar sudah pun membebel.
Bukan itu sahaja, beberapa pendokong reformasi pula turut mempersoalkan
tindakkan Ezam yang disifatkan "cuba meraih simpati" di luar
negara. Namun demikian Ezam mengatakan beliau ke sana bukan
untuk mencari sokongan atau simpati, tetapi untuk menyatakan
kebenaran dan keadilan. Beliau dijemput dan bukannya memohon
atau merayu untuk dijemput... (tidak macam Mahathir :) )
Ezam baru pulang dari menghadiri Asia Pacific Young Leader
Conference atas jemputan A.S. Sebelum ini A.S. menjemput
wakil UMNO sahaja. Ini adalah satu pengiktirafan kepada
Barisan Alternatif. EZAM DIKEHENDAKKI POLIS Pihak polis sudah lama meminta Ezam hadir melapurkan diri di
banyak balai di seluruh negara. "Saya tidak akan pergi ke balai polis untuk memberi kenyataan,"
"Saya membuat keputusan tidak akan memberikan kerjasama," jelas Ezam
pada 20/10/2000. Polis mempunyai sebab kerana ceramah yang diadakan tidak mendapat
permit. Ia dikira menyalahi Seksyen 27 Akta Polis kerana mengadakan
perhimpunan di tempat awam tanpa kebenaran polis.
Kerajaan pula nampaknya cuba menggunakan Akta Rahsia Rasmi dan Akta
Hasutan. Sewaktu pulang dari A.S. Ezam mencabar Bank Negara untuk
menyanggah beberapa kenyataan beliau, antaranya ialah:
"Bahawa Mahathir dan kuncu-kuncu beliau (kira-kira 10 orang)
mengeluarkan wang berjumlah 10 billion untuk digunakan bila
Ezam menjelaskan beliau menggunakan setiap kesempatan yang ada
untuk menyampaikan mesej. Apakah itu satu kesalahan juga?
Siapakah lagi yang boleh diharapkan untuk memberi keterangan itu.
Tahun ini sahaja pemimpin umno sudah banyak kali keluar negara,
termasuk Pak Lah, Rafidah dan Mahathir. Jika ini dibiarkan
pelabur hanya mendapat maklumat dekat atau face-to-face sebelah
pihak sahaja. Dengan Ezam merantau (itupun sedikit sahaja) beberapa sesi
perjumpaan itu sekurang-kurangnya dapatlah pihak luar
berinteraksi dengan pembangkang untuk lebih memahami selok
belok politik negara. Kita tidak seharusnya membiarkan pihak
luar kempunan ketemu kita kerana media atau internet sahaja
tidak mencukupi untuk menyakinkan pelabur antarabangsa.
Tengoklah sahaja ragam pasaran saham BSKL. Ia naik secara tiba-tiba
walaupun tiada faktor kukuh yang menyakinkan. Ini menimbulkan
pelbagai tandatanya pelabur asing. Ramai yang terkena walaupun
mereka agak bijak mengurus dana. Kata orang: "Rugi sekali ingat bila-bila.."
Kerajaan sendiri sedar pelabur luar lebih mesra Anwar dari
mesra Mahathir - ini satu FAKTA yang tiada sesiapa pun dapat
menyangkal. Pelabur luar asyik menjadi sasaran kutukan Mahathir
sedangkan mereka pun sebenarnya mencari makan juga. Dakwaan mereka
memanipulasi pasaran tidak kena kerana sudah menjadi lumrah
semua pelabur untuk mencari keuntungan mengikut had dan undang-undang.
Siapakah yang mengajak mereka jika tidak negara kita juga....
PELABUR INGINKAN PENJELASAN Apabila pelabur luar menjemput Ezam atau pihak pembangkang untuk
bercerita, ini jelas menunjukkan mereka sudah meragui keterangan
media dan kempen kerajaan selama ini. Malah mereka mungkin sudah
tidak PERCAYA lagi kepada Mahathir dan orang-orangnya, sebagaimana
mereka tidak mempercayai kenaikkan indeks BSKL yang tiba-tiba.
Apa yang berlaku kepada Allayarham Jalil Ibrahim serta tekanan
dan ugutan terhadap Dr Jomo memburukkan lagi imej pemimpin negara
sekarang ini. Jika gambar Mahathir berpeluk dengan Castro diambil
kira, kredibiliti negara musnah dan hancur dalam sekelip mata.
Pelbagai tandatanya menghantui pemikiran mereka. Oleh itu mereka
ingin mendengar pandangan dari pihak pembangkang pula. Rugilah
jika kita mempersiakan kesempatan ini.
JANGAN PINJAM KEKATA UMNO Kadang-kadang pendokong reformasi sendiri merasa agak kurang
senang dengan lawatan pemimpin BA keluar negara. Apa lagi
jika lawatan itu dirasakan cuba meraih simpati atau sokongan.
Pemimpin BA seharusnya memberi kenyataan segera bila ini
berlaku. Sikap Ezam dalam hal ini patut diberi pujian...
Beliau membuat satu kenyataan akhbar untuk menjawab
pelbagai tohmahan - termasuk juga yang bergema dari dalam.
Seperti biasa umno dan juaknya mahu melukis suasana "pengaruh
asing " supaya mereka dapat memberi alasan (lagi)! Secara tidak
langsung isu sebenar akan cuba ditenggelamkan.
Saya merasakan ungkapan "meraih simpati" itu kurang wajar
dilemparkan kepada Ezam. Ini adalah perang saikologi umno.
Kita jangan mudah terpengaruh dengan mereka. Umno sengaja
merendahkan perjuangan reformasi dengan pelabgai tuduhan, oleh
itu kita jangan terlalu mudah meminjam perkataan jijik mereka.
Kenyataan media oleh Ezam sudah menjawab semua persoalan.
Saya memetik beberapa kerat kenyataan tersebut:
"I was only stating the truth, nothing more."
Sebagai seorang yang cintakan tanah-air, Ezam hanya berkata benar
di luar negara, tidak lebih dari itu.
My visits to the United States and to Europe were on
invitations by the Malaysian community overseas or by the international
communities that wanted to hear an explanation of what was happening in
Malaysia. It was not a movement as portrayed by Utusan Malaysia.
"Lawatan saya keluar ke A.S. dan Eropah adalah kerana menghadiri
jemputan oleh masyarakat Malaysia di luar negara atau masyarakat
antarabangsa yang mahu mendengar beberapa penjelasan apa yang
berlaku di Malaysia. Ia bukannya satu gerakan yang dimomokkan
Menurut lapuran akhbar, kerajaan bercadang hendak
mengambil tindakkan kepada kumpulan pro-reformasi yang
mendapatkan khidmat JMS. Dikatakan dalam lapuran TV bahawa
JMS dibayar US$50,000 selama 4 bulan untuk cuba melobi
kerajaan A.S. supaya mengenakan sekatan dagang terhadap
Malaysia. (Mereka mungkin memetik rencana Straits Times
Singapore - penulis) Hasil temubual wartawan FAC dengan JMS - mendapati sanggapan
sekatan dagang itu tidak benar. Malah JMS bukan kumpulan lobi.
Sebaliknya JMS adalah satu kumpulan konsultan (penasihat) media.
Semasa berita ini ditulis pihak BA menafikan ada mengambil
Berikut adalah satu coretan menarik antara wartawan
FAC dengan seorang "pegawai kerajaan A.S.:
"Just look at the recent UN Millennium Conference that Mahathir
boycotted. Everyone knows Mahathir boycotted the conference to
'punish' Kofi Annan for meeting Wan Azizah in Warsaw earlier
this year. But Mahathir was in the US then. And he met Castro
though he would not attend the Conference".
"Do you know the US newspapers carried the photo of Mahathir
and Castro hugging and kissing each other on its front pages?"
laughed the US 'government man'. "There were no captions or stories - just the photo of Mahathir
and Castro in each other's arms. This was enough for the US
people. There was no need to say anything more. And everyone
knows Mahathir did this on US soil just to send a message to
the US. Does anyone need to do anything anymore to run
Mahathir down? He is doing it to himself very well without
anyone's help". "Lihat sahaja ketika UN Millennium Conference (UNMC) baru-baru ini. Mahathir
memboikot perjumpaan itu. Semua orang tahu Mahathir memboikotnya
kerana "hendak mengajar" Kofi Anan yang mengadakan mesyuarat dengan
Wan Azizah di Warsaw awal tahun ini. Tetapi Mahathir berada di A.S.
ketika UNMC itu. Dan dia menemui Castro (dan berpeluk -penterjemah)
walaupun dia tidak menghadiri UNMC." "Tahukah anda akhbar-akhbar A.S. menyiarkan gambar Mahathir dan Castro
berpeluk dan bercium pada muka depan?" jelas "orang kerajaan A.S." itu
sambil ketawa. "Tidak ada cerita atau sebarang tulisan pada gambar itu - hanya foto
Mahathir dan Castro berpelukkan sahaja. Ini sudah cukup buat rakyat A.S.
Tidak perlu dihuraikan atau diperkatakan apa-apa lagi. Dan semua
orang tahu Mahathir melakukan aksi ini di atas bumi A.S. hanya untuk
memberi satu mesej kepada A.S. Adakah sesiapa perlu melakukan apa-apa
lagi untuk menjatuhkan Mahathir? Dia sendiri sudah melakukannya sendiri
tanpa pertolongan orang lain" ![]() RENCANA RUJUKAN DARI FAC Sumber:
FAC News Ezam Mohd Nor calls for Mahathir's resignation
Ezam Mohd Nor, the Youth Leader of the National Justice Party, reiterated
his statement made in a gathering for the "Movement to Reclaim the
People's Rights" at Tandop, Alor Setar, on the night of 24 October 2000.
As follows is his statement released to the press on 27 October 2000.
EZAM'S PRESS STATEMENT When I attended several seminars overseas, I did in fact speak about the injustices and wrongdoing of the present government. I was only stating the truth, nothing more. We must be brave in speaking truthfully, even though it may be bitter. At every opportunity I was given to speak, I explained in detail the wrongdoing and the corruption
of the government of Mahathir Mohamad in fundamental issues such as independence of the
judiciary, violation of the media's right to free speech and abolition of legal party rights, in the
course of performing the activities of a supposedly democratic country.
The iron grip of the ruling government, especially Mahathir Mohamad on the powers which were
supposed to be assigned to enforcement bodies such as the Anti-Corruption Agency and the
Attorney-General's Chambers has resulted in widespread corruption and fraud involving the
highest officers of the government. This was also another issue which I repeatedly discussed.
The issues that I brought up are issues which need to be discussed inside or outside of the
country. As a politician holding office in a legal political party, I have the right to air my opinion to
anyone in or outside Malaysia even though it may expose the wrongdoing of a leader like
Mahathir Mohamad or his ruling party, Barisan Nasional.
I will defend my right to speak and to tell the truth. Once again, I challenge the Foreign Minister
Dato' Syed Hamid Albar or any other government official, even Mahathir Mohamad, the Prime
Minister of Malaysia to indict me in any Malaysian or international court, if what I am doing is
against the law. However, I would like to correct the report in Utusan Malaysia today which portrays a false picture
of a movement which supposedly is planned by the leadership of the Alternative Front,
specifically the National Justice Party that is allegedly trying to discredit the Prime Minister.
My visits to the United States and to Europe were on invitations by the Malaysian community
overseas or by the international communities that wanted to hear an explanation of what was
happening in Malaysia. It was not a movement as portrayed by Utusan Malaysia.
The support of the people here and internationally for the struggle to uphold justice in Malaysia is
encouraging. That is why I have received many invitations to travel overseas and speak about the
current state of the country which is increasingly being marginalised by Mahathir Mohamad.
It is true that Mahathir Mohamad is being sidelined internationally. He is now a liability to the
nation. The longer he rules, the longer will the country's image decline and this will have a
deleterious effect on the pride and the economy of Malaysia.
As the Foreign Minister, Dato' Syed Hamid Albar should cease his wasteful efforts of threatening me. Instead he should be responsible to the people and tell the Prime Minister the damage he is doing to the country. Syed Hamid Albar should tell the Prime Minister to resign to redeem the country's stature in the eyes of the world. Raja Petra Kamarudin Sumber:
FAC News Malaysian Government to "take action" against pro-Anwar
supporters Last night, the Malaysian Government announced it would be
taking action against pro-Anwar Ibrahim supporters who had
employed the services of a US lobbyist group, Janus-Merritt
Strategies (JMS). In the TV news report, it said that JMS had been employed for
USD50,000 for a four-month period to try to get trade sanctions
imposed against Malaysia. FAC News managed to speak to JMS and they deny that they are a lobbyist group.
"We are a media consultant company", said a Scott Hoffman, spokesman for JMS.
Scott also denies that they are trying to get trade sanctions imposed against Malaysia.
"Most Americans believe that trade sanctions do not work", said Scott. "Just look at
Iraq. Trade sanctions against Iraq did not bring Saddam down. It just brought hardship
to the Iraqi people. Those who suffer are the babies and children, not the leaders. Why
would JMS want to do something that would backfire? We are not stupid."
Another American who had spent some years in Malaysia who FAC News spoke to
had this to say. "Trade sanctions would have the reverse effect. Instead of bringing
Mahathir down it would give him more sympathy. Trade sanctions would not further the
cause of Anwar Ibrahim. It would just give credence to what Mahathir said about Anwar
all along - that he is instrumental for Malaysia's economic collapse. And that the US is
behind Anwar". Other US "government people" FAC News spoke to had their own opinions.
"Why would Anwar's supporters need to employ professionals to run Mahathir down?
Mahathir is doing this very well on his own without any help from the experts."
He went on to say, "Just look at the recent UN Millennium Conference that Mahathir
boycotted. Everyone knows Mahathir boycotted the conference to 'punish' Kofi Annan
for meeting Wan Azizah in Warsaw earlier this year. But Mahathir was in the US then.
And he met Castro though he would not attend the Conference".
"Do you know the US newspapers carried the photo of Mahathir and Castro hugging
and kissing each other on its front pages?" laughed the US 'government man'. "There
were no captions or stories - just the photo of Mahathir and Castro in each other's
arms. This was enough for the US people. There was no need to say anything more.
And everyone knows Mahathir did this on US soil just to send a message to the US.
Does anyone need to do anything anymore to run Mahathir down? He is doing it to
himself very well without anyone's help".
A banker whom FAC News spoke to was more enlightening, though alarming, in what
he had so say. "The Malaysian economy cannot hold anymore. The Malaysian stock
market cannot hold either. We can expect bleak days ahead of us. Mahathir says his
economic policies work and that Anwar's don't. But what is Mahathir going to say when
the economy collapses? This way he can blame Anwar's supporters."
He went on to say, "Mahathir needs a scapegoat to explain why the economy is not
doing well. He will now say that Anwar's supporters sabotaged the economy by getting
trade sanctions imposed on Malaysia. This would be very convenient. Mahathir fails
but Anwar gets the blame." FAC News will be watching very closely developments in Malaysia over these next
few weeks. Will Malaysia's economy hold? Will Anwar's supporters be blamed if the
Malaysian economy collapses? Will the government arrest Anwar's supporters who
they blame for "sabotaging" Malaysia's economy? Will they be arrested under "treason
against the King"? Stay tuned to FAC News for updates. Raja Petra Kamarudin |