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Must Read: Selangor State Territory Annexed by Federal Government By Kapal Berita 25/10/2000 8:52 pm Wed |
[Rencana ini MESTI DIBACA DAN DISEBAR kerana amat bernas.
Mahathir kini berperang dengan tiga rakyat negeri. Kelantan dengan
bekalan air, Terengganu dengan Royalti dan Selangor dengan Putrajaya
Dia memijak perjanjian Petronas sesuka hati, sengaja memilih Khir Toyo
supaya senang mencuri dan membiarkan rakyat Kelantan dinafikan bekalan
air walaupun wabak taun boleh membawa maut kepada rakyat marhaen
yang tidak bersalah, termasuk kanak-kanak yang belum boleh mengundi
Sebaliknya dia bermurah hati pula membantu semua kroni - semalam dia
mengumumkan Bakun akan dihidupkan kembali..... Rakyat dia apa perduli -
Malah dia mencemuh orang melayu dalam wawancara dengan Financial Times
baru-baru ini serta tidak mengizinkan undang-undang tuhan dengan
pelbagai alasan. - Editor]
Selangor State Territory Annexed by Federal Government
First Mahathir denies the Kelantan people their water. Then Mahathir takes
away the Terengganu people s oil royalty. Now Mahathir annexes Putra Jaya
and declares it Federal Territory. A few days ago the Federal Government announced that Putra Jaya is going
to become Federal Territory. It caught everyone off guard. When was this
agreed upon? Who gave the agreement for Putra Jaya to be handed over to
the Federal Government? I did some probing and this is what I came up with.
Prior to that, His Royal Highness the King summoned the Regent, who is the
acting Sultan of Selangor, and the Royal Council for a meeting. At this
meeting, the assembly was informed that Putra Jaya would be handed over to
the Federal Government. The Regent and the Royal Council were also
informed that they are not to question the decision nor oppose it. They
can only ask about the quantum involved.
Putra Jaya would be "sold" for RM800 million plus an annual payment of
RM7.5 million. Having been told they could not question or oppose the move other than
discuss the quantum, the Council discussed the amount offered by the
Federal Government and said it was not sufficient. How could the Federal
Government take Putra Jaya by force and dictate the amount to be paid?
This matter was brought back to the Federal Government. The Federal
Government was told that the Council was not happy with the figure and
that the Federal Government should revise the figure.
The Federal Government, however, rejected the Council s view. The figure
would stand. The Council is extremely unhappy with this whole affair. It is one thing
to take part of Selangor territory by force. But to pay pittance on top of
that! According to sources in the Selangor State Government, the move to annex
Putra Jaya started during the tenure of the previous Chief Minister, Abu
Hassan Omar. He too was not in favour of this but was powerless to block
Mahathir. The Chief Minister wanted no part of this so he resigned,
stating rumours of his "sex scandal" as the excuse.
In truth, the so-called sex scandal was an old story more than a decade
old. He did not need to resign because of it. But it was the most
convenient excuse he could use to justify his resignation. He could not
possibly cite the annexing of Putra Jaya as the reason for him wishing to
resign. UMNO Selangor then submitted a list of 11 names for Mahathir to choose
from as Abu Hassan s successor. Mahathir refused to choose anyone from
this list and chose his own candidate someone not on the list. Mahathir
had to be sure the candidate he chose would not block the move to annex
Putra Jaya. Members of the Selangor Royal family are up in arms about this whole
matter. They can see that the next territory to be annexed would be Cyber
Jaya, another territory very important to Mahathir.
Selangor State is going through a crisis. Members of the Selangor Royal
family feel that the Sultan has sold them out to Mahathir. Many are asking
why the Royal Council is keeping mum on this whole matter.
No doubt they have been instructed by the Sultan not to ask any questions,
says the family. But then why are they still sitting on the Council? Why
have they not resigned out of protest?
They feel, if the Council Members still remain on the Council and do not
resign, this would mean they endorse the move to hand over Putra Jaya to
the Federal Government. On 7th November 2000, the document to hand over Putra Jaya to the Federal
Government will be signed. After that it would be a fait accompli. If the
Council members wish to register their protest they would have to resign
before that. The Council members realise that the people are beginning to question the
relevancy of the Sultanate. In the Constitutional Crisis a few years back,
it was UMNO that asked for the Sultans to be removed. Mahathir, however,
defended the Sultans though in a mocking manner.
Mahathir said, "We cannot remove the Sultans. We still need them to give
out awards on birthdays. If there were no Sultans who would give out the
awards?" Later on, one or the previous Chief Ministers had a "family feud" with the
Sultan when he married the Sultan s daughter without the Sultan s knowledge
or consent. In retaliation, the Sultan declared he was rejecting the Chief
Minister s list of awards to give out that coming birthday, and would come
out with his own (Sultan s) list. The Chief Minister informed the Sultan that he had no authority to decide
who is to be given the birthday awards. It is UMNO that decides. The Sultan
just dishes them out. The Sultan was very sore at this statement, which made the front pages of
the newspapers, and called off his birthday celebration that year. That way
he need not give out any awards. If he could not choose whom to give the
awards to, and had to comply with the UMNO list, he would rather not give
any out. So there was no birthday celebration that year and the Sultan said,
tongue-in-cheek, at least it will help save the State some money.
Many members of the Selangor Royal family are worried that this latest move
may spur the people to question the relevancy of the Sultanate. Mahathir
had already started this trend some years back, but it has died down since
then. But this does not mean the people now automatically accept the
Sultans. It just means that there are laws, which makes it a crime to
question the position of the Sultans. People do not dare question the position of the Sultans because they can go
to jail for asking such a question. But with what has been going on these
last two years, people are already convinced the Sultans are not the last
bastions for justice as has been touted by the royalists. It is Mahathir
who has the last word. On 5th November 2000, there will be a massive assembly in Shah Alam, the
state capital of Selangor State. The assembly is called "The Gathering to
Restore the Rights of the People". The Chief Minister of Selangor has asked
the police to take action to stop this gathering. The organisers of the
gathering, however, have declared the gathering will go on nevertheless.
The people are calling for the rights of the Kelantan people to their water
to be restored. They want the rights of the Terengganu people to their oil
royalty also restored. The rights of the Selangor people for their
territory not to be annexed should also not be forgotten. Most importantly,
the right of Anwar Ibrahim to a fair trial should be upheld.
Also not to be left out are the rights of the people to a fair trial, the
abolishment of the Internal Security Act, the restoration of an independent
judiciary, the rights of the people to free speech, the abolishment of the
Publication and Printing Press Act, and the removal of the many more
draconian laws aimed at denying the people their rights.