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TJ: Malaysia dikritik IPU, Krisis Putrajaya By Kapal Berita 24/10/2000 7:21 pm Tue |
Terdapat 4 rencana dalam mesej ini.
1) Malaysia Turki dikritik IPU. 2) Camerons losing its charm to development
3) Excavator driver wages endless battle against silt
4) Federal govt "has the right to take Putrajaya'
Malaysia, Turki dikritik oleh IPU kerana tahanan politik
JAKARTA: Seramai 505 ahli parlimen dari 108 negara meluluskan resolusi
mengutuk keras layanan dan penahanan ahli politik di Argentina, Belarus,
Burundi, Cambodia, Colombia, Djibouti, Ecuador, Gambia, Guinea, Honduras,
Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Moldova, Sri Lanka dan Turki.
Mereka bersidang di Jakarta untuk menghadiri simposium International
Parliamentary Union's (IPU) ke 104. IPU mencela Malaysia kerana menghukum bekam TPM, Anwar Ibrahim dengan
"tuduhan korup dan s*d*mi yang tidak berasas, serta penggunaan kekerasan
untuk memaksa pengakuan palsu". Resolusi tersebut melahirkan kebimbangan motif pendakwaan yang "tidak
mengikut perundangan wajar" dan "dilakukan dengan prasangka sudah bersalah".
Seterusnya resolusi tersebut menyeru Anwar dibebaskan kerana keadaan
beberapa lapuran menunjukkan kesihatan beliau terancam.
Selebihnya tidak diterjemah.... Kerajaan Persekutuan "mempunyai hak mengambil Putrajaya"
KUALA LUMPUR - Ketika ahli politik negeri Selangor mempertikaikan
keperluan mengambil alih Putrajaya, seorang menteri kabinet memberi
amaran pula bahawa tiada sesiapa pun berhak menyanggah isu
tersebut. Menurut pemimpin kerajaan negeri, satu sidang DUN diperlukan sebelum
kerajaan persekutuan boleh bertindak sesuka hati mengambil Putrajaya.
Tetapi Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Rais Yatim mengatakan
kerajaan Persekutuan lebih berhak. "Tidak ada sebarang negeri berhak menyanggah atau menghalang
cadangan tersebut" kata Rais kepada wartawan.
"Kerajaan tidak perlu menunggu sebarang pihak bila ia mahu
menukar perlembagan". Ia boleh dilakukan bila2 masa.
Saya pasti unit guaman negeri sudah arif dan telah menasihati
semua ahli DUN akan isu ini" tambah Rais lagi.
Kontroversi ini tercetus bila ADUN Kajang, Dr Shafei Abu Bakar
mengatakan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan Kerajaan Persekutuan
telah tidak mengikut prosedur yang betul ketika mengistiharkan
Putrajaya sebagai WIlayah Persekutuan.
Malaysia, Turkey reproach IPU criticism over detained politicians
The 505 parliamentarians from 108 countries passsed resolutions attacking
the treatment of detained and convicted politicians in Argentina, Belarus,
Burundi, Cambodia, Colombia, Djibouti, Ecuador, Gambia, Guinea, Honduras,
Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Moldova, Sri Lanka and Turkey.
The parliamentarians were meeting together in Jakarta for the International
Parliamentary Union's (IPU) 104th conference.
The IPU rebuked Malaysia over the conviction of its former deputy prime
minister Anwar Ibrahim on corruption and s###my charges, saying there were
"reliable allegations concerning the use of coerced statements of
witnesses." In its resolution it expressed fear that the motives for his prosecution
were "not of a legal nature" and that they were "built on the presumption
of guilt." It also called for Anwar's release, pending appeal against his convictions,
on the grounds of reports that his health had deteriorated.
The Malaysian delegation contested the resolution, saying it did not
"reflect the actual situation." "As a matter of fact a number of politicians from the ruling party have
also been prosecuted," delegation leader Husni Hanazadzlah said.
"We would like to place on record our reservation on this resolution."
Turkey was rebuked for the prosecution of 15 Kurdish MPs accused of
separatism in 1994. In its resolution the IPU said they were prosecuted for exercising their
right to free expression and had been denied a fair trial and called for
amnesties for all 15. The Turkish delegation expressed its reservation on the grounds that the
cases were being processed in the European Court of Human Rights.
"Whatever the circumstances, we're all parliamentarians, not judges,"
delegation leader Professor Ziya Aktas said.
"We believe the decision of this (European) court must be the only decision
we have to consider. We have to wait for it," Aktas said.
Myanmar was rebuked over its treatment of 66 opposition politicians, around
50 of whom are in detention, and eight of which are dead.
The IPU resolution expressed "outrage" at the ongoing harassment, arrest
and sentencing of politicians who were elected to, but have been denied,
power in Myanmar in 1990. It called for the immediate release of all detained politicians and a halt
to the suppression of their political activities.
In its six-day bi-annual meet the IPU called for the lifting of sanctions
against Iraq and a ban on including food and medicines in future sanctions,
and urged Israel to cease military action in the Middle East.
Separately representatives of the Burmese government in exile released a
petition signed by some 2,000 MPs from 85 countries calling for the
immediate release of Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi from house
arrest. The exiled politicians were at the congress as guests of the Danish
delegation. There was no official delegation from Myanmar.
From The Singapore Straits Times Camerons losing its charm to development
Illegal land clearing by farmers, rising temperatures and decreasing
forest cover are causing the destruction of the popular Malaysian hill
retreat By LESLIE LAU IN CAMERON HIGHLANDS AT BEST, the waters of the Bertam river in Cameron Highlands can be
described as brown in colour. But over the past few months, the river
has become nothing but a stream of muddy water.
And it is this water that is at the core of the environmental disaster
that is Cameron Highlands. Illegal land clearing by farmers and uncontrolled development has
caused the rivers to be heavily silted. There are now water shortages
in an area where it rains nearly every day.
""It is not even as cool as when I was a kid. Some people have even
installed fans in their houses,'' says Mr K.S. Rajoo, a tour guide who
grew up in Tanah Rata, the main town in Cameron Highlands.
Concerned with rising temperatures and decreasing forest cover, the
Cabinet decided last week to put a freeze on all highland development
projects pending an intensive study on its effects.
Satellite data released by the government show that forest cover in
Cameron Highlands has decreased by 2 per cent. In 1991, there was
54,597 ha of forest cover. This year, it has fallen to 53,484 ha.
According to the Meteorological Department, Cameron Highlands is now
warmer by 0.7 deg C than it was 100 years ago. Many residents claim it
has become warmer than that. The uncontrolled clearing of hills is also causing power-generation
problems. Sultan Abu Bakar dam in Ringlet is one of the oldest
hydroelectric dams in the country, but its turbines cannot function
properly anymore because of massive silt deposits.
Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia's national electricity utility, says silt
deposits has increased from 0.4 million cubic metres in 1975 to 3.5
million cubic metres last year. It will cost RM18 million (S$8.3 million) a year just to remove the
silt. The Ringlet lake is one of the major features of the dam and used to
provide a scenic backdrop for the famous Lake House Hotel.
The only evidence of what it once looked like is the picture on the
post-cards sold in the hotel's lobby. Not many people come anymore to
sit by the muddy lake, once a popular picnic spot.
""Our guests tell us that it is a pity the lake is now muddy, but
there is not much we can do,'' Lake House Hotel manager Krishna Badhur
told The Straits Times. The reason for the muddy lake is not just the illegal land clearing by
farmers, but also the uncontrolled development that has taken place in
the past 20 years. From a quaint hill station of a few hotels and holiday bungalows,
there are about 50 to 60 hotels now offering close to 1,000 rooms.
But one hotelier told The Straits Times that the average occupancy
rate hovers around only at the 30-per-cent level. Yet, more new hotels
were in the pipeline before the Cabinet freeze last week.
""We are not against development, but it must be sustainable. There is
no proper masterplan. We do not even have a public library,'' says Mr
Jason Chin. Ironically, farmers whose existence depends on the environment are one
of the major culprits for the damage being done to Cameron Highlands.
Excavator driver wages endless battle against silt
BY LESLIE LAU CAMERON HIGHLANDS -- Robinson Falls used to provide a spectacular
backdrop for Jungle Walk No 9, one of many beautiful hiking trails in
Cameron Highlands. But nowadays, hikers try not to look at the water because it has
become muddy with silt caused by land-clearing activities.
At the beginning of the trail, the drone of an excavator has replaced
the sound of birds singing. ""I can finish eating, but my work never ends,'' the excavator driver,
who wanted to be known only as Mr Wong, told The Straits Times.
His work is to clear the silt from the river that flows down to the
hydro-electric dam in Ringlet. He works 10 hours a day in a monotonous cycle clearing the river, but
behind the excavator, fresh landslides continue to deposit soil into
the river. Fed up with illegal land clearing and uncontrolled development, local
residents are now beginning to voice their concerns to the
authorities. Mr Jason Chin, 28, a resident, studied law in Britain but returned to
his hometown and is now the assistant park officer at the Malaysian
Nature Society (MNS) centre in Ringlet.
He has been trying to get residents to join the MNS as a way to
educate them in environmental awareness, but it is slow going.
There are only a handful of members so far.
""I love Cameron Highlands,'' he told The Straits Times. ""I just hope
my children will be able to enjoy the place as it once was.'' From The Singapore Straits Times 23rd October 2000 Federal govt "has the right to take Putrajaya'
But Selangor leaders have protested against the move, saying it will
need approval of the state assembly to make the planned takeover
official KUALA LUMPUR -- While Selangor politicians question the need to take
Putrajaya, the federal government's new administrative capital, out of
the state, a minister has warned that no one has the right to object.
Selangor state leaders have protested against the move, saying it
would need the approval of the state assembly before such a proposal
could go through. But the Minister in Prime Minister's Department, Datuk Dr Rais Yatim,
has claimed otherwise, adding that all the federal governto make the
takeover official. ""The proposal to make Putrajaya a federal territory needs the
cooperation of the state of Selangor in terms of legal procedures to
hand it over formally to the federal government.
""However, this can be in the form of a follow-up action after the
proposal comes through. But no state can object to or obstruct such a
proposal,'' he told reporters after opening the Malaysia-Palestine
Solidarity and Friendship Association annual meeting here on Saturday.
""The government does not have to wait for any party when it comes to
amending the federal Constitution. ""It can be done at any time. I'm sure the Selangor state legal
adviser would have advised all his assemblymen on this issue,'' he
said. On Thursday, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
said the decision to make Putrajaya a federal territory was based on
its rapid development and its position as the government's
administrative centre. Meanwhile, Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo said the
status of Putrajaya would only be made clear after a state-level
meeting, due to be held on Nov 7. He was commenting on a statement by Kajang assemblyman Dr Shafie Abu
Bakar, who had said that the Selangor government and the Cabinet had
not followed ""correct procedures'' when declaring Putrajaya a federal
territory. Dr Shafie asked the Selangor government to meet to discuss the matter.
In another development, the Selangor government will hold
""meet-the-people'' sessions soon to explain the impact of the
decision on residents in the Sepang area.
This is to ensure they are not confused about the move and also to
give them a better picture to prevent the opposition from making it a
political issue. --The Star/Asia News Network |