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Mahathir Pakai Bomoh Formula 1 By Kapal Berita 10/10/2000 6:25 pm Tue |
b>KOLEKSI BERITA RINGKAS Dalam lapuran dari CAMUS, NST melapurkan Dr Mahathir berkata:
"Well, we will make sure we get the best bomoh to drive the rain away."
("Kami akan pastikan kami mendapat bomoh terbaik untuk menghalang hujan pada
litar F1") Beliau juga mengatakan Menteri Pengangkutan tidak perlu meletak
jawatan angkara "lesen terbang". Angkuh atau tidak, cuba baca kata-kata berikut:
"Every time someone asked me to step down, a lot more insisted
that I should stay," (Setiap kali ada seseorang menyuruh saya berundur, ada banyak
lagi suara menyuruh saya teruskan")
(I will retire then ...)
Mahathir mengatakan beliau akan bersara bila golongan muda menyokong umno
dan umno sudah kuat: "We have to be revamped. We have to have younger people supporting the
party and after the party has been strengthened, I think I can leave,"
(Wawancara dengan Finantial Times) Dulu beliau mengatakan akan bersara bila ekonomi sudah pulih...
Hmmmm.. sebenarnya kalau kita terbalikkan kata-kata beliau
ini ada satu rahsia yang tersembunyi. Apakah dia rahsia itu?
Kekuatan sesebuah negara itu selalunya amat bergantung kepada
golongan muda, khususnya kaum terpelajar. Mereka inilah yang
bakal menjadi pemimpin negara. Keadaan negara masakini serta
senario yang ada menunjukkan pemuda bangsa melayu khususnya sudah
ramai meninggalkan umno. Di KL, Hishamuddin Hussein pula mengatakan pemuda umno telah
membuat kajian untuk menarik minat 4.7 juta rakyat bawah umur 40.
Di Alor Star Pak Lah sempat berteori bahawa usaha memalukan PM
bermula beberapa tahun lepas. Agaknya pemimpin Umno sudah
mula fobia dengan demam demo pula.... Sebelum itu Pak Lah berada di Setiu untuk projek ihsan tetapi
tidak pula dapat memberitahu 17 projek yang "sudah dikenal pasti".
Di Kelantan pula, Datuk Mustapha menyebut lagi "jihad" beliau
untuk membebaskan Kelantan dari PAS. Malangnya dua orang
vetren umno, Nik mad Yakob dan Tg Rithaudeen menasihati umno agar
menggunakan cara yang "lembut" sedikit, jika tidak umno
akan kecundang terus..... "Sebaliknya, jihad Umno ialah mendaulatkan Islam dan kita mesti mengajak
umat Islam bersatu serta berbaik-baik dalam suasana persaudaraan Islam di
samping melaksanakan dasar demi kemajuan bangsa," kata Mustapha merasmikan
Konvensyen Umno Kelantan semalam. Dalam kepala saya terbayang ... jihad jenis apakah umno perjuangkan ini kalau
saksi seperti Azizan dan Umi boleh diterima dan hukuman dijatuhkan
sambil mahkamah sayriah disisihkan... Perjimpunan umno itu dihadiri oleh 2,500 orang... saya sangsi apakah
merekai ni termasuk wanita yang bertudung merah juga...
PENYAKIT HFM Saya terjemah dengan mencantum semua maklumat dibawah ini sekali.
HFM DARI ORANG SINGAPURA: Dr Santokh Singh, Pen. Pengarah Kesihatan (Hospital),
mengatakan rakyat Singapura yang melancung ke sini
boleh menyebarkan penyakit HFM. Beberapa kanak2 dihantar ke unit kawalan rapi (ICU).
Beliau tidak dapat memberi angka, tetapi sejak
Januari tahun ini, 185 kanak2 telah dijangkiti.
Hmmm.... Macam pendekar jerubu dan pendekar babi aje bunyinya.....
Terdapat 40,000 rakyat Malaysia yg berulang alik ke Singapura.
Mereka dinasihatkan mandi dan membasuh pakaian dengan sabun.
Seorang kanak2 berusia 3 tahun, Teong Ching Kai meninggal akibat HFM.
Menurut Star, 34 kanak2 telah mati akibat HFM diseluruh Malaysia
pada 1997. Kini ia telah meragut satu nyawa di Johor dan 4 di Singapura.
Anak Datuk K. Sivalingam yang berumur 20 tahun telah ditahan polis
kerana mengata kotor, mengganggu tugas serta mencederakan polis di Jalan
Tengku Kelana, Kelang. Polis yg berusia 39 tahun tersebut telah disepak dan ditumbuk oleh
beliau dan rakan-rakannya. Kita jangan lupa baru sahaja beberapa hari lepas kita menulis
mengenai gejala samseng yang menular di kalangan
masyarakat India. Nampaknya anak orang besar pun "samseng" juga.
Datuk Sivalingam adalah pengerusi J/K Perkerja Estet dan Lombong Selangor.
BOND BENCHMARK EURO Malaysia bercadang mengeluarkan bond Euro, pada kadar tempoh 5-7 tahun
dengan nilai EUR500 juta. Bulan lepas Malaysia mengeluarkan benchmark dalam bentuk US Dollar,
pun 500 juta. Jumlah semuanya kini sudah mencecah $1.5 billion,
HFM: M'sia: S'poreans could spread disease; Out to tackle a known enemy
JOHOR BAHARU, Oct 8 (Bernama) -- Singaporeans visiting the country could
spread the foot, hand and mouth disease here, said Johor Deputy Director of
Health (Hospital) Dr Santokh Singh on Sunday.
Dr Santokh said several children infected with the foot, hand and mouth
disease had been place under intensive care in government hospital.
He refused to disclose the figure but according to earlier reports, since
January this year 185 children in the state had been confirmed to be
suffering from the disease. Oct 8, 2000 Hygiene advice for frequent travellers to S'pore
HFM Disease This is to prevent commuters from becoming virus carriers, as Johor's
clinics and hospitals are put on alert for the Hand, Foot and Mouth disease
He was commenting on newspaper reports about the death of three-year-old
Teo Ching Kai from Johor Baru, who died of the disease last Tuesday.
Sunday, October 8, 2000 Out to tackle a known enemy In 1997, 34 children died of the hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD)in
Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia. IF it is of any consolation, the hand, foot and mouth disease which is
suspected to have killed four in Singapore and one in Johor Baru is a known
Monday, October 9, 2000 Police detain exco's son Senior investigation officer Asst Supt Rahmat Ariffin said the exco's
20-year-old son and his friend, 28, were being investigated for using
foul language on a traffic policeman, obstructing him from carrying out
his duties and causing hurt to the policeman in Jalan Tengku Kelana here
on Saturday afternoon. He said they were being investigated under Section 14 of the Minor
Offences Act and Sections 353 and 323 of the Penal Code.
ASP Rahmat said the suspects had also allegedly kicked and punched the
39-year-old policeman who was on duty to check indiscriminate parking.
As a result of their violent behaviour, he said, the policeman sustained
a minor cut on his finger and had swelling and pain over his body.
In a move to defend himself, ASP Rahmat said, the policeman fired a
warning shot into the air and escaped on his motorcycle before lodging a
report at the Klang police station. "The policeman was forced to fire the warning as he was cornered by a
group of people,'' he said When contacted, Sivalingam, who is Selangor
Estate and Mining Workers committee chairman, confirmed that his son had
been arrested.
Monday, October 9 2:13 PM SGT Asia Primary Debt: Malaysia Plans To Issue Euro
Benchmark HONG KONG (Dow Jones)--The Malaysian government is in the process of
awarding mandates for its planned five- or seven-year Eurobond issue of up to
EUR500 million, primary dealers said Monday.
The issue would cover Malaysia's remaining financing requirements this year. The
country still needs to raise the equivalent of $350 million before the end of the year
to finance the redemption of maturing bonds, among other financing needs.
Last month, the government successfully increased its 2009 U.S.
dollar-denominated benchmark bond by $500 million, bringing the total outstanding
amount to $1.5 billion. Malaysia's decision to issue a Eurobond won't be influenced by the euro's current
weakness, said a Hong Kong-based primary dealer at a European bank.
"Investor demand is still pretty healthy for Asian credits," noted a U.S. primary
dealer. There was talk Malaysian officials were meeting with European investors on the
sidelines of an official visit by Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Sri Dr Mahathir
Mohamad's to London last week. Mahatir is expected to return to Kuala Lumpur
Oct. 12. As an investment grade issuer, Malaysia will have no problem selling the bonds,
the European dealer said. Nevertheless, "a seven-year maturity would require
more marketing" because Asian issuers have so far preferred the five-year
maturity, he added. Even if Malaysia has to pay a higher price to tap the European market, the
government may chose to issue bonds in euros in order to create a benchmark in
the market. That's why Malaysia may issue EUR500 million, which is more than its
$350 million financing requirements. Another potential Asian issuer, China, may be shelving its planned issue of $1
billion may be shelved, as government officials are telling some bankers they aren't
going ahead with the deal. But the bond issuance, which was expected to be
launched in November, may remain in the pipeline along with China's planned
euro-denominated bond, which has been in the works for several months.
Other likely Asian issuers tapping the international market before the end of the
year are telecommunication companies.
Telekom Malaysia (TLMM.KL) is the next Asian telecom company in line to tap the
international markets, bankers said. The company plans an issue of between $300
million and $400 million. Late last week, broadband network provider Asia Global Crossing priced a
10-year $408 million high-yield bond. The bond is noncallable for five years and
was brought to market by joint lead managers Chase Securities and Merrill Lynch.
Asia Global Crossing paid a spread of 793 basis points over 10-year Treasurys,
which is substantially higher than earlier market talk of between 500 basis points
and 700 basis points. "It was a very choppy market," with equity markets on the downside, said a banker
close to the deal. However, the company needed the cash to finance its
Asia-Pacific network and went ahead with the deal.
Asia Global Crossing is a joint venture set up by U.S. companies Global Crossing Ltd. (GBLX), Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) and Japan's Softbank Corp. (J.SFT) in November 1999. -0- 09/10/00 06-12G |