Assalamualaikum/Selamat Sejahtera
Semua Pejuang REFORMASI
Quoted below is a posting that appeared in FAC website. It is the second part of what we believe is in a three part article, laying out the background and the circumstances of the PETROLEUM ACT 1974:
Important clauses in this Act are:
1. A Corporation would be set up for this purpose under the Companies Act to be called Petroleum Nasional Berhad or PETRONAS for short.
2. The Corporation shall be subject to the control and direction of the Prime Minister who may, from time to time, issue such direction as he may deem fit.
3. The direction so issued by the Prime Minister shall be binding on the Corporation.
4. In return for the ownership and rights, powers, liberties and privileges vested in it by virtue of this Act, the Corporation shall make to the government of the Federation and the government of any relevant State such cash payments as may be agreed between the parties concerned.
In 1975, ALL 13 Malaysian States were made to sign an agreement with
Petronas giving Petronas the sole rights for oil exploration is their respective states. Terengganu State too signed the agreement on 22nd March 1975.
In this first agreement it did not state that the 5% to be given to the States is to be called royalty. It just said that the 5% is to be paid twice a year IN CASH. On 16th September 1987, a supplementary Agreement was signed where the 5% was specified as royalty.
This is what Ustaz Hadi Awang, the Chief Minister of Terengganu State, has to say on the matter. Today, Mahathir says that the 5% paid to Terengganu State was NOT "Royalty" but "Ihsan". Does Mahathir know what the word "ihsan" means?
What is "ihsan"?
Ihsan is an Arabic word meaning to sacrifice or kill in a humane way. Prophet Muhammad said that if you must kill, kill in an ihsan way by ensuring that the knife is sharp and the animal feels no pain. How can the 5% they have been paying to Terengganu State these last 25 years be "killing in a humane way" and not "royalty"?
Mahathir also says that the 5% royalty paid to Terengganu was a mistake. You mean to say they did not realise that, for 25 years, they had been making a mistake by paying Terengganu 5% while the State was under the Federal
Government's control? In fact, they even made one payment earlier this year
AFTER the State had fell to the opposition. This too was a mistake?
What about the two agreements signed between Petronas and Terengganu
State in 1975 and 1987? Did these agreements not state that Terengganu State
would be entitled to this 5% and did the agreements not call it royalty?
Mahathir is lying through his teeth and reneging on a legally signed agreement.
tv3 do not entirely agree with Raja Petra's defination of the word "IHSAN". That is not to say that he is entirely wrong, only that he is NOT entirely right. Thus for the purpose of this commentary, tv3 shall not argue on the meaning of the word 'IHSAN".
For the benefit of ALL readers, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, tv3 draws attention to the universally accepted value that is at issue in this "ROYALTY" vs "IHSAN" saga. And believing that the gist of what is in the Petroleum Act is as what is being outlined in the article, the most glaring sin, (in a UNIVERSALLY ACCEPTED VALUE system) is THE RENEGADING OF AN AGREEMENT! More so in this age of everything "E" (electronic), an agreement howsoever made, constitutes the very fabric of an effective "e" transaction. When an agreement (and a WRITTEN one at that) is discarded in no better way than the toilet paper, then Bolehland will have a long way back to crawl out of this credibility, or the lack of it, problem.
Islam is very clear on this. In the early days (and before) of Islam, there was rampant cheating and the "renegading of promises" towards the Arabs, who were mostly illiterates. The perpetrators argued that "There is no blame on us to betray and take the properties of the illiterates (Arabs)." But Allah says of these cheats: "But they tell a lie against Allah. while THEY KNOW IT". And in the next ayat, Allah adds: "YES! whoever fulfils his pledge and fears Allah much; verily then Allah loves those who are muttaqqun" [Ali Imran (3):75-76]
In the present context, what the regime is saying is, "There is no blame on us to betray THOSE WHO VOTED PAS". And the present context too, "They tell a lie against Allah (by changing it to IHSAN), and they KNOW IT! And in the next Ayat, Allah DID NOT say: "YES! whoever fulfils his pledge to his friends, families and cronies only......"
So there you are...what is happening, has been foretold 1500 years ago!
And the Prophet (SAW) has said too:
Three characteristics of a MUNAFIQ or a HYPOCRITE. One, when he talks he LIES. Two, when he promises, he renegades. And three, when he is enthrusted with something (e.g. Petronas revenues) he betrays the trust. E.g by bailing out his son's Companies! Sounds too familiar kan???