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TJ KQ Skandal Hutang Halim Saad By Marhain Tua 22/9/2000 6:46 pm Fri |
MGG83 SKANDAL HUTANG HALIM SAAD oleh: Kim Quek. Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Bhd (Danaharta) telah pun
mengambil alih hutang bertapuk berjumlah 3 bilion ringgit
itu daripada Hottick Investment Ltd. Hongkong. Inilah
syarikat yang digunakan oleh Halim Saad bagi tujuan
mengambil alih Phillipine National Steel Corp. (NS).
Syarikat besiwaja ini sudah berada di ambang kemuflisan
kini, dan menjadikan pinjaman bank bernilai 3 bilion itu
setara skarap sahaja. Bank peminjam tidak mempunyai
apa-apa aset yang boleh diambil sebagai sandaran. Bank
tersebut adalah Malayan Banking, RHB Bank, Bank Bumiputra
and Commerce Asset Holding Bhd.
Kita tentu msih teringat gelagat Mahathir menidakkan hak
rakyat Terengganu kepada royalti minyak yang merupakan satu
tradisi yang mesti dibayar kepada kerajaan negeri. Tentunya
berita bagaimana Halim Saad diselamatkan akan menggegarkan
negara ini. Rakyat tentu meradang apabila menyedari Mahahir
tidak pun merasa berdosa dalam menutup kerugian 3,000 juta
yang ditanggung oleh anak emasnya Halim, sedangkan dia
measakan satu bebanan untuk membayar 0.8 bilion yang
berupa royalti minyak kepada kerajaan PAS di Terengganu.
Dalam pembayaran royalti yang sudah lama dilunaskan oleh
Petronas sejak 25 tahun yang lalu, Mahathir merasa tertekan
untuk mematuhi perjanjian yang ada. Apa jenis pemimpin kah
yang sanggup melanggar etika keadilan dan kesaksamaan dalam
pentadbirannya? Apakah pemimpin seperti ini layak
memerintah negara kita, Malaysia?
Pendedahan AWSJ telah mendedahkan beberapa amalan jijik
kerajaan Barisan nasional (BN) dan telah menelanjangkan
akar umbi kejijikan yang melanda ekonomi negara. Di antara
kejijikan itu ialah cara Mahathir bertegas melindungi para
kroni yang gagal dalam perusahaan mereka tanpa mengambil
kira bencana yang terpaksa dihidapi oleh negara dalam
menyelamatkan mereka. Dari situ kita nampak bagaimana
adanya manipulasi politik dalam pemberian pinjaman ank
secara besar-besaran untuk mengongkosi pelaburan yang
samar-samar. Amalan seperti inilah yang hampir
menjahanamkan negara ini ke kancah kemuflisan dalam krisis
kewangan Asian yang baru sahaja berlalu.
Dalam usaha menyelamatkan para kroni yangg kemuflisan,
Mahathir telah mengabaikan satu pengajaran penting yang
muncul dalam krisis kewangan yang berlalu. Dalam suasana
ekonomi terbuka, mereka yang kurang cekap dan mereka yang
tidak berguna sepatutnya diketepikan agar ia memberi ruang
kepada mereka yang baru dan bertenaga. Inilah proses
pembersihan dan pembaruan yang harus berjalan dalam setiap
aliran ekonomi. Dengan memberikan gebar lindungan terhadap
golongan ketot-kematut ini, terutama sekali apabila mereka
diiktiraf sebagai nakhoda industri besar di negara ini,
kesannya yang menghambat kemajuan ekonomi, sungguh
membengangkan. Sebahagian besar ekonomi itu akan terus
diterajui oleh bajingan ini seperti yang berlaku di masa
lalu, sedangkan kumpulan yang baru terus dicekik agar
tidak menonjolkan diri. Akibatnya, pengekalan dasar yang
sungguh menjijikkan ini memang mengundang jelmaan semula
krisis yang telah pun berlalu. Memang kita akui, kebanyakan usahawan ang malang ini adalah
bumiputra dan disitulah munculnya satu persoalan yang
menyangkuti dimensi perkauman. Apakah kita biarkan lumrah
alam beraksi untuk membiarkan yang lemah terus pupus
walaupun ini membabitkan usahawan bumiputra yang sedang
tertekan, Tentu ada perbedaan di antara mereka yang patut
diselamatkan dan mereka yang patut diterajang sahaja keluar.
Terutama sekali mereka yang telah mengaut keuntungan dengan
rakusnya dan secara haram dan kemudiannya tidak berupaya
menguruskan harta karun itu. Apakah kerajaan BN pernah
mengamalkan langkah-langkah berwaspada dan bersikap adil
dalam usaha menyelamatkan usahawan bumiputra? Persepsi umum
menunjukkan bahawa usaha penyusunan semula hutang telah
tertumpu ke atas perusaahan para kroni tanpa mengambil
kira kriteria pengurusan yang cekap. Adalah amat malang
apabila Malaysia mengabaikan peluang untuk melakukan
penyusunan semula struktur korporat yang berkesan.
Sebaliknya ia telah memilih satu jalan untuk memanjangkan
tradisi lama BN di mana korupsi dan kronisma dibiarkan
terus berleluasa. Skandal kewangan ini mempunyai implikasi jenayah kerana
Halim hanya merupakan seorang budak suruhan. Satu ketika
dulu Anwar Ibahim telah dituduh dan didapati bersalah dan
dipenjarakan kerana apa yang dikatakan mengganggu siasatan
polis. Manusia yang sebenarnya bertanggungjawab dalam
skandal yang ditopengkan oleh Halim ini harus dikenakan
proses pengadilan yang sama. Cuma kali ini jenayah yang
dilakukan itu adalah lebih serius lagi.
Apakah asas sebenar Danaharta mengambil alih hutang 3
bilion ringgit itu? Siapakah yang memberi arahan kepada
Danaharta melakukan tindakan itu? Apakah kriteria and
prinsip yang digunakan oleh Danaharta dalam
menilai pinjaman yang perlu diambil alih? Siapakah
sebenarnya yang membuat keputusan muktamad untuk
mengambil alih hutang yang besar-besar? Apakah Danaharta
diberikan ruang untuk bertindak bebas dalam mengendalikan
kerja secara professional? Mengenai Bank Peminjam Kalau dicongak penyata kewangan yang diterbitkan oleh AWSJ,
Halim telah membayar pembelian National Steel dengan kadar
empat kali ganda daripada aset bersih syarikat itu pada
tahun 1997. Syarikat ini yang membuat keuntungan kecil di
tahun sebelumnya, merupakan sebuah syarikat yang sudah
kecundang dan hampir muflis ketika Halim membelinya.
Kenapakah bank peminjam bersetuju memberikan pinjaman untuk
membeli syarikat yang sedang tenat dengan kadar harga
belipat kali ganda daripada nilai aset bersihnya? Bagaimana
pula pinjaman itu diluluskan dengan hanya menerima saham
syarikat itu sebagai cagarannya? Kalaulah angka yang
diterbitkan oleh AWSJ itu betul, pinjaman yang diluluskan
kepada Halim merupakan satu pinjaman yang melanggar segala
bentuk peraturan dan amalan fundamental perbankan.
Siapakah sebenarnya yang merestui pinjaman besar ini?
Apakah adanya arahan daripada orang politik untuk
diluluskan pinjaman itu. Menyedari bahawa bank adalah
kepunyaan kerajaan yang diterajui kini oleh BN adakah
sesiapa dari atas yang mengarahkan pinjaman itu? Adakah
penyelewengan kewangan dalam transaksi ini kerana
pengeluaran pinjaman itu amat menekan pihak bank tetapi
memberi keuntungan yang besar kepada peminjamnya?
21.09.2000 The stunning revelation of Halim Saad's 3-billion ringgit bad debt scandal
by the Asian Wall Street Journal (AWSJ) on 19th Sept gives a clear example
of a massive bailout of political cronies by Mahathir's Government. It is
a slap on the face of Mahathir, who has cheekily denied time and again
that his Government is involved in any bailout of cronies.
Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Bhd (Danaharta), Malaysia's national debt
restructuring agency, has taken over the 3-billion ringgit loan of Hottick
Investment Ltd of Hong Kong, a company used by Halim Saad solely to take
over Philippines' National Steel Corp. (NS). This steel company is on the
brink of liquidation now, rendering the 3-billion ringgit loan to near
scrap value, as the lending banks had only the worthless scripts of NS but
not its assets as security. The lending banks are Malayan Banking, RHB
Bank, Bank Bumiputra and Commerce Asset-holding Bhd.
What is most disturbing is not so much the enormousness of the loss by
Halim, who is generally regarded as a proxy for the financial fortunes of
the ruling clique, but that the taxpayers as well as shareholders of these
banks (many of whom are ordinary citizens) are made to pay for the folly
and greed of politicians. In the light of Mahathir's latest move to deprive the Terengganu State
Government of its traditional oil royalty, the news of this bail out
rattles the Country. It riles Malaysians to realize that while Mahathir
does not bat an eyelid over the government arranged write off of this
3-billion ringgit losses by favourite son Halim, Mahathir should have
found the payment of 0.8 billion ringgit oil royalty to the newly PAS
controlled Terengganu so unbearable that he decided to tear up an
Agreement that has been honoured by Petronas (owned by Federal Government)
for the past 25 years. What kind of a leader would possess such skew
sense of fair play and justice? Is such a leader fit to continue to lead
Malaysia? The AWSJ revelations have thrown up a whole lot of questionable practices
by the Barisan Nasional (BN) Government, which strike at the root of the
ills that have plagued the Malaysian economy. Among others, they show up
Mahathir as ever determined to protect and promote his crony
entrepreneurs who have failed, no matter how high the salvaging bill to
the Country amounts to, and no matter how reckless and inefficient these
entrepreneurs have been. They also indicate the presence of political
manipulations in the dishing out of mega loans to investments of dubious
viability, the prevailing practice of which nearly caused the collapse of
the Country's financial system in the recent Asian Crisis.
In carrying out imprudent bail out of failed crony entrepreneurs, Mahathir
has missed a vital lesson from the recent Financial Crisis. It is that in
a competitive economy, the inefficient and the scum must be allowed to
make way for the new and vigorous, so that the process of self-cleansing
and self-renewal can take place in the economy. By providing blanket
protection to the failed weaklings, particularly when these are captains
of industries dominating major sectors of the economy, the stifling effect
on the economy is stupendous. As large sectors of the economy would then
continue to be manned by the incompetents as happened in the past, while
new entrepreneurship is restrained from emerging to re-invigorate the
economy. Worse, this policy of maintaining the status quo vis-=E0-vis the
last failure is an open invitation to a recurrence of the previous crisis.
Agreed that many of these entrepreneurs in jeopardy are Bumiputras, and
therein arises an important racial dimension, should nature be allowed to
run its full course in the weeding out of the weak; surely, even among the
Bumiputra entrepreneurs in distress, there is a distinction between those
who are worthy and those who are not worthy, having amassed assets
illegitimately (through improper political conduits) and having managed
them recklessly. Has the BN Government been exercising prudence and
impartiality even among its rescue of Bumiputras? Public perception is
that the entire debt restructuring exercise is heavily weighted (in
ringgit terms) in favour of crony enterprises, with scant regards to sound
management criteria. It is a pity that Malaysia has missed the golden
opportunity to carry out meaningful corporate restructuring through such
an exercise. Instead, it has been abused into an instrument to perpetuate
BN's past tradition of corruption and cronyism.
Mahathir often justifies government bail out of conglomerates by saying
that when a big company falls, many people will loose their jobs, hence
these big companies must be rescued. But this argument is only an excuse
to cover up his extensive plan to bail out his cronies, as shown in the
case of Halim's 3-billion ringgit loan scandal. If Danaharta had not
stepped in to take over the bad loans, the lending banks would be bound by
law to pursue Halim to recover the debts, as the latter would have been
customarily a personal guarantor to these loans. And that would deplete
or bankrupt Halim but would not cause the collapse of his conglomerate
Renong. So, how would that cause mass unemployment as alleged by
Mahathir? Then, in the Mahathir logic, Danaharta would have lost the
justification to intervene in the debt recovering process on Halim. By
buying over Halim's loans at nominal values from the lending banks,
Danaharta has saved Halim's skin by transferring his 3-billion ringgit
losses to the lending banks which are owned by the Government (meaning the
taxpayers) and the public investors. This means that the ordinary people
of this Country have been made to carry an unnecessary loss of assets to
the staggering amount of three thousand million ringgit through an
unjustified act by Danaharta in freeing one Halim Saad from the liability
of the same amount. Danaharta would not have either the justification or
the courage to have acted as it did. This act of intervention by Danaharta
must have originated from the top leadership of this Country.
Mindful that Halim is but a proxy to the powers that be, this scandal
takes on grave criminal implications. As Anwar was accused of and later
jailed for corruption for allegedly having interfered with police
investigation, so too must the ultimate culprit of the present Halim
bailout scandal be subjected to the same legal process, except the crime
this time is many times more serious. Keeping in view the present lethargy of our economy, particularly in
respect of new foreign and domestic investment, it is imperative that an
independent inquiry must now be carried out to cleanse this Country of
corrupt political manipulations in our financial system, as exemplified by
the current Halim loan scandal, so that investor confidence can be
regained and our economic health restored.
Starting with the Halim loan scandal, there are many serious ethical
questions crying out for answers, in respect of the conduct of Danaharta
as well as the conduct of the lending banks in issuing these dubious loans
in the first place. ON DANAHARTA What is Danaharta's rationale for taking over the 3-billion ringgit loan?
Who has given the directive or the authority for taking over this loan?
What are the criteria and guiding principles on which Danaharta makes its
selection of loans to be taken over? Who are the real decision makers in
the taking over of very large loans? What is the scope of freedom given to
Danaharta to conduct its works professionally?
ON LENDING BANKS Calculating from the figures published by AWSJ, it seems Halim has paid a
price four times the net asset of National Steel at the time of take over
in 1997. And this company, which had been making marginal profits in the
preceding years, was then an ailing concern, facing serious financial
difficulties. Why should the banks lend out such enormous sums to a
customer to buy a company of doubtful prospects, at a price several times
its real worth, and accepting such grossly overvalued shares as the only
collaterals? These huge lendings were obviously made in serious violation
of all fundamental banking practices and banking rules, if AWSJ figures
are correct. Who have authorized these lendings? Were there any directive
from the ruling politicians to give out such atrocious loans, keeping in
mind that these banks are wholly or partly owned by the Government, and
hence subject to direct or indirect control by the BN Government? Was
there any monetary impropriety in these transactions, in view of the fact
that these loans are grotesquely prejudicial to the banks' interests and
immensely favourable to the borrower? |