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7 Pegawai Tinggi M'sia Terbabit Dalam Penculikan Terkini ??? By Marhain Tua 22/9/2000 6:46 pm Fri |
MGG82 (Rencana Dipetik daripada Manila Times)
7 Pegawai Tinggi Terbabit Dalam Penculikan Terkini ???
(7 KL Brass Linked To Latest Kidnap ???)
- Oleh Faber Concepcion Disebabkan hubungan mereka dengan pihak di Malaysia itu,
penjenayah tersebut kini diiktiraf sebagai 'panglima perang'
di beberapa pulau berdekatan Sabah. Demikian yang
diberitahu oleh sumber itu kepada The Manila Times, sambil
tidak mahu identitinya didedahkan. Gabenor Nur Misuari yang mengepalai Wilayah Otonomi
Mindanau (Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao - ARMM)
telah memperakukan bahawa penenayah itu sememangnya
mempunyai kaitan dengn pihak berkuasa di Malaysia. Inilah
yng memudahkan mereka menculik para tebusan. Tetapi dia
enggaan mengulas lanjut. Seorang pegawai tinggi ketenteraan Malaysia yang telah
dibabitkan dengan ahli politik Islam tealah disebut
sebagai perancang utama penculikan pada April 23 (Ahad)
yang lalu. Hari itu bertepatan dengan cuti Easter dan ia
teeah memangsakan ramai pelancong asing yang datang ke
Pulau Sipadan. Pegawai tinggi yang sama disebut juga
terlibat dengan kegiatan penjenayah dalam penculikan tiga
rakyat Malaysia di Pulau Pandanan pada Ahad, September 10.
SEKUTU SABAH Misuari telah bekata penjenayah yang berpangkalan di Sulu
itu telah melakukan lawatan ke Sabah sejak tiga tahun yang
lalu menemui sekutu mereka. "Kumpulan Abu Sayyaf itu bukannya faham akan sempadan
negara, kerana mereka terlalu biasa dengan tempat tersebut.
Mereka tidak tahu apakah sesuatu pulau itu adalah milik
mereka. Saya tidak tahu apakah mereka faham dengan kawasan
sempadan. Lagipun penculik tidak pun mengiktiraf
undang-undang antarabangsa. Mereka tidak kenal kawasan
antarabangsa pun. Yang mereka kenal ialah warna wang
dollar sahaja. " Demikan Misuari menerangkan.
Misuari juga berpendapat, hubungan seperti itu bukannya
sesuatu yang ganjil kerana terdapatnya ahli keluarga Abu
Sayyaf yang bermustautin di Sabah sebagai penduduk tetap.
Malahan ada juga yang sudah pun menjadi rakyat Malaysia.
Misuari telah mendedahkan Isnin lalu, betapa meningkatnya
kekuatan Abu Sayyaf disebabkan kemasukan ahli Moro
Liberation Front (MNLF- Front Pembebasan Nasional Moro)
yang tertarik kepada wang lumayan yang baru diterima oleh
para penjenayah itu. Apabila Abu Sayyaf menjadi semakin kuat ia akan menukar
imbangan kuasa di Sulu, demikian amaran Misuari yang
juga merupakan pengeusi MNLF itu. Dua orang yang disyakki sebagai ahli Abu Sayyaf telah
ditahan semalam setelah Bureau of Imigration (BI-Biro
Imigresen) menyediakan satu senarai pengawasan (watch
list) dan menahan mereka atas tuduhan menculik dan
mengurung orang lain secara haram. Pesuruhjaya Imigresen Rufus Rodriguez mengarahkan agar Wahab
Upao dan Kadir Abdulgaffar disenaraikan dalam Senarai
Pengawasan itu setelah menerima permintaan unit PAOCTF(
Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Task Force) di Mindanao.
Dua orang itu telah ditahan setelah pihak risikan menerima
lapuran bahawa mereka dalam perjalanan ke Arab Saudi.
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Rencana Asal: [sangkancil] 7 KL brass linked to latest kidnap ????
As reported in the Manila Times September 16 issue.
7 KL brass linked to latest kidnap
By Faber Concepcion ZAMBOANGA CITY- At least seven top-ranking Malaysian officials, including a
general, are behind the spate of kidnappings in Sabah, the latest of which
was the abduction of three Malaysians from the Pandanan diving resort last
Sunday. This was revealed by an informed source who said these officials have
maintained links with the Abu Sayyaf terrorists who are now holding the
three Malaysians in their forested lair in Patikul, Sulu.
Because of their links with these Malaysian officials, the terrorists are
now considered 'overlords' in some of the islands near Sabah, the source
told THE MANILA TIMES on condition of anonymity.
Gov. Nur Misuari of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM)
confirmed that the terrorists have links with some Malaysian authorities,
which enabled them to kidnap hostages. But he refused to elaborate.
A top Malaysian military official identified with Islamic politicians is
said to be among those who masterminded the April 23 Easter Sunday
abduction of mostly foreign tourists in Sipadan Island off Sabah.
The same officer is linked with the terrorists? kidnapping of the three
Malaysians in Pandanan Island Sunday, Sept 10.
Sabah allies Misuari said the Sulu-based terrorists have been frequently visiting
allies in Sabah these past years. "The Abu Sayyaf are blind to borders, they used to stay in these places,
they don?t know whether that island still belongs to them or not," Misuari
noted. "I don't know how familiar they are with the border situation. Besides,
kidnappers don't recognize international law, they don't recognize
international borders either. They only recognize the color of dollar" he
added. Misuari also said the possibility of such connection is not remote
considering there are relatives of Abu Sayyaf rebels who are permanent
residents of Sabah and some are already Malaysian citizens.
Misuari revealed Monday that the sudden increase of strength of the Abu
Sayyaf could be attributed to the fact that some members of the Moro
National Liberation Front (MNLF) have joined the group for the big pay
they received from the terrorists. Balance of power A strengthened Abu Sayyaf will alter the balance of power in Sulu, the
ARMM governor and also MNLF chairman warned.
Misuari likewise slammed the government's handling of the hostage crisis,
saying that turning a blind eye to the $15-million ransom has encouraged
Muslim youths in the impoverished Mindanao areas to take up arms.
"I don't want to get embroiled in this any more," Misuari said in response
to reports of an impending military assault on terrorists. "I want to be
kept in peace. I want government to ensure my people will not be touched."
Watch list This developed as two suspected Abu Sayyaf members were placed yesterday
in the watch list of the Bureau of Immigration (BI) after they were
charged with kidnapping and serious illegal detention.
Immigration Commissioner Rufus Rodriguez ordered the inclusion of Wahab
Upao and Kair Abdulgaffar in the watch list upon the request of the
Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Task Force (PAOCTF) unit in Mindanao.
Rodriguez said the PAOCTF sought a travel ban on the two alleged rebels
after authorities received intelligence reports that they were going to
leave for Saudi Arabia. --with John Anthony Concepcion |