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TJ Bantahan Mengenang Penahanan Anwar By Kapal Berita 21/9/2000 8:24 pm Thu |
Komen sambil terjemah sambil lewa dan yang mana perlu sahaja:
Harap maaf jika tersasul atau tertambah.
Rencana Bantahan Mengenang Penahanan Anwar - Reuters
KL - Anwar memberitahu para penyokong2 melalui DSWA agar meneruskan
perjuangan untuk reformasi. Lebih kurang 800 penyokong mengadakan bantahan "bising" di tengah2 bandaraya
untuk mengenangkan ulangtahun tragedi penahanan Anwar.
Polis anti rusuhan tidak ketinggalan datang "meraikan" nya bersekali,
tetapi siap dengan senjata rapi. Mereka memerhati (sambil menelan air
liur kerana terpandang dan terhidu bau lauk pauk yang terhidang disitu)
majlis makan malam di dataran merdeka yang dihadiri oleh pemimpin pembangkang
dan penyokong2 reformasi. DSWA berucap: "Jangan biarkan api reformasi padam. Kita akan teruskan
perjuangan ini". Penyokong menjawab: "Reformasi", "Bebaskan Anwar", "Undur Mahathir" .
Penyokong2 reformasi turut menanda tangani petition meminta setiausaha
PBB, Koffi Anan untuk merayu pembebasan Anwar.
Petition tersebut berbunyi: "Kami merayu kepada anda (s/u PBB) untuk memimpin dunia sejagat
meminta Kerajaan Malaysia yang diterajui oleh DrM, supaya membebaskan
Anwar dengan segera dan tanpa sebarang syarat dan kembalikan Malaysia
kepada negara yang berdemokrasi sepenuhnya".
Yang selebihnya saya tidak terjemah.... tetapi komen Abdullah Badawi yang
mengatakan rakyat sudah tidak berminat kepada aktiviti seperti ini
adalah disangkal. Jika Abdullah betul-betul mahu menguji apakah semangat itu sudah pudar,
sila beri mana-mana stadium di Kuala Lumpur pada hujung minggu.
Nanti kita boleh ketahui siapakah yang sudah nak "padam" nanti.
Komen Rencana NST Menurut rencana NST dibwh ini, kenaikkan harga minyak dijangka tidak
akan membebankan pengguna. Ya ke? Fakta: Harga pam kini ialah RM1.10 seliter, subsisi 45.79 sen oleh kerajaan.
Harga minyak dunia kini: US$36 setong Jangan lupa Jangka tahan Simpanan Minyak Malaysia cuma: 15 tahun
Dengar-dengar bora kedak kopi: Satu ramalan bomoh india mengatakan si mamak tua itu boleh hidup sehingga
lebih 10 tahun lagi. (Sumber: underground)
Si mamak ini mengamalkan pemakanan yang begitu teliti, maklum sajalah
jantungnya hidup pun sebab ada bateri. Bukankan itu hari beliau ke IJN -
sehingga suku sakat beliau pucat lesi?
Wednesday September 20 Protests Mark Malaysia's Anwar Anniversary
By K. Baranee Krishnaan KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia's jailed former Finance Minister Anwar Ibrahim,
marking two years in custody, told supporters through his wife on Wednesday to keep
up the struggle for reform. About 800 supporters staged a noisy protest in central Kuala Lumpur to mark the
anniversary. Riot police took up positions as opposition leaders and supporters attended a dinner at
the Merdeka (Freedom) Square in the heart of the capital.
At the dinner, Anwar's wife Wan Azizah Wan Ismail conveyed a message from her
husband. ``I bring you all a message from Anwar. Don't let the flames of reformasi (reform) die. We
will continue with the struggle.'' Supporters in Merdeka Square shouted ``Reformasi,'' the rallying cry of Anwar's
movement that seeks to end Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's 19-year rule. There
were also shouts of ``Free Anwar, Step Down Mahathir.''
Anwar was arrested on September 20, 1998 -- 18 days after Mahathir sacked him for
low morals, an accusation he denies. Anwar's sacking and arrest provoked unprecedented anti-government protests. He
says he is the victim of a conspiracy orchestrated by Mahathir, who denies the
accusation. Mahathir says Anwar sought to topple his government.
The former prime-minister-in-waiting is serving two long jail sentences for s###my and
corruption. The supporters also signed a petition asking U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan to
seek Anwar's release. ``We appeal to you to lead the world community in demanding that the Government of
Malaysia led by Dr Mahathir, immediately and unconditionally released Anwar Ibrahimi
and restore Malaysia to a fully democratic status,'' the petition said.
Rally Outside National Stadium The day began with a midday rally by about 100 protesters outside the National
Stadium demanding authorities reverse a ruling not to allow a mass pro-Anwar
gathering at the stadium. In Washington, a U.S. human rights group said it was planning a demonstration outside
the Malaysian embassy. The Washington-based International Campaign for the Preservation of Human Rights
said it would protest against what it called the ``unjust imprisonment'' of Anwar and to
mark his ''sacrifices for democracy and reforms.''
Ten thousand protesters took to the streets of Kuala Lumpur on the anniversary of
Anwar's detention last year, forcing a police crackdown on his allies.
But this year, only the dinner was planned, prompting government officials to remark
that support for Anwar was waning. ``I don't think people are interested in this sort of activity anymore,'' Deputy Prime
Minister Abdullah Badawi said on Tuesday.
But Anwar's supporters denied their movement was dying.
``It's easy for him to lie after using the police to crush any form of peaceful
demonstration we make,'' said Saari Sungib, an organizer for the October 7 rally,
referring to Abdullah. Earlier on Wednesday, Anwar was taken to the University Hospital to visit his ailing
mother, Che Yan, hospital sources told Reuters. He spent less than an hour with her.
Unless overturned on appeal, Anwar's two jail sentences will keep him in the political
wilderness until 2014. His term could be cut by a third for good behavior, but he would still be barred from
public office for five years after his release.
Sumber New S#it# Times: "Oil price hike won't hurt" By Hew Sue-Len WED: CONSUMERS do not have to worry about shouldering all the burden of
an oil price increase as the Government will not reduce its subsidy by
"too large" an amount. "It would not burden the consumers too much if the shift of the
cost is about 10 per cent but that would still mean substantial sav-
ings for the Government," said the deputy director-general (econom-
ics) of ISIS, Datuk Dr Zainal Aznam Yusof, yesterday.
Malaysia's pump price, at RM1.10 per litre, is subsidised by the Gov-
ernment by 45.79 sen. Zainal was speaking to reporters after his presentation of the UN
Trade and Development Report 2000 at Wisma UN in Kuala Lum-
pur. The report stated that oil price increase would unlikely have a
comparable effect to the oil shocks of the 1970s.
Petroleum is now trading at a 10-year high of about US$36 a barrel.
Zainal said if the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
were to increase oil output to deflate costs it would have a lag-im-
pact on inflationary pressures. "It will take some time to slow down inflationary pressures as the
effect would not be immediate," he said when asked to comment on the
effect of the move on world inflation.
He urged the public not to be alarmed as the world currently had
one trillion barrels of reserves which would really take 40 years to
deplete. "I think prices will dip slightly below current levels and people
should not have an alarmist attitude. The world reserves would not
be depleted in weeks or months but in 40 years," he added.
Analyst reports say that Malaysia being a net exporter of petro-
leum, would initially be cushioned to some extent from the effects of
rising oil prices but in the long run would still have to worry about in-
flationary pressures. Unctad's simulation exercise showed that the short-term impact
of the price hike on most economies was limited, that is at 0.1-0.4
per cent only. It suggested that most of the impact will be confined
to oil-importing developing countries.
On world growth rate the report perceived a higher overall rate for
the year at 3.5-4.3 per cent, compared to 2.7 per cent last year.
It said that while growth in the United States would slow down,
there would be broadening growth in Europe and some growth for
East Asia. For year 2000, a moderate acceleration in the growth volume of
world trade was expected due to the faster growth of EU economies
and the recovery of Latin American and transition economies.
On East Asia, the report acknowledged that earlier growth
forecasts, including International Monetary Fund?s, had been wide off
the mark. Asean grew at three per cent last year but had been fore-
casted as contracting. The report found that monetary tightening had worsened the im-
pact of currency rates on the financial and corporate sectors, thus af-
fecting production and employment. It said that currencies had stabilised because of reserves build-up
and not due to the increase of interest rates, which it blamed for caus-
ing serious dislocations in corporate and financial sectors and for
aggravating structural weaknesses. "Reserves had built up due to to decline in imports and a reduction
in foreign claims resulting in debt rescheduling," it stated.
The report stated that the sensible approach to the crisis would
have been replenishment of reserves from provision of liquidity,
exchange controls, debt standstill and maturity rollover.
It warned of a longer term implication for East Asia as it had an ex-
cessive reliance on foreign markets and capital for growth.
It stated that although the speed of recovery in East Asia had sur-
prised analysts and that per capita income had return to pre-crisis lev-
els, income was now less equally distributed resulting in increased
poverty. The report concluded with a warning that the root causes that led to the fear of recession during 1998-1999 was still with us and that prospects for developing countries could rapidly deteriorate if the ma- jor industrial countries continue to set their policies without regard for their global repercussions. Link Reference : Sumber: Yahoo Reuters |