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Fwd: Two years after 'reformasi' - anil Netto By Kapal Berita 21/9/2000 10:23 am Thu |
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Dua Tahun Setelah 'Reformasi' Rencana ini menceritakan bagaimana selepas 2 tahun gerakan reformasi
muncul di Malaysia, sudah terdapat beberapa tanda bahawa Mahathir sudah
pun berada dihari2 penghujngnya. Salah satu sebab dikatakan begitu ialah bila Pak Lah akan diberikan
beberapa tugas PM manakala Mahathir sendiri akan lebih menumpukan
kepada parti sahaja. Mahathir sudah tidak dihormati lagi oleh orang melayu
(undi popular merosot 65% ke 56% serta BN Trengganu kecundang).
Sebab2 nya ialah pemecatan dan tuduhan hina terhadap Anwar yang
sudah melampau tetapi Anwar ditahan di bawah ISA, bukan atas sebab
"moral". Sudah ada perpecahan dan retak dalam badan Umno. Banyak ahli umno tidak
dapat menerima hukuman terhadap Anwar - mereka akhirnya menyokong BA.
Two years after 'reformasi'... PENANG, Malaysia - Two years after the "reformasi" or reform movement in
Malaysia emerged, there are few signs that Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad
is close to actually turning over the reins of power.
This despite the fact that the 74-year-old Mahathir, prime minister since
1981, recently said he was passing some of his duties to his deputy
Abdullah Badawi. In fact, analysts say the move will allow Mahathir to
spend more time with his political party, the United Malays National
Organization (UMNO), in a bid to check opposition inroads into Malaysian
politics in recent years. ''Among the majority of Muslims, he has lost the kind of respect he used
to enjoy since the sacking of (former deputy prime minister) Anwar
(Ibrahim). I am very sure of that,'' Zaid Kamaruddin, deputy president of
Jama'ah Islah Malaysia, a Muslim reform group, said in an interview.
Those inroads were best reflected in the setbacks suffered by Mahathir's
coalition in the November 1999 election, including the loss of the east
coast state of Terengganu. The ruling coalition's popular vote has fallen
from 65 percent in 1995 to 56 percent in 1999.
But the roots of the erosion of the coalition's standing among the ethnic
Malay community lie in the disenchantment stemming from the arrest of
Anwar on September 20, 1998. The government arrested him on charges of
corruption and s###my, but Anwar says they are part of political
conspiracy stemming from the rivalry and feud between him and Mahathir.
On that day, Anwar, who had been fired by Mahathir, called for the prime
minister's resignation and drew a crowd of more than 50,000 in
Independence Square in the capital Kuala Lumpur. Later, Anwar was arrested
at his home and detained him under the Internal Security Act. In a police
cell, Malaysia's then top police officer assaulted him, triggering
widespread outrage. Two years after those events, Zaid added, Mahathir has lots of work to do
to try to rebuild support among the ethnic Malays, who make up most of
Malaysia's citizens and on whom his coalition has traditionally counted on
for support. ''If they are trying to win back Malay support, they are not
getting it,'' Zaid said. ''Generally the people, especially among the
Malays, tend not to readily accept the government's version of events.''
''The collective impact of the authoritarianism of the Mahathir regime and
the series of scandals with which it has been associated, has created in
our society a widespread atmosphere of frustration, unease and ultimately
loss of faith in the government,'' added D J Muzaffar Tate, a political
writer. ''The effect has been to convert us into a nation of cynics.''
To mark the second anniversary of Anwar's arrest and the rise of the
strongest political opposition in decades, anti-government critics and
activists plan on September 20 to hold a huge dinner-cum-talk at a
restaurant beneath Independence Square in the capital Kuala Lumpur.
Organizers shifted to this plan after government authorities scuttled
earlier hopes of hiring the National Stadium to draw a 100,000-strong
crowd. Their application to use the stadium was turned down within 15
minutes, with no reason given. Saari Sungib, chairman of the Reformasi Month Committee, in a statement
posted on the Internet, said that committee plans to hold a press
conference at a hotel on September 20. Then, a delegation will go to the
stadium complex management's office to symbolically resubmit the
application for the use of the stadium. ''We will request that the
management allows us to use the stadium any time in October,'' said Tian
Chua, vice president of Anwar's National Justice Party (keADILan).
Critics say Mahathir may also want to devote more time to deal with cracks
that have emerged in UMNO as factional infighting surfaces. He is also
likely to be concerned about the opposition Barisan Alternatif (Alternatif
Front) coalition - especially keADILan and the oppositionist Islamic Party
PAS - which has been eating into UMNO's support.
''Mahathir wants to strengthen the influence of UMNO which is now waning,
in order to be able to face the next election more effectively,'' said
Syed Husin Ali, president of Parti Rakyat Malaysia (Malaysian People's
Party), another Barisan Alternatif front member. ''This move is no more
than just a tactical ploy by Dr Mahathir to strengthen his own position
and his hold on UMNO,'' he added. Until now, Malaysia's ruling coalition has been hoping that the reformasi
movement will fade away with time - and Anwar behind bars. Anwar is to be
in prison until 2009 and many had wondered whether his political career
has in fact been ended by his recent second conviction, this time for
s###my. The first conviction, which came with a six-year prison sentence,
was for corruption. Despite drawing strong support from the ethnic Malays, the reformasi
movement faces its biggest test in attracting non-Malay interest. In the
November general election, with the ethnic Malays evenly split, the ruling
coalition drew from a solid core of non-Malay support to romp home to
victory. But recent events, especially the premier's hitting out at a
grouping of Chinese Malaysian associations for asking for too many
concessions and likening them to the demands made by the communists in the
past, have irked the ethnic Chinese, says Tian Chua.
''Generally, a large group of them regret voting for the ruling coalition
after the prime minister lashed out at the Chinese associations,'' he
said. ''A lot of them are upset.'' (Inter Press Service)