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Fwd Mahathir's last waltz? (Economist) By Kapal Berita 17/9/2000 7:36 am Sun |
From The Economist Issue 16-22th September 2000
Mahathir?s last waltz? The choice facing Malaysia's long-serving leader
Snubbed by the Islamists HAS Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia's long-serving and successful prime
minister, become a liability for his party and his country? It is a question
that would not have seemed worth putting until quite recently. During Dr
Mahathir's 19 years in office, Malaysia's mixed-race community has
prospered in an atmosphere of general harmony. He won a thumping
victory in last November's general election, and in May, to the surprise
of some commentators, he waltzed off, again, with the leadership of
UMNO, the United Malays National Organisation, the main party in the
ruling coalition. A good dance for a man of 74 years.
But senior members of his ruling council whisper that the old man too
often puts his feet wrong. He should go-if only there were a suitable
successor. That election result in November, despite UMNO's success,
flagged up growing concern among the majority ethnic Malays that the
government's rule is corrupt and ill-judged. The trial and jailing of a
former deputy prime minister, Anwar Ibrahim, upset many Malaysians
who believed that it was his criticism of Dr Mahathir that had cost him his
freedom. An opposition Malay Islamic party, PAS, increased its support in
the north, traditionally Mahathir territory, and took control of the state of
Terengganu. Dr Mahathir is, of course, aware of the drift of support away from his
party. On September 11th he said he would hand over some of his more
ceremonial tasks to a deputy. He would now spend more time restoring
the party's popularity, especially among young people. The shift might
also, he implied, smooth the path of succession, when the time comes.
That may be less than candid. The last time Dr Mahathir spoke of giving
more responsibility to his deputy prime minister, that job was held by Mr
Anwar. Still, his decision to rally the party is a wise one. He remains
Malaysia's most charismatic politician.
Less wise was a fierce attack on his critics in a speech for the country's
independence day last month. Dr Mahathir said that those who opposed
his policy of favouring ethnic Malays over ethnic Chinese (such as in the
allocation of school and university places, and in access to government
jobs) were "extremists". The critics he apparently had in mind were a
number of Chinese groups and an opposition party led by Mr Anwar's
wife. Dr Mahathir said they risked stirring up racial unrest which could
"engulf us all"-a reference to race riots 31 years ago.
But it is the doctor, not the Chinese, who is making race an issue. Malay
gripes against wealthy Chinese are common. The Chinese are believed to
own about half the country's wealth, but account for about a quarter of
the population. By pandering to prejudice Dr Mahathir may win back a few
Malays, but he risks losing support from previously mainly loyal Chinese.
The Malaysian Chinese Association sits in the ruling coalition. If it
withdrew, the coalition would clearly be weaker and narrower.
Then there are the Islamists. Malaysia is formally an Islamic country, but
PAS wants it to be more so. It won Terengganu partly because voters
were impressed by its honest record in neighbouring Kelantan state,
where it has been in power for ten years. The federal government is
smarting over this snub and is seeking to limit PAS's power in
Terengganu. On September 5th the government said it would "redirect"
money from oil revenues which had, since the 1970s, passed through the
state?s hands. Oil royalties worth 810m ringgit ($213m) were due to be
paid to Terengganu this year by the national oil company, Petronas,
reflecting 5% of the value of oil and gas extracted offshore from the
state. Instead, the federal government will decide how to spend the cash
in the state, to the outrage of opposition parties. They say the decision is
a political one, to restrict Terengganu's income now that it is under
Islamic control. Meanwhile, other Malay Muslim "extremists" appeared on trial this week:
29 members of the Al-Ma?unah cult have been accused of treason, which
carries a death sentence. The cultists, said to specialise in massage,
martial arts and exorcising spirits, are accused of raiding two military
weapons stores in July and taking (and killing) hostages. If found guilty,
their acts would appear to support Dr Mahathir's warnings about Islamic
extremists, but there is such public cynicism towards the government and
the courts that many doubt the official version of events. The army
recently staged a "reconstruction" of its stand-off with the cultists. The
effort was ridiculed by, among others, Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore?s former
prime minister, who in August had also chided Dr Mahathir for "several
errors of judgment" over the trial of Mr Anwar.
Some commentators fear that if Dr Mahathir is unable to regain the
support he once enjoyed, he may decide to crack down on opposition
politicans and the press, blaming them for his unpopularity. On the other
hand, he may decide to bow out gracefully, rather than become yet
another politician whose career ends in disappointment. |