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Fwd: MSC Failure of Technology Revenues Pose FX Risks By Mind Broker 10/9/2000 8:53 am Sun |
Prakata: Saya tidak menyokong 100% rencana ini, terutamanya bahagian bawah sekali.
(Malaysia is doing well on the fundamentals ...)
Ia tidak dibuang kerana saya respect pendapat mereka.
[kena register dulu kalau nak masuk] Dulu saya pernah berteori bahawa MSC akan gagal sekiranya ia tidak
menitik beratkan pembangunan pakar atau talented human resource terlebih dahulu. Kini firasat saya telah menunjukkan kebenarannya - di mana sejak
kebelakangan ini banyak speakers sudah melahirkan kebimbangan fenomena tenaga
pakar yang tidak mencukupi untuk MSC.
Komen Stan Shih - Acer: dalam Rencana
Malaysia's High-Tech Zone Said Short of Workers
Beberapa rencana mengenai MSC sudah dipost di laman ini
KM2A1 id 2467 yang dicedok dari
Asia Week: MSC - Forget the Infrastructure - It's the Software Stupid!
Sudah ada desas desus bahawa MSC hanyalah gimmick untuk menjual hartanah.... yakni spekulasi. Saya ada seorang rakan yang berniaga di Pusat Inkubator MSC
di Cyberjaya. Meja asyik kosong aje... lama2 dia fedup dan buka kantin masa
time makan aje. Masa lain lengang macam berniaga dalam hutan...... kesian. Saya
rasa kalau member saya jual nasi campur bungkus kat Jalan TAR lagi untung.
Sini tak ada nampak orang pakai casual. Tak macam di USA, pakai seluar pendek dan selipar pun boleh (Mat Salleh lerrr.) - lagi satu banyak mat salleh ni (macam orang jepun juga) kuat hisap rokok, jadi kalau duduk dalam air-cond MSC ni tak best lerrr - tak leh merokok senang2. Ini antara kebebasan dan privacy yang diinginkan oleh kebanyakkan "hantu komputer" - mesti ada makanan ready anytime atau boleh order right on desk - mamak punya pun tak ape... asal fast and light food. Ini penting sebab kalau perut kosong macam mana nak buat program2 yang boleh membawa untung? Cukup lah kita kena kelentong..... silap haribulan kompeni kita kerja kena gantung!!
Orang buat program ni otak mesti jalan punye.... berasap kata orang.
Bila tak ada fun tak jalan lah. Baik buat kerja d iofis lain yang tak ada MSC,
asal perut boleh kenyang, hati boleh senang dan kaki pun boleh goyang....
September 11: Location: Tokyo Author: Hope Leman, Editor, Asia
Date: Monday, September 11, 2000 Malaysia is hosting a technology meeting this week that seems to be eliciting little more than yawns in
the tech world-a source of credit risk, since the country's ambitious plans to improve gross domestic
product (GDP) levels is based on becoming one of the world's high-tech meccas in coming decades.
For risk experts, Malaysia?s explicit reliance on the technology sector to generate tax revenues could
also pose foreign exchange risks. This week the country is hosting the fourth International Advisory Panel (IAP) meeting of its Multimedia
Super Corridor (MSC). The meeting is designed to generate ideas and advice about the MSC project.
But the lack of coverage of the event in the international technology press and the rather unspectacular
guest list indicates that Malaysia's touting of the project has fallen flat. According to some observers,
there is little significant research and development taking place within the new techno-city of
Cyberjaya. What is the MSC? It is a 15 km by 60 km corridor near the country's capital of Kuala Lumpur set aside
for information technology companies. It is set to extend from the Petronas Twin Towers in central Kuala
Lumpur to the new international airport being built south of the city. Within the zone will be the new
administrative center, Putrajaya, and the "intelligent city," Cyberjaya.
The entire conglomeration is the baby of Prime Minister Mohamad Mahathir and nearly every news
story put out by the adulatory pro-government Malaysian news organs alternates the letters "MSC" and
the word "Mahathir" in fairly slavish fashion. Mahathir wants to have his cake and eat it, too. He is notorious for castigating the West for its plots and
schemes against the developing world and against Malaysia in particular. The next day he is cozying
up to firms like Motorola-one of the major players in the project.
But the guest list for the conference does not suggest that some of the bigger names in high-tech these
days are much interested in the MSC. Motorola is not exactly cutting edge in the Internet sphere,
though its chief businesses -- among which are chip making, digital set-top boxes and cable modems
in addition to its well-known line of cell phones -- are likely to pull it out of the disasters of the last
several years-notably the Iridium fiasco.
The goal of the MSC, though, is not be a center of manufacturing of such products. It aims to be a hub
of multimedia. And yet who are the notables attending? Acer Group chairman and chief executive
officer Stan Shih, Fujitsu Ltd chairman Tadashi Sekizawa and Silicon Graphics Inc. chairman and chief
executive officer Bob Bishop. All are among the 29 members of the IAP attending this year's meeting
and none of those men represents a significant force on the multimedia front save as producers of the
hardware that line the guts of the machines that feature such media. Those are lucrative lines, of
course. But they are not what multimedia means to most people. If one defines that as the integration of
audio, video, text and graphics within an electronic interface that provides information and/or
entertainment, there doesn't seem to be many foreign multimedia tycoons in attendance.
It could be that such people are put off by Malaysia's reputation for gagging political dissent and puffing
its egomaniacal leader. They may simply have been so bored by the endless pro-Mahathir stories that
pop up in a quick search engine check on the MSC that they decided to give the meeting a pass.
One part of the MSC's PR troubles is that it is so government-driven and gathering-oriented. That
doesn't appeal to the busy and cynical young Internet wizards. It is the sort of thing that appeals to,
well-stodgy and old-line Japanese technology companies, ambitious Taiwanese computer makers and
the American high-tech industry. Malaysia is doing well on the fundamentals of its economy, but its technology polices and clumsy PR techniques don't promise a wealth of investment in the MSC. |