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Fwd: MGG Vincent Tan Letter of Demand By web aNtu 8/9/2000 9:35 am Fri |
Terjemahan: Rasanya tak perlu sebab agak mudah dipahami. Berikut adalah intisari
surat ini yg diterjemahkan ala-kadar sahaja.
Surat Tuntutan ini - dari Peguam Vincent Tan, Adam Bachek & Rakan2,
Tkt Satu, Wisma Datuk Dagang, Alang, Kampung Baru, 50300 Kuala Lumpur ---
dihantar kepada saya (MGG Pillai) - pada 6 September 00. Maksudnya tercerita
sendiri: - iaitu (1) menuntut wang RM 2,000,000 dengan bunga nya sekali yang dikira
pada kadar 8% setahun mulai 22hb Okt 1994 sehingga tarikh ianya dilangsaikan.
(2) menuntut MGG Pillai, pekerja2 atau agen2 MGG Pillai atau sesiapa sahaja
bersangkutan tidak dibenarkan mencetak atau menyebar sebarang kenyataan yang
menjatuhkan maruah pihak plantif. [MGG] Tan Sri Vincent Tan Demands His Pound Of Flesh And More
This letter of demand -- from Tan Sri Vincent Tan's solicitors, Messrs
Adam Bachek & Associates, of Tingkat Satu, Wisma Datuk Dagang, 53 Raja
Alang, Kampung Baru, 50300 Kuala Lumpur -- sent me on 6 September 00, is
is self-explanatory: On 22nd October 1994, the High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur had ordered
inter alia that:- (1) you pay our client general damages amounting to Ringgit Malaysia Two
Million (RM2,000,000) together with interest thereon calculated at
rate of eight per cent (8%) per annum from 22nd October 1994 till
date of full realisation; (2) you whether by youself, your servants or agents or in combination with
others or howeoever be restrained by way of an injunction from
further printing and publishing the said libel or any similar
libel of and concerning the Plaintiff.
We endorse herewith by way of service upon you the following documents:
(1) a certified true copy of the sealed Order of the High Court of Malaya
at Kuala Lumpur dated 22nd Oxtober 1994 in respect of the above
mentioned case; and (2) a certified true copy of the sealed Order of the Federal Court of
Malaysia dated 12th July 2000. We have our client's instructions TO DEMAND FROM YOU WHICH WE HEREBY DO
that you pay to our client or to us as Solicitors the sume of
RM2,000,000.00 plus interest thereon calculated at the rate of eight per
cent (8 per cent) from 22nd October 1994 till date of payment within
fourteen (14) days from the date hereof.
TAKE NOTICE that if you fail, neglect and/or refuse to pay the sum of
RM2,000,000 together with the stipulated interest thereon within FOURTEEN
(14) days from the date hereof, we have our client's strict instructions
to commence execution proceedings against you without any further
reference to you in which event you will be liable for further costs.
Yours faithfully, Sd: Adam Bachik & Associates |