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Fwd [MGG] Tan Sri Vincent Tan c##ks A Snook At The Government By web aNtu 8/9/2000 6:26 am Fri |
Subject: [MGG] Tan Sri Vincent Tan c##ks A Snook At The Government
Into this exchange, this "international business man of unquestioned
repute" (IBOUR) -- if you would rather believe what his counsel thinks of
him -- or "Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Dato' Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun"
(YBTSDSVTCY) -- in his solicitor's considered view -- decides his satrap
Big Chief Injustice needs his help. So he c##ks a snook at the
government, the dispenser of his patronage, and a day after Dato' Seri
Rais' defamation concerns, he goes in for the kill. He instructs his
solicitors, Messrs Adam Bachek & (sic) Associates, to demand his
Shylockian pound of flesh, the one Dato' Rais was concerned about, demands
the RM2,000,000 the federal court awarded in a case in which his counsel
wrote part or all of the High Court judgement, went on holidays with Big
Chief Injustice and his bodyguard, and argued the Federal Court appeal
before him. Tun Eusoff further strengthened his well-honed injustice when
he insisted upon delivering the judgement after my counsel had wanted him
recused for his biasness, after insisting there would be three separate
judgements, and assuring the Bar Council a few months later and two years
before a court flunky delivered judgement on his behalf. Fools rush in
where angels fear to tread. Well that describes IBOUR YBTSDSVTCY
perfectly. However, he looks at it, this demand for monopoly money misses
the point. He realises not -- he should -- UMNO turns against him. His enviable
political connexions gets government privatisation projects and a cushion
from the normal rules of businesses, thousands of acres of pristine land
on a silver platter from several states, and except for gambling
concessions made a mess of it all. He was awarded the Indah Water
Konsortium concession, made a rumoured RM1.2 billion re-selling, ensured
it would not succeed and the government has since re-nationalised it.
His billion-ringgit project for Kuala Lumpur's monorail, which despite a
further starting grant of RM300 million after an undisclosed grant of
similar proportions, should have been ready for the Commonwealth Games in
1998, but today all he can show for it is an abandoned mess of unlinked
solitary pillars, which doubles up as well-placed advertising boards for
his struggling, barely profitable telecommunication company. He got the
greenlight to build the world's only linear city, over the Sungei Klang,
That is another billion and more ringgit worth. But he does not talk
about it any more. He got 30 hectares, or thereabout, of beachland in
Pulau Redang, off Trengganu, at less than RM1,000 per hectare, with a
grateful government displacing the fishermen living there, who now have to
walk down a hill to work. That is the subject of an official internal
Trengganu investigation. He believes, as a business man, he should be allowed to subborn
justice. His mad crusade against a Malaysian journalist, Mr Ganesh
Sahathevan, fought through the Industrial Court in Kuala Lumpur and the
courts in Sydney, Australia, along with suits for hundreds of millions of
ringgit in defamation damages, which began with his attempt to shut me up,
continues. He has had the law changed, tried to in New South Wales to
shut Mr Sahathevan up but the state authorities have stepped in. And he
sues in Taipeh for the return of a few hundred million ringgit in bribes
for a gambling licence he did not get. UMNO wags refer to him as the
ultimate Bumiputra. In a sense, he is. UMNO wants to know how he could
get all these lucrative concessions, getting another when each fails, as
in almost every case. Which, I contend, is why he goes around trying to
silence one and every who dares question his flips and flops. He thought
his friendship with the Prime Minister and the finance minister, Tun Daim
Zainuddin, would sustain him. He wanted Malaysian business men's eternal
gratitude by ensuring that business men can control the courts. He won
the RM2,000,000 award with neither evidence or witness, producing neither
evidence nor witnesses, getting his lawyer to write the judgement and
other traversities. He thought he succeeded. Then the law minister comes
to change the ground rules once again. And worms turn. Even fat ones
like a M.G.G. Pillai or intrusive Ganesh Sahathevans. But then would a
former insurance agent who becomes an international business men of
unquestioned repute would not know that, would he?
M.G.G. Pillai |