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TJ: Bila Pencuri Menjadi Pengawal By Marhain Tua 7/9/2000 10:54 pm Thu |
Kerajaan telah melantik MP Barisan Nasional dan juga pengerusi Backbenchers
Club BN, Dr. Jamaluddin Jarjis, sebagai Pengerusi baru TNB (Tenaga nasional
Berhad) Lantikan yang dbuat pada 4 September,2000 adalah lantikan Pengurusi
sahaja tanpa kuasa eksekutif dalam perlantikan itu. Seperti yang kelaziman
dalam pentadbiran negara yagn mencelaru ini, tidak pun disebut apa jadinya
kepada pengerusi ekskutif yang lama, Tan Sri Tajuddin Ali. Kesannya ialah
penghukuman disaksikan oleh BSKL di mana harga saham TNB jatuh terperusuk
sebanyak lapan persen menjadi RM11. Lembaga Pengarah TNB bersidang dua hari
yang lalu untuk memberitahu dunia betapa tidak ada perubahan yang berlaku;
Tan Sri Tajuddin Ali, tidak akan meninggalkan tugasnya di TNB, seperti yang
dijangkan oleh seluruh dunia. Beliau akan terus menjadi ketua ekskutif dan
juga presiden syarikat itu. Sudah tentu Dr. Jamaluddin merasakan betapa bertuahnya beliau, kini.
Beliau merupakan JJ dalam abjad DZJJ, yang sama terlibat dalam pengswastaan
sebuah syarikat urusselia pewasat terbang, AIROD. (Saya masih kurang pasti
apa pula makna abjad DZ? Memang, abjad itu begitu lumrah tetapi, cuma tidak
dapat memikirkan siapakah orang yang berkaitan dengan abjad itu)*. Kini,
Jamaluddin diserahkan sebuah syarikat lagi di atas dulang emas. Tentu kita
masih teringat cerita bagaimana kesilapan politik berkaitan sebuah syarikat
utiliti yang dikuasai oleh kerajaan hampir memalukan banyak pihak kerana
sikap memberikan ruang kepada anak-pinak dan para kroni mendapatkan habuan
kontrak yang lumayan bukan disebabkan alasan politik tetapi kerana pihak
kerajaan yang mahukannya. Salah satu syarikat demikian di mana seorang 'putra' mempunyai kepentingan
dalamnya, telah membuat keputusan untuk berurusan dalam bidang bekalan
tenaga di sebuah negara luar. Pembabitan syarikat itu hampir mencetuskan
satu rampasan kuasa di Zimbabwe. Kini, laksana sirih pulang ke gagang,
pengerusi Backbencers' Club (BN) Parlimen Malaysia telah diberikan lantikan
ke dalam TNB. Ramai analis dan orang awam tidak dapat mengesan jawapan yang
logic dalam perlantikan itu. Tetapi, kalau difikirkan apa saja yang
dilakukan oleh kerajaan, masakini, adakah logiknya?
Diterjemahkan oleh Rencana Asal: The government appointed the National Front MP and chairman of the
National Front backbencher's club, Dr Jamaluddin Jarjis, as Tenaga
Nasional Berhad;s new non-executive chairman three days ago (04 September
00). As one has come to expect from this disaster-prone administration,
it mentioned not then the fate of its outgoing executive chairman, Tan
Sri Tajuddin Ali. The Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange gave its verdict by
depressing Tenaga Nasional Berhad, the country's main electricity
utility, share prices by eight per cent to RM11. The Tenage board met
two days ago to recoup and to tell the world nothing had changed; Tan Sri
Tajuddin would not, as widely believed, leave but remain but as president
and chief executive officer. He continues, the Star informed its readers
yesterday (06 September 00), as before, on the same terms, to run Tenanga,
but with a politician to look over his shoulder. If this indeed was the
intention, why were not the two appointments made at the same time, instead
of the appearance of the re-appointment viewed as an afterthought? If
indeed there was some some kinks to be ironed out, as the Star sources say,
why could not that be ironed out before the appointments? Since Dr
Jamaluddin, with a doctorate in electrical engineering from McGills
University in Canada, heads a power consultancy, EPE, which with its
subsidiaries, are consultants to Tenange, his appointment is akin to a
poacher turning gamekeeper. Since both Tenaga and EPE power is
involved in the Bakun hydroelectric power project in Sarawak, the appointment
also has a incestuous ring to it. Dr Jamaluddin insists his interest in EPE would be in a blind
interest -- that famous Bolehland institution of business men-politicians
in sensitive official positions put their shareholdings and business
interests into in which the trustee, not the trust, must be blind.
Should the Tenage board decide on a project in which EPE is one of the
parties, what would the non-executive chairman do? Stay in place but
not vote, as the international trade and industry minister, Datin Rafidah
Aziz did, when her ministry awarded a lucrative contract to a company
controlled by her son-inlaw? Or vote for EPE, since a blind trustee
runs that for him? Whether he is competent or not -- he is -- is not the
issue. He is appointed as a trusted National Front nominee. It is
this that rankles. After letting Tenage run professionally and competently
at a time when political decisions reduced its competence and
competitiveness, replacing its chiefs on political and other whims,
bringing in a politician must throw doubts about official internetions
towards Tenaga. Especially one as lucky as Dr Jamaluddin. He is the JJ of DZJJ,
to which Airod, the aircraft maintenance company, was privatised to. (I
wonder who DZ is? It has a familiar ring but for the life of me I
cannot make out who he could be.) Now he is given an additional company on a
platter -- and political oversight of a government-controlled utility
company almost brought to its knees by deliberate official measures to
reduce its effectiveness by allowing cronies and courtiers to make
lucratibe deals not for economic reasons but because the government
wanted it that way. One such company, with a Sibling in tow, then decided
it is an international energy supply company and nearly encouraged a coup
d'etat in Zimbabwe. Now the chickens come home to roost. The chairman of
the National Front backbenchers' club is brought in. But analysts and
others cannot find the logic for that. But then much of what the government
does these days defies logic. M.G.G. Pillai