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TJ: Tangisan di Hari Merdeka By Mat Teropong 6/9/2000 9:35 pm Wed |
(Awalkata: Teks asal dalam Bahasa Inggeris ada di dalam FGR bertarikh 5
Sept. 23:29:09 2000) "Catatan: kalau tak boleh baca Inggeris....ha suruh(Y_ang B_erhutang) nak
bakar bangunan MCA tu terjemahkan.....Baca jangan tak baca...nanti kot orang
kampung kato ekau semuo tak poyi sekolah tinggi lak....!"
Sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia beragama Kristian, yang cintakan negaranya
saya merasa sedih bila menyambut ulangtahun kemerdekaan negara yang ke-43
itu. Setiap syarikat yang dikesan menderma kepada parti pembangkang (yang
kewujudannya dibenarkan oleh perlembagaan) tidak akan layak menerika kontrak
kerajaan. Siapakah yang bertanggungjawab ke atas masalah negara? Orang luar, pastinya.
Mereka memang mahu menjajah kita. Akan tetapi, siapakah merfeka yang melakukan segala perbuatan yang keji itu?
Apakah disebabkan kasih sayang yang mendesak mantan Ketua Polis Negara
menghenyak seorang yang dikurung di bawah jagaan polis sedangkan insan itu
ditutup matanya dan tanganya bergari pula? Apakah kita akan menuduh orang
asing kerana perbuatan terkutuk ini? Ataupun pihak pembangkang?
Kebebasan inilah yang saya mahukan untuk anak-anak dan cucu-cicit saya,
sepertimana bebasnya merka kini di rumah; berbeza daripada ibu bapa mereka
dan terus hidup menjadi
Kalau tak boleh baca inggeris .....ha...suruh ( Y_ang B_erhutang ) nak bakar bangunan MCA tu terjemahkan.....baca jangan tak baca ....nanti kot orang kampong kato ekau semuo tak poyi sekolah tinggi lak....! Rencana Asal: * A Christian Chinese Malaysian, fully committed and loyal to our
beloved country, I was engulfed by sadness on the 43rd anniversary of
our independence. What and how do I celebrate? The independence of the judiciary? Good
governance? The tender system? Free speech? Freedom to assemble
peacefully? Free press? Prestigious concrete structures like the
Petronas Twin Towers, KLIA and Formula One track circuit?
Development concentrated in the capital cities at the expense of small
towns and rural areas? Selective prosecution and political persecution?
The sad fact is that we now have a political monopoly ruling everyone
and everything. Taxi drivers may not display anything that reveal their
political sentiments. Students, teachers and government employees
cannot express their true feelings or state their stand. They are
unceasingly warned of action that would be taken against them, even
transfers, dismissal or expulsion. They must remain silent; they must not
be present at any rally. The police will not issue permits to Malaysians who wish to assemble to
voice their dissent, thus rendering illegal all gatherings in opposition to
the powers that be. But if you are Umno Youth, no arrest is made if you
demonstrate. No group of citizens, no matter how patriotic to the country and how
sincere their motives, should presume they could raise questions about
government practices. For before they can get a proper hearing, they
are liable to be branded as racist and get a special mention in the
National Day message. No government scholarship will be provided to known dissenters. If you
are doctors in the historic state of Malacca and are critical of the powers
that be, you may no longer serve as a panel doctor to any government
agency. Any company known to have made contributions to the opposition
parties (whose existence and role are provided for by the constitution)
will not be eligible for government contracts.
And who is responsible for the country's woes? The foreigners, of
course. They seek to "recolonise" us.
And what do we read in the papers on Aug 31? The people must not
play up racial sentiments. And this from the leader of an ethnic-based
political party. As a true Malaysian, I share these articulated sentiments: no politics of
race or hatred. Yes, these are threats to peace and harmony. They will
destroy the nation. But who are the perpetrators of such hatred? Was it love which
motivated the then Inspector-General of Police to assault a person in
police custody who was blindfolded and handcuffed? Shall we blame the
foreigners for this too? Or the opposition?
And why was this person in police custody in the first place? Who was it
who went all out to jail his political rivals instead of allowing, as provided
for by his own party constitution, an election of office bearers? If you
have something against a rival, why don't you let the party choose
between the two of you, have a civilised contest and defeat him or her
by your own strength, popularity and morality? Since he or she is so
immoral and you are so moral, why then are you so afraid to meet him or
her in a proper contest? Who has subjected our beloved country to such
a disgraceful, distasteful, dangerous episode in our history?
Our 43-year old nation fully deserves, desperately needs a government
that is credible. I desperately want to believe, to be proud of my
country's government. But help me, somebody ... MCA, MIC, or Umno.
Please help me to see the credibility of, the justice of sentencing the
chief of police to two months' imprisonment for assaulting a prisoner in
his safe-keeping, and nine years' imprisonment to the person he had
assaulted for alleged s###my. How is it that suddenly s###my is ranked so high in our national
interest? Much, much higher, it seems, than the allegation made in court
by the immediate past head of the Anti-Corruption Agency that the
leader of the government had himself ordered a halt to the investigation
of a case. To-date, no inquiry into this allegation has been
commissioned while the said alleged s###my was relentlessly pressed
as if the very life of the nation had depended on it.
If indeed s###my is of such high security risk to the nation, is the police
going to secure the nation from such a serious threat by arresting all
Malaysians of a certain sexual preference, for therein must lie the
solution to the country's woes? And if four impeccable eye-witnesses to the crime cannot be found,
bypass the Syariah court even if the accused and accuser are Muslims.
Just do it in the civil courts where the requirements are far easier to
satisfy. Just one person's word against the accused is enough for
conviction. And you don't even have to remember the exact date when
the act was committed. On Aug 31, away from my family and alone in my office on a public
holiday, I wept and wept. Not for myself. But my children; and their
children to come. I am so sorry that as their father, I have been too
selfish and afraid and apathetic to bring about the necessary and
desirable change that will secure the future for them in which all
Malaysians, not just those with powerful connections, will benefit from
the vast potential of the country. A Malaysia in which they would be free to voice their feelings, be it of
agreement or disagreement. Free to associate with any person or body,
regardless of race, religion or political affiliation. Free to accept or reject.
Free to contribute to the way their country is run. Free to say yes or no.
Just as they are now free at home to differ from their parents and
therefore free to grow and be themselves.
May God have mercy upon our beloved country.*
Beh Sai Kong