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Fwd: FAC Anwar's ghost haunts Mahathir halfway around the world By web aNtu 5/9/2000 10:42 pm Tue |
News update from the ISNA Convention in Chicago
Report by Raja Petra Kamarudin in the USA
Anwar's ghost haunts Mahathir halfway around the world
Mahathir's speeches - whether he is giving his Merdeka Day
address, Aidil Fitri Speech, New Year Day message, or whatever
the case may be - always follows a set pattern. First he will talk
about the economy and how the foreigners are out ot colonise
Malaysia. Then he will talk about the threat of racial conflict in
Malaysia and he will remind us of the "big one" on May 13, 1969.
Finally, he will talk about the Anwar Ibrahim trial and, in no
uncertain terms, explain how he knew Anwar was guilty all along
even before the verdict was passed down by the courts.
You can see that Mahathir has a phobia about these three subject
matters. It seems to haunt him wherever he goes and no Mahathir
speech is complete without mention of these issues. Mahathir no
longer needs the service of a speech writer as there are no
speeches left to write. He just recycles the speech he made two
years ago on 2nd September 1998. Mahathir's speech to the 300 or so Malaysian students in Chicago
recently was no different. You can see that, even in far away
America, Anwar still haunted him. He could not rid himself of the
memory of Anwar. Mahathir started by talking about the dangers of racial riots in
Malaysia. He reminded everyone present how Malaysia was torn
apart on 13th May 1969 with great loss of lives and property.
Mahathir probably thought that the 70% to 75% Chinese audience
was the perfect platform to talk about Malay-Chinese conflict.
Mahathir "revealed" that there are certain elements in Malaysia who
are trying to start racial strife. He never did reveal these "elements"
that are trying to commit this hideous crime though, but we can all
assume he meant "the other side". What Mahathir failed to mention was, barely weeks before that,
members of his own UMNO party, the Malays, had threatened the
Chinese of Malaysia. A crowd of angry youths had marched to the
Chinese Assembly Hall and gave the Chinese one week to
apologise for their "17 demands" made about a year ago during the
Tenth General Elections. The Chinese tried to explain that the matter had already been
resolved way back in 1999, but the Malay demonstrators refused to
listen and the gathering became very abusive, not to mention vulgar,
with four-letter words being freely shouted.
The Chinese were petrified. They remember very well what May 13
was all about and how dangerous the wrath of the Malays can be.
They quickly ran to the Democratic Action Party or DAP, a
predominantly Chinese based party, though it is multi-racial. DAP in
turn got in touch with the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party or PAS and
expressed their anxiety at this whole "Malay-kill-Chinese" drama,
which no one doubted was staged by Mahathir.
DAP was worried that Mahathir, who realises he has lost the
support of the Malays, may try to use Malay nationalism to win
back support. This means Mahathir has to make the Chinese the
enemy. This will then unite the Malays. It is quite natural people
become united in the face of a common enemy.
PAS then called for an Alternative Front or BA meeting. At this
meeting PAS issued a public statement warning the UMNO Malays
that PAS would stand in defense of the Chinese if UMNO ever tried
to harm them. To quote Dr Hatta Ramli, the political secretary of the
opposition leader, as well as Ruslan Kasim, the information chief of
keADILan, "UMNO will have to step over the dead bodies of the
Malays in Barisan Alternatif to harm the Chinese".
This was indeed a touching moment for all. Malaysia had, at last,
reached the maturity level where race is secondary to justice.
UMNO then tried to invite the opposition to join them in "Malay
solidarity" against the Chinese but the opposition declined. The
opposition was not interested in an anti-Chinese grouping.
In Mahathir's Independence Day message on the eve of 31st August
2000 this matter was again raised. Mahathir spoke about the
"extremist Chinese trying to destroy Malaysia". Mahathir also
likened these people to communists. Mahathir had also earlier
warned the Chinese that there will be no compromise on Malays
rights and privileges and that the government will defend them to the
last. That's like telling the Chinese to go to hell or we will send you
there. In spite of all this, it was one enthusiastic crowd in Chicago that
day. They were applauding Mahathir like a conquering hero, not
realising he is the villain behind the "dangerous racial politics" he
was talking about. Don't our students overseas ever keep up with
the news back home? They seemed so ignorant of what's
happening. Mahathir then lamented about how students prefer to spend their
time politicking instead of studying. Of course he meant the Malay
students as what he has said so many times before.
Mahathir then complained that people are being taught to hate the
government. Either Mahathir is confused or trying to confuse. No
one ever mentioned about hating the government. It is only he who
is the target of hate. But he makes it like if you hate the prime
minister, then you hate the government, and this makes you
ungrateful for everything that you have received in life.
What puzzled most people was the way Mahathir kept talking about
Islam - quoting verses in the Koran, relating stories about the
Prophet, and so on. Now if Mahathir was talking to a Malay or
Muslim audience this would have been very appropriate. But about
three quarters of his audience were Chinese. What would they know
about all these things? I am sure they were as confused as a Malay
audience would have been if you started talking about the
scriptures, or quoted from Luke, or something like that.
After rambling on for awhile, Mahathir then came to the finale and
his favourite subject - Anwar Ibrahim's trials. Here Mahathir gave the
impression that either he is getting very senile, or he is the best
bold-faced liar in the world. Either way that makes him most
unsuitable to continue as prime minister of Malaysia.
Mahathir said Anwar Ibrahim was given an opportunity to defend
himself in a court of law. The judge had asked Anwar many times
whether he pleads innocent or guilty but Anwar refused to reply. In
short, Anwar chose to remain silent and did not defend himself.
That's why, according to Mahathir, the court had no choice but to
find Anwar guilty. Mahathir then revealed that even Param Cumaraswamy, the UN
representative, agreed that Anwar had been given a fair trail.
According to Mahathir, Param even pointed out that the judge was a
PAS member who had contested in the general election on a PAS
ticket before he became a judge and was given the Anwar trial to
handle. What Mahathir was insinuating is, since the judge used to be a
PAS member, then he must be a very fair judge. I suppose this is a
compliment to PAS as Mahathir is suggesting the judge is honest
because he was a PAS member. Now this is all a load of crap and I am convinced Mahathir is not
senile but a bold-faced liar. Anwar fought tooth and nail to clear
himself of the charges and Param said the exact opposite of what
Mahathir accused him of saying. Param, in fact, said Anwar's trial is
a travesty of justice. Mahathir pointed out that in Malaysia homosexuals are despised
unlike in America where it is okay and men can marry men and
women marry women. I don't know whether Mahathir was trying to
insult Anwar or the US, or maybe both.
Well that, in part, was Mahathir's speech in Chicago. It was just like
any other he has made and, believe me, will be the same for all his
future speeches as well. Mahathir no longer has anything new to
say. And he is so paranoid of Anwar that he cannot not mention
Anwar or the trial. Mahathir seems to know so much of Anwar's
"crimes" I wonder why he refused to testify in court when
subpoenaed to do so. Raja Petra Kamarudin |