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TJ: BT Bila Bank Dipulas-Tangan By Marhain Tua 5/9/2000 12:33 am Tue |
MGG71 Oleh Eddie Toh di Kuala Lumpur Pendekatan Bank Negara yagn keras ini adalah sebahagian usaha kerajaan untuk
memperkecilkan saiz sektor kewangan di negara ini.
Pegawai bank itu akhirnya setuju menandatangani surat perjanjian jual-beli
bank tersebut. Satu sumber perbankan telah berkata bank Negara terpaksa melakukan tindakan
garang itu kerana pegawai bank sengaja melecehkan kerja itu semua selama
ini. Pegawai perbankan Malaysia sengaja memperkecilkan usaha Bank Negara untuk
menyatukan sektor perbankan yang terlalu banyak di mana terdapat 50
institusi kewangan sebelum itu. Pada 1999, Bank Negara mengadakan satu kejutan di kalangan masyarakat
perbankan apabila ia memilih enam bank untuk menyerap masuk institusi
perbankan yang lain. Rencana ini telah menimbulkan kemarahan banyak pihak,
terutama sekali setelah bank kecil seperti Multi-Purpose Bank dan Perwira
Affin Bank dipilih untuk menyedut bank yang lebih besar seperti RHB Bank dan
Kumpulan Arab Malaysian. Rencana Asal: 2 Sep 2000 Banks claim BN arm-twisted them By Eddie Toh in Kuala Lumpur Bank Negara's tough approach is part of the government's push to
consolidate the overcrowded finance sector.
"We were holed up in a room in Bank Negara and were told that we could
not leave until an agreement was reached. We were threatened, we were
coerced and we were arm-twisted. And we argued until the last minute,"
claimed a senior banker. The banker eventually signed the sales and purchase agreement to sell
the bank. Bank Negara declined to comment when contacted yesterday.
A banking source said Bank Negara had to resort to strongarm tactics as
bankers have been dragging their feet for years. Malaysian bankers had
long ignored the central bank's call to consolidate the overcrowded
banking sector with more than 50 financial institutions.
In 1999, Bank Negara shocked the banking community when it handpicked
six banks to absorb all the other financial institutions. But the plan
angered many bankers, especially when small banks like Multi-Purpose
Bank and Perwira Affin Bank were chosen to swallow much bigger banks
like RHB Bank and Arab-Malaysian group respectively.
After intense lobbying by disgruntled bankers, Malaysian Prime Minister
Mahathir Mohamad scrapped the earlier blueprint in late 1999 and allowed
the bankers to find their own merger partners instead.
Ten "anchor" groups emerged in February this year under the
market-driven approach. They include the original six anchor banks --
Maybank, Multi-Purpose Bank, Bumiputra-Commerce Bank, Perwira Affin
Bank, Public Bank and Southern Bank. The four new additions were Arab-Malaysian banking group, RHB Bank, Hong
Leong Bank and EON Bank. Despite the friendlier approach, several groups have had a tough time in
reaching a pact by the end of August to qualify for the promised tax
breaks and perks. They include Maybank and PhileoAllied Bank, Arab-Malaysian and Utama
Banking group, Perwira Affin Bank and BSN Commercial, and Multi-Purpose
Bank and MBf Finance. Although all 10 banking groups have cleared a major hurdle, analysts
said they now face the more daunting task of merging their operations by
December and begin operating as merged entities next January.