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TJ: Mustahak: Kejadian Di Melaka Bukan Berbentuk Perkauman/Keagamaan By Marhain Tua 4/9/2000 10:54 pm Mon |
MGG69 Mustahak: Kejadian Di Melaka Bukan Berbentuk Perkauman Ataupun Keagamaan
(MGG: Melaka Incidents Not Racial or Religious)
MGG Pillai Kepada: MGG Pillai Seperti anda, saya juga terperanjat apabila membaca kenyataan YB Betty Chew.
Saya telah menghubungi beberapa kawan dan sejak itu mengambil pendirian
berbeza sekali denan pihak tuan. Saya telah menghubungi MP Kota Melaka dan
Setiausaha Agung DAP Kerk Kim Hock, yang telah mengeluarkan satu kenyataan
malam tadi dan ada dikepilkan bersama ini. Saya juga telah berbincang
dengan YB Kerk yang mengsahkan perkara ini:
2. Sewajarnya, tidak sesiapa di Melaka yang berfikir bahawa insiden ini akan
merupakan pembuka kepada satu lagi kejadian yang menyerupai Mei 13,
3. Ramai perwakilan akhbar di Melaka yang berkeyakinan bahawa kejadian
hanya menyangkuti vandalisma anak-anak muda dan keganasan sahaja.
4. Ada dua kejadian yang berasingan: satu pergaduhan jalanan di Dataran
Mahkota Parade dan satu rusuhan jalanan. Pergaduhan jalanan melibatkan 200
anak muda Melayu yang menyerang satu kumpulan muda Melayu yang berpadan
juga kekuatannya. Pihak polis menafikan sebarang pergaduhan besar kerana
hospital tidak pun menerima sebarang pesakit atau merawat si sakit yang
muncul hasil pergaduhan tersebut. Pergaduhan jalanan memang pernah berlaku
tahun yang lalu di waktu yang serupa. Jumlah yang terlibat hanya sekitar
40-50 orang. Ketika itu mereka tidak pun melakukan keganasan dengan merompak
kedai. Walaupun ada penduduk setempat yang bertengkar dengan mereka,
penduduk empatan itu tidak pula diserang. Ini bererti, keganasan jalanan
memang merisaukan kita, tetapi implikasinya itu yang mungkin berbeza.
Saya tidak mahu mencela apa yang anda dan juga Betty telah tulis.
Memandangkan adanya provokasi yang disengajakan oleh segelintir pemimpin
UMNO, adalah penting kalu kita berwaspada selalu.. Tetapi, saya yakin
saudara berdua akan bersetuju adalah sama pentingnya kalau kejadian yang
berlaku tidak disalahtafsir kerana ia akan mencetuskan satu kesan yang kita
memang sebenarnya cuba elakkan. Dengan hal yang demikian, saya harap saudara
dapat mengedarkan kandungan kenyataan Kerk dan penjelasannya dengan meluas
secepat mungkin. Rusuhan jalanan: Tindakan polis diperlukan segera untuk tenteramkan
keyakinan awam. Semalam saya telah bertemu dengan Timbalan OCPD Supt Razali Mohd Shariff
(Melaka Tengah) dan telah menyampaikan kepadanya kebimbangan orang awam
akan kelakuan satu kumpulan sekitar 50 anak muda yang berkeliaran di
beberapa jalanraya di bandar Melaka di pagi hari 1 September.
Saya juga telah mengingatkannya akan kejadian rusuhan seperti itu yang
berlaku tahun lalu selepas sambutan Ulangtahun Hari Kemerdekaan. Tetapi,
keadaan semakin buruk tahun ini kerana adanya kerosakan kepada hartabenda
awam. Perbuatan vandalisma berlaku pada kereta, pondok telefon, pasu bunga,
malahan satu lampu di hadapan Tokong cheng Hoon Teng telah dipecahkan dan
beberapa pondok beribadat yagn terleak di hadapan rumah di sepanjang jalan
java telah menjadi sasaran perangai vandalisma itu.
Walaupun polis telah menjelaskan bahawa insiden di kedai Cerminmata Tai Wah
di Jalan Munshi Abdullah adalah satu kejadian pencurian, pergaduhan jalanan
yang melibatkan antara 300 hingga 400 anak muda di Dataran Mahkota Parade
telah mencetuskan keadaan kelam kabut bahawasanya orang yang sama juga
terlibat dalam rusuhan jalanan itu. Saya telah menemubual beberapa orang penduduk yang mengsahkan bahawa mereka
telah menyaksikan satu kumpulan anak muda sekitar 50-60 orang yang terlibat
dengan rusuhan itu. Ramai yang percaya bahawa rusuhan itu adalah terbit
daripada sikap berbuat nakal dan kecoh seperti yang berlaku di tahun yang
lalu. Mereka amat risau kesannya itu nanti akan mencetuskan salah faham
perkauman. -Kerk Kim Hock- Rencana Asal: A prominent Malaysian academic sent me this e-mail concerning my piece on
the Malacca incident. It does appear that there was more to the incident
than meets the eye. If it was nothing more than youthful exuberance, it
was even more important that the authorities should have come forward --
and promptly -- to address the question. Instead, the absolute silence
just fanned the general perception that it was more than that. I shall
address this in a future piece as soon as possible.
M.G.G. Pillai ==== Dear MGG Like you, I was very alarmed when I first received the statement by YB
Betty Chew. I contacted many people and have since come to a rather
different conclusion from yours. In particular, I have been in contact
with the Kota Melaka MP and DAP Secretary General, Kerk Kim Hock, whose
statement last night is appended below. I have also since checked with
YB Kerk, who confirms the following: 1 the street rampage also happened last year, except there was no
desecration of religious altars then 2 apparently, nobody in Melaka really thought this was the beginning of
another May 13 incident. 3. many members of the press in Melaka believe it merely involved
youthful vandalism and violence. 4. there were two separate incidents-- a street brawl at the Mahkota
Parade Square and the street rampage.The street brawl involved about 200
Malay youths attacking another group of young Malays of comparable size.
The Police deny that there was a really big fight because the hospital did
not admit any out or in-patients as a consequence of the fight. As for the
street rampage, a similar incident also happened last year at the same
time; this year, the number of youths involved was about 40-50, but. They
do not seem to have looted the shops they passed. Although some residents
quarelled with them, the residents were not attacked. Needless to say,
such youthful violence should be a cause for concern, but the implications
are rather different. I am not casting any aspersions on what you and Betty have written. In
view of the deliberate and desperate provocations by some UMNO leaders,
it is crucial that we are vigilant and your concerns reflect concern.
However, I am sure you will both agree that it is equally important that
we are careful to ensure that incidents are not misinterpreted as this
may well generate precisely what we are trying to avoid. Hence, I hope
that you will circulate Kerk's statement and clarifications as widely
and as quickly as possible. Street rampage: Swift police action needed to restore public confidence.
I had also conveyed to the police that such rampage which had also
occurred last year after the Merdeka Day celebrations was worse this year
not only because of the extent of damage caused to public and private
properties like vandalism caused to car mirrors, public telephone, flower
vases, but also because one lamp in front of Cheng Hoon Teng temple was
broken and several religious altars placed outside houses along Java Lane
became targets of such irresponsible vandalism.
I had also expressed the people's views that such mischief and vandalism
by the revelers could lead to a serious misunderstanding which threaten
racial harmony in the country. Although the police had clarified that the incident at the Tai Wah
spectacles shop at Jalan Munshi Abdullah was an isolated burglary case,
the street brawl involving 300 to 400 youths at Mahkota Parade Square had
also led to confusion that these few hundreds were involved in the street
rampage. I had interviewed many residents who confirmed that they had seen a group
of about 50 to 60 youths involved in the rampage. Many had said that they
believed the rampage was again a case of the revelers' mischief and
violence similar to what happened last year but were worried about the
consequences of any racial misunderstanding which could arise out of such
irresponsible rampage. I must commend Supt Razali for his swift response to the public worries
and complaints by making a personal visit to Java Lane yesterday to
understand the actual damage caused and to assure the people that the
rampage was not an organised attack or motivated by racial motive. In the
visit, we had also received complaint from a trader who complained that
despite phone call being made to the police immediately when the revelers
were in front of her house, no police had come to the scene.
The police has assured that investigations will be made into public
allegations that the police did not respond immediately to reports made
through phone calls. Some public have complained due to the slow or no
actions on the part of the police , these 50 to 60 revellers could move on
to other parts of the town and carried out more vandalism.
The police must certainly do more to convince the public of their
efficiency as many people found it difficult to believe that despite the
fact that the police had carried out preventive and precautionary measures
as claimed to prevent revelers from going overboard, a group of 50 to 60
youths could still go on their rampage in a few streets without any single
individual being caught. It is therefore important that the police must not only carry out a
thorough investigation, they must also ensure that those irresponsible are
brought to face the laws soonest possible so as to restore the public
confidence in the efficiency of the police.
The police must also explain to the public what are the effective measures
to be taken to prevent similar incidents from reoccurring.