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TJ: MGG - Merdeka dan Mengubah Sejarah By Marhain Tua 2/9/2000 7:34 am Sat |
MGG66 Sebelum ulangtahun kemerdekan dirayakan, ada satu usaha untuk menulis
kembali perjalanan sejarah negara yang didalangi oleh Perdana Menteri, dan
yang sungguh menakutkan. Tiga nama insan yang pernah menjadi perdana
menteri negara ini dan juga beberapa negarawan yang menyertai mereka tidak
pun diberikan tempat yang sepatutnya. Kalau disebut pun hanya sekadar sambil
lewa saja. Perkara yang lepas adalah satu sejarah, demikianlah yang
diyakinkan kepada kita. Akan tetapi, sejarah itu adalah penting untuk
masakini, sebagai satu pertalian untuk mengaitkan dengan mereka yang sedang
memegang kuasa. Seorang manusia yang baru sahaja dikurniakan gelaran Tan
Sri, sedangkan satu ketika dulu beliau hanya seorang kerani estet berumur
belum pun dua puluh tahun, telah mengimbau sejarah silam akan perhubungannya
dengan Perdana Menteri. Begitu juga dengan peranannya dalam mewujudkan
National Land Finance Cooperative Berhad (NLFCB). Nama Tun Sambanthan telah
disebutkannya, secara sambil lalu sahaja. Begitu juga nama Dato' K.K. Nair
yang ketika itu merupakan satu 'icon' kepada MIC di Kedah. Betapa unggul
pun K. K. Nair ini satu ketika dulu, tidak ramai yang datang menziarahinya
ketika beliau terlantar kerana keuzuran. Bayangkanlah betapa ramai pula yang
menziarahinya ketika dia mati beberapa tahun yang lalu?
Tetapi, Tan Sri Somasundaram telah berlagak untuk membuatkan kita percaya
betapa sebagai seorang kerani ketika itu dia rapat dengan seorang doktor
perubatan tempatan yang bernama Mahathir bin Mohamed. Kini, Somasundaram
merupakan ketua NLFCB, dan bercakap tentang susahnya mendapatkan dana untuk
membeli ladang estet pada satu ketika dulu. Sudah semestinya dia telah
menyepikan maklumat mengenai RM6 juta ringgit pinjaman tanpa faedah yang
telah disumbangkan oleh Perdana Menteri Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra kepada Tun
Sambanthan untuk mewujudkan NLFCB itu. Dana sebanyak itu mungkin sudah
bernilai lima puluh kali ganda sekarang ini. Tun Sambantahan ialah seorang
pemilik tanah daripada kaum Chettiar. Beliau adalah seorang yang lemah
lembut, pemalu dan kurang mesra dengan sesiapa yang baru ditemuinya
sehinggakan tidak ada sesiapa yang berani berjumpa dengannya. Kisah yang
diceritakan oleh Somasundaram itu mempunyai sesuatu yang silap. Saya masih
tidak tahu apakah pinjaman daripada Tunku itu pernah dipulangkan kembali.
Keadaan berubah juga pada satu ketika apabila masyarakat Cina mula mendesak
satu perubahan kepada apa yang pernah diselesaikan dan dipersetujui ketika
kemerdekaan dicapai dulu. Ketika itu UMNO merasa marah kepada masyarakat
Cina yang memberikan sokongan kepada Indonesia di zaman konfrontasi. Pada
1967 berlaku episod 'hartal' di Penang sebagai protes terhadap usaha
mengenepikan Bahasa Inggeris sebagai Bahasa Rasmi Negara. Protes itu
merupakan satu awalan untuk menyingkirkan Tunku dan memampatkan kedudukan
orang-orang Cina. Ada satu perarakan pengebumian seorang aktivis parti
Buruh yang telah mati tertembak. Ketika itu Parti Perikatan baru sahaja
mengalami kekalahan yang teruk dalam pilihanraya. Inilah yang menjadi
penyebab kepada tercetusnya rusuhan Mei 13. Versi rasmi kerajaan mengenai
rusuhan itu telah dipertikaikan. Beberapa dokumen rasmi terutama sekali yang
diedarkan oleh negara asing melalui lapuran diplomatik mereka menunjukkan
pembabitan dan kollusi timbalan perdana menteri ketika itu, Tun Abdul Razak
dan juga pembabitan Dato Harun Idris dan juga Dr. Mahahtir Mohamad.
Rusuhan itu telah memberikan ruang untuk UMNO melakukan satu tindakan
terhadap Perikatan, untuk menentukan ketuanan Melayu mendominasi penubuhan
kerajaan persekutuan di masa hadapan. Dasar Ekonomi Baru yang telah diperkenalkan itu telah tidak ditentang oleh
MCA ataupun MIC. Presiden MCA, Tun Tan Siew Sin telah melepaskan jawatannya
sebagai Meneri Kewangan ketika rusuhan memuncak. Tindakan inilah yang
meminggirkan peranan MCA dan MIC dalam kerajaan, seterusnya. Tun Abdul
Razak yang memang pintar dalam mainan politik, sepert bos lamanya itu, telah
menyisihkan MCA secara berkesan. Pada mulanya dia telah menarik potfolio
kewangan, perdaganan dan industri daripada MCA. Kemudiannya beliau telah
menggalakkan agar berlaku perpecahan dalam parti itu denan melantik Dr. Lim
Kheng Aik kedalam kabinet dengan harapan akan berlaku satu pergolakan di
kalangan beberapa insan yang berminat melakukan reformasi dalam parti itu.
Inilah yang menyebabkan Tun Dr. Ismail Abdul Rahman membuat andaian betapa
MCA ketika itu berada dalam satu keadaan bernyawa ikan sahaja.
Kemarahan orang Cina memang bersebab dalam banyak hal. Kisah Bukit Cina di
Melaka, peristiwa cadangan seorang usahawan Melayu yang mahu memusnahkan
jirat Cina di Sungai Besi dan membina komplek niaga dan belibelah di situ.
Begitu juga halnya dengan harapan perdana menteri mengenai kemungkinan
seorang perdana menteri daripada kaum Cina; yang telah ditumpulkan oleh
bantahan Pemuda UMNO terhadap ura-ura satu organisasi bukan kerajaan tajaan
orang Cina yang mahukan perubahan dalam kaedah pengundian.
Rencana Asal: Politics in those days were a give-and-take in which UMNO, MCA and
MIC helped each other, and worked as a team. The Tengku, routinely at
cabinet meetings, would first ask Tun H.S. Lee, as the senior MCA cabinet
minister -- he held the finance portfolio -- and Tun Sambanthan, as the
MIC leader, what he thought of the matter under discussion: if either
showed any reservation, it was set aside for further discussion to find a
modus vivendi. The UMNO president was the primus inter pares (first
amongst equals), but the others had their say. But the Tengku was also a
master schemer: his masterful political isolation of Dr Lim Chong Eu,
then MCA president and now a Tun, who demanded more seats for the Chinese
community in the runup to the 1959 general elections was so seamlessly
done that years later Dr Lim refused to believe he had a Brutus in his
immediate circle; and for a while, the Malaysian press was agog with the
Tunku replying first the questions Dr Lim was to raise at his daily press
conference a few hours later! And the Tengku, unlike now, had to face a
racuous opposition, then dominated by the Socialist Front, the two party
coalition of which the Parti Rakyat Malaysia was one. But the forms of
parliamentary procedure was kept, and the Tengku liked nothing better than
have a yarn in the press room or with opposition leaders outside the
House. But it was this sticking to the forms, while the Chinese community
began a rear-guard action to change the concords agreed to at
independence, strengthened by UMNO anger at the significant Chinese
community's sympathy and support for Indonesia during the Confrontation.
The hartal in 1967 in Penang, to protest at the removal of English as an
official language, set the pace to remove the Tengku and keep the Chinese
in place. The Labour Party's funeral procession of a shot activist during
the election campaign, and the Alliance's poor showing, led to the May 13
riots. The official version is challenged, as public documents,
especially in those released in foreign countries of diplomatic reports of
the moment, suggest the collusion of the then deputy prime minister, Tun
Abdul Razak, and in which the two stalking horses for the Tengku was one
Dr Mahathir and the former mentri besar of Selangor, Dato' Harun Idris.
It provided UMNO to stage a coup against the Alliance, to ensure that
Malay dominance would dictate the future Malaysian governments. The New
Economic Policy, with its pro-Malay economic and political objectives, was
pushed through, with neither the MCA nor MIC challenged; the MCA
president, Tun Tan Siew Sin, resigned from the cabinet amidst the riots,
and that marginalised ever since both MCA and MIC in future governments.
Tun Razak, as sharp a political operator as the Tengku, effectively
sidelined the MCA, first be removing from it the portfolios of finance and
of commerce and industry, and then encouraging the split within it with
the appointment of Dr Lim Kheng Yaik, now Dato' Seri and in the cabinet,
then a leading figure in the reform-minded Chinese Unity Movement against
the MCA leadership. The then deputy prime minister, Tun Dr Ismail Abdul
Rahman, described the MCA, rightly, as "neither dead nor alive".
Tun Razak had a worldview of Malay dominance, which the Prime
Minister has but which neither the Tengku or Tun Hussein had. And he was
adept at setting one off against the other, to have what he wanted on a
plate. The expelled Dr Mahathir, after the May racial riots of 1969, was
brought back into UMNO and moved up swiftly that he was deputy prime
minister two years after re-entering Parliament in 1974. (He was first
elected in 1964, but lost in 1969 to Yusof Rawa, who rose to be PAS
prsident and died recently.) Tun Razak's sudden death in 1976 brought
Dato' Hussein Onn, later Tun, as Prime Minister, but he was no more than a
caretaker, and the Prime Minister succeeded him on his restirement in
1981. The impatient Prime Minister re-emphasised the NEP, reversing a
practice of having a large group of Malay entrepreneurs of some would make
it to billionaire status to an officially-encouraged plan to make a few
billionaires, who he thought would, on their own, allow the benefits to
trickle down to the other Malays. That did not work, and official policy
now includes a massive effort to rescue these instant billionaires, with
the wealth diverted to them ensuring not a fair distribution, but of
massive debts. The split in UMNO emerged, with the old party loyalists
like Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and the two former living former prime
minister, alas no more, also removed the ingrained Malay cultural respect
for the political party which brought it the country's independence. The
Malaysian economy is beholden to the resolution of this debt crisis,
rarely talked about amidst the rosy picture of the economy we are given.
The humiliation of the former deputy prime minister, Dato' Seri Anwar
Ibrahim, brought UMNO on to the firing line, one that continues and must
be resolved before there can be any improvement.
It is this political machination, in which the MCA, the Gerakan (the
MCA offshoot), MIC and other non-Malay parties in the expanded National
Front are drumbeaters to UMNO rule. This could be justified, if UMNO did
not use this power to browbeat its coalition partners, its leaders
refusing to give up their leadership, and stay on in office for the
benefits they make, ignoring the larger commitments to their respective
committees. The fault for this must lie with the non-Malay parties, who
having decided they could not challenge UMNO decided to be satraps
instead. This subservient role ensures the marginalisation of the
non-Malay community. Chinese anger is raised in diverse ways: the Bukit
China affair in Malacca, a Malay business man's proposal to convert the
Sungei Besi Cemetry into a huge shopping mall and business complex, the
Prime Minister's alleged hope of a Chinese prime minister in the future
neutralised by UMNO Youth protesting at a Chinese non-governmental
organisation's electoral hopes. In all this, the MIC played a marginal
role, marginalised political party of the already marginalised Indians.
Tan Sri Somasundaram's own rewriting of history is a Walter Mitty exercise
to convince himself that he was after all a leading figure in the past 45
years. No one else thinks so. M.G.G. Pillai