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Fwd: MGG - Is There A Proper Dress Code For Prime Ministerial By web aNtu 28/8/2000 7:24 pm Mon |
Apa yang menarik dalam komen ini ialah kenapa LAMBAT SANGAT UMNO
bertindak selepas kabar tersiar. Adakah ia sengaja dilambatkan atau
umno memang lembab? [sangkancil] [MGG] Is There A Proper Dress Code For Prime Ministerial
On July 28, the UMNO secretary-general, Tan Sri Khalil Yaakob, allegedly
issued a circular to UMNO divisions and branches on what UMNO members
should wear to functions the Prime Minister would attend. Three weeks
later, he proscribes it a fake. But few believe it is. So, the deputy
prime minister, Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, tries to douse the fire:
"It is the work of people who have nothing better to do but to slander and
tell lies," he intones. Would there be, deputy prime minister, any
connexion between these people and the UMNO chaps who go around during the
elections and at other times to throw the opposition into the same tizzy
UMNO finds itself in? No doubt, the Prime Minister himself must now come
in to clear the air. If it was faked, as it now appears, it was a
brilliant psywar effort to destabilise the UMNO leadership. Especially,
when the UMNO secretary-general decried it a fake only weeks after it had
been widely distributed. It is no use telling us that UMNO
secretary-general's circular follow a set pattern; not having seen one,
how is one to realise that? I heard of this early this month, thought
UMNO would not be so stupid. But a group of senior Malay officials, in
service and retired, whom I met after their Friday prayers two weeks ago,
said copies were distributed after prayers. It is fair to assume that
this particular mosque was among many where they were distributed.
That UMNO headquarters did not learn of this until a fortnight later.
Why did not the divisions and branches check back with Kuala Lumpur? Or
if they did, is there someone in Kuala Lumpur who did not pass it on?
Whatever it is, this alleged letter reflects a major weakness in the party
organisation. No one thought it fit to bring it to the
secretary-general's attention about this move to make UMNO look like a
fool. Who did it is irrelevant. It is safe to assume that the opposition
-- not necessarily officially, but some group like UMNO's Tahan Lasak
groups -- did this. UMNO should expect it, especially UMNO actively
destabilises opposition parties by fair means and foul. If the opposition
had attempted this, say, five years ago, UMNO headquarters would have
known about this before it was widely spread and action taken to counter
it within days. This time, even the deputy prime minister cannot convince
Malaysians of opposition perfidy. UMNO cannot expect sympathy by pleading the moral high ground. The
only way the opposition could challenge the government -- this still holds
true -- is by guerrilla war. The government, dominated by UMNO, controls
what the opposition can and cannot do, forces it into a frame of its own
choice. For long, the opposition remained cowed and in search of a role.
That is no more so. It controls two states, made almost every Malay
parliamentary constituency marginal, despite its small number of MPs in
the house. UMNO's mistakes, especially in how it humiliated its Prime
Minister-to-be, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, coupled with its arrogance after
45 years of political control, finally forced the Malay cultural heartland
to divest itself of UMNO as its cultural and political leader. UMNO
members move in larger numbers to PAS than the other way around. I once
attended a kenduri, before the November 1999 general elections, where the
UMNO leadership of the area, whom I have known for decades, were all now
with PAS. One unintended byproduct of the New Economic Policy is the
division of those who benefitted into those who get special privileges and
those who do not. And those who do not, even if in UMNO, do not support
UMNO as wholeheartedly as they once did.
The UMNO oligarchy battens its hatches, but operating as what two
Brahmin families in Boston did for centuries: "The Lodges talked to the
Cabots, and Cabots to God." The Lodges and Cabots could, with their
wealth and influence; UMNO cannot. For when everything is said and done,
it must come to the voter to re-elect it into power. At present, UMNO and
the National Front has no alternative in the opposition, which thought
control could be exercised by controlling the states. It cannot. The
federal purse strings is sufficient to keep any opposition state in line,
as Kelantan and Trengganu, under PAS, is. If the opposition decides -- it
has not, but should -- to concentrate on Parliament and accept any states
it gets as a bonus, in future general elections, the National Front would
have a fight of its life on its hands. The National Front depends on the
non-Malay vote to survive. But the Teluk Kemang byelection is a taste of
what could happen: of the 5,000 postal voters, 80 per cent went to the
opposition candidate; about 1,000 Chinese voters deserted the National
Front; about 65 per cent of the Malays voted with the opposition; the
National Front's only bright spark was the largely irrelevant Indian
community, 70 per cent of whom backed it, to buck the electoral trend.
UMNO must address this danger when fake circulars from its
secretary-general is not brought to its attention until after it had been
discussed for a fortnight. UMNO's continued health is in question so long
as the Prime Minister is in office, and Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim in
jail. UMNO is out of tune with its cultural heartland, and of the Malay
community in general. The more so when the Prime Minister makes
ex-cathedra statements of intent and criticism, as he did from his return
from Maputo. What this fake circular, and the battening of political
hatches reveal is a dissembling of the political worldview of UMNO as its
leaders make statements of the wonderful future ahead for Malaysians under
its leadership, but one which the speakers themselves do not believe
in. As an example, one sure sign that Singapore-Malaysians are headed for
worse times is to have the finance minister, Tun Daim Zainuddin, be the
pointman for Kuala Lumpur. The man whom the Prime Minister wanted
dismissed as finance minister, then changed his mind, cannot, the Malays
believe, be the man to resolve bilateral problems. Yet another mistake in
this long litany since a man was sacked on 2 September 1998 and challenged
the worldview of the Prime Minister and UMNO.
M.G.G. Pillai