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Re: ISNA Original Letter By web aNtu 24/8/2000 2:43 pm Thu |
Urgent, Personal and Confidential
Date: August 14, 2000 His Excellency Your Excellency: a#salamu alaikum Your Excellency, we are confident that you are fully aware of the role of
the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) as a representative of Muslim
Americans and Canadians from all walks of life. ISNA serves as a national
umbrella organization, embracing within its folds community as well as
professional organizations. ISNA has a mission of not only serving Muslims in North America, but also
it helps Muslim to share their intellectual resources, and do the networking
among Muslims worldwide. Alhamdulillah, ISNA was among the first to
recognize the tremendous potential of Malaysia, and of the leadership of
the Prime Minister Honorable Dr. Mahathir Muhammad. It was in this spirit
that ISNA publications not only continuously reported his speeches and
statements, but also focused on progress in Malaysia. Indeed, our
coverage of Malaysia has created admiration for its leadership among
Muslims in North America. This was reflected in our invitation to the Honorable Prime Minister to
address the ISNA Trade and Business Forum. We are thankful to the Prime
Minister for accepting our invitation.
However, Your Excellency, we are now flooded with messages from our
membership expressing their sadness and anger over the recent verdict
against our brother Anwar Ibrahim. This unfortunate,
and also in our opinion and the opinion of many the unfair and un-Islamic
verdict has created great pain and disappointment. It appears to be nothing
but a case of inability among strong leaders to resolve their differences
amicably. Your Excellency, this verdict has placed us in a very difficult situation.
Because of the strong protests that we are receiving from our members, we
are unable to a#sure a favorable reception for the Prime Minister. This
unfortunate situation has rendered us unable to stand by our invitation.
We pray that Allah SWT will open the Honorable Prime Minister's heart, and
guide him to have this judgment reviewed by competent religious authorities
that can decide this matter under the just and fair Islamic principles.
When the hypocrites of Madina accused the Prophet's wife, 'Aisha, (AS) of
adultery, Allah revealed to the Prophet in the Qur'an:
"Why did not the Believers - men and women - when they heard of the
affair, put the best construction on it in their own minds and say, "This
(charge) is an obvious lie?" Why did they not bring four witnesses to prove
it? When they have not brought the witnesses, such people, in the sight of
Allah (stand forth) themselves as liars! (al-Nur 24:21-13)
Your Excellency, allow me to say that unless the Prime Minister's office
intervenes and announces an immediate change in this case, we regret that
it will be very difficult for us to welcome him under the circumstances.
We wanted him to come here and address Muslims as a leader who stands
for justice and truth and who brings the people together. We wanted him to
see the thrill and happiness of the Muslim community. We wanted him to
inspire hope in the Muslim ma#ses in their leadership. Without any drastic
change in his decision, his presence will be a source of anger, protests
and disturbance for the whole Convention. We certainly do not want to see
this large convention of Muslims turned into an arena of protest and counter
protest and take our audience away from our main theme: "Islam: Faith and
Civilization." We shall wait for an immediate response from the Prime
Minister before making any further decision to receive him at the ISNA
Convention. Wa#salam. Yours sincerely, Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi |