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Fwd MGG: Si Pintar Menjadi MB Selangor (terjemahan) By Marhain Tua 21/8/2000 11:51 pm Mon |
MGG57 (A Genius Is Now Menteri Besar of Selangor)
Inilah peluang untuk musuh perdana menteri menuntut bela. Kerana itu
Dato Abu Ha#san menjadi mangsa mereka yagn pertama. Ketua Menteri Sabah,
Dato Seri Osu Sukam sedang dihantui satu skandal seks melibatkan seorang
gadis Kadazan berumur 16 tahun daripada Keningau. Dia telah melahirkan
seorang anak kecil. Timbalan Perdana Menteri Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Bedawi
telah pun memanggil beliau dan nampaknya beliau terpaksa meletakkan
jawatannya pada bulan September. Diterjemahkan oleh -MT- Rencana Asal: Subject: [MGG] A Genius Is Now Mentri Besar Of Selangor
A week ago, not even the Prime Minister would have recognised Dr Mohamed
Khir Toyo if he stood in front of him. Today, he and his National Front
leaders, with the mainstream newspapers in tow, could not praise him high
enough, believe he is nothing short of a genius. Never mind that he came
into the Selangor state a#sembly for the first time in the November 1999
general elections, and consigned to the anonymity awaiting first term
state a#semblyman. The newspapers have suddenly discovered a brilliant
man who is out to paint the state red. That he comes from the poorest
district gives hope, we are told, for the poor, not realising that in one
fell swoop, it destroyed the National Front's credibility in ignoring this
district in the 47 years it has controlled the state. As it happened, he
was chosen to ensure he is clean as a whistle. He owes no political
debts, except to the man who found him, the UMNO vice president and former
mentri besar, Tan Sri Mohamed Taib. But the praises come unasked: UMNO
Youth is tickled pink that one of its executive committee, elected two
months ago, is its first mentri besar. His political naivete comes
through soon enough. His first statements in office, sufficiently serious
in keeping with his high office, shows him not his man but the puppet of a
hidden dalang. For, in the fractious politics of UMNO in Selangor, he is no more
than a puppet on a string. He ventures into the lion's den, that is the
Selangor executive council, with every man there, barring the Chinese and
Indian representatives who would gladly sup with the devil if they can
retain their positions, envious or angry or both at his unexpected
elevation. His selection is yet one more reason for political to be even
more convoluted in the state. He was chosen after his predecessor, Dato'
Seri Abu Ha#san Omar, was ousted in a sex scandal. Dr Khir's appointment
is one more reason why all National Front controlled states must seek a
more efficient method of selecting a mentri besar or chief minister other
than by Prime Ministerial fiat. The mentris besar and chief minister are
foisted upon the state, often against local opposition, to insist upon the
feudal nature of Malay politics in UMNO. But as the federal
administration demands total subservience from its state satrapies, this
method comes under challenge. Politics in UMNO and the National Front has become the distribution
of spoils. The Prime Minister unnecessarily put cabinet and ministers,
chief ministers and mentris besar when he attempted to destroy his chosen
successor and now nemesis, He Who Must Be Destroyed At All Cost, with a
morals charge. Shortly after his latest conviction of nine years, under
dubious court rules, the Abu Ha#san affair came on to the public scene.
Even the mainstream newspapes would not accept the Prime Minister's
injunction that he should be left in peace, on the curious reason that it
was a personal matter. If that was, was not what Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim
charged also comes within this category? But it provided an occasion for
the Prime Minister's political enemies to strike back. Dato' Seri Abu
Ha#san was the first casualty. The chief minister of Sabah, Dato' Seri
Osu Sukam, is embroiled in a sex scandal, with a child out of wedlock with
a 16-year-old Kadazan girl from Keningau. The deputy prime minister,
Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, has called him in and it now seems he
would leave in September. But this is the tip of the iceberg. A federal deputy minister is
married to an underaged girl -- she was 15 at their marriage, have a child
of that union, remains a teenage -- while a cabinet minister is reputed to
have more than a handful of children out of wedlock. One born recently
causes no end of trouble because the lady, suitably bought off with
blandishments others took quietly, insisted on putting his name as father.
Like the Profuma scandal that felled the Conservative MacMillian
administration in the United Kingdom in the 1960s, the Mahathir
administration seem consigned that way. He cannot act, for that would
alienate much needed support; nor can he ignore it, without timebombs
from his opponents, especially the Gentleman from Sungei Buloh. The Prime
Minister does not know where his next crisis comes from. But if he does
not look into this more closely, he would be in more trouble than he
bargained for. Dr Mohamed Khir is selected not because he is competent,
or unusually bright, or has sure political instincts. He is selected
because they could not find any blemishes into his character. Surely,
that is not why he should be appointed mentri besar. But he is. And that
raises more questions about the Prime Minister than Mr Lee Kuan Yew spoke
of last week. M.G.G. Pillai