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Milestones: Intro - Syed Qutb By web aNtu 21/8/2000 9:53 pm Mon |
Syed Qutb adalah antara pemikir Islam yg terkemuka. Buku "Milestones" adalah antara buku yg membuat beliau terpenjara.... kerana dituduh berkonspirasi menggulingkan kerajaan Mesir. Buku "Milestone" sijadikan "bukti" utk menghukum beliau. Kejam sungguh diktator Mesir ini - sungguh takut walaupun dengan tulisan... Mahath1r bagaimana? Takut ke??
--ooOoo-- In 1965 he published his famous book, Mallem Fittareek (Milestones), which led to his re-arrest with the accusation of conspiracy against the Egyptian President, Abdul Na#ser. He was tried and rapidly sentenced to death based upon many excerpts of his book, Milestones.
There was quite an international uproar and protest in various Muslim countries with appeals to President Abdul Na#ser to pardon Sayyid Qutb. In spite of several demonstrations and many objections in various Muslim countries, Sayyid Qutb was executed by hanging on August 29, 1966. He left behind a total of 24 books, including several novels, several books on literary arts' critique, on the education of adults and children, and several religious books, including the 30 volume Commentary of the Qur'an.
Milestones-Introduction By Syed Qutb Mankind today is on the brink of a precipice, not because of the danger of complete
annihilation which is hanging over its head, this being just a symptom and not the real
disease, but because humanity is devoid of those vital values which are necessary not
for its healthy development but also for its real progress. Even the Western world
realizes that Western civilization is unable to present any healthy values for the guidance
of mankind. It knows that it does not possess anything which will satisfy its own
conscience and justify its existence. Democracy in the West has become infertile to such
an extent that it is borrowing from the systems of the Eastern bloc especially in the
economic system, under the name of socialism. It is the same with the eastern bloc. Its
social theories, foremost among which is Marxism, in the beginning attracted not only a
large number of people from the East but also from the West, as it was a way of life
based on a creed. But now Marxism is defeated on the plane of thought, and if it is
stated that not a single nation in the world is truly Marxist, it will not be an
exaggeration. On the whole this theory conflicts with man's nature and its needs.
This ideology prospers only in a degenerate society or in a society which has become
cowed as a result of some form of prolonged dictatorship. But now, even under these
circumstances, its materialistic economic system is failing, although this was the only
foundation on which its structure was based. Russia, which is the leader of the
communist countries, is itself suffering from shortages of food. Although during the
times of the Tsars Russia used to produce surplus food, it now has to import food from
abroad and has to sell its reserves of gold for this purpose. The main reason for this is
the failure of the system of collective farming, or, one can say, the failure of a system
which is against human nature. It is essential for mankind to have new leadership!
The leadership of mankind by Western man is now on the decline, not because Western
culture has become poor materially or because its economic and military power has
become weak. The period of the Western system has come to an end primarily because it
is deprived of those life-giving values which enabled it to be the leader of mankind. It is
necessary for the new leadership to preserve and develop the material fruits of the
creative genius of Europe, and also to provide mankind with such high ideals and values
as have so far remained undiscovered by mankind, and which will also acquaint humanity
with a way of life which is harmonious with human nature, which is positive and
constructive, and which is practicable. Islam is the only system which possesses these
values and this way of life. The period of the resurgence of science has also come to an end. This period, which
began with the Renaissance in the sixteenth century after Christ and reached its zenith
in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, does not possess a reviving spirit. All
nationalistic and chauvinistic ideologies which have appeared in modern times, and all
the movements and theories derived from them, have also lost their vitality. In short, all
man-made individual or collective theories have proved to be failures. At this crucial and
bewildering juncture, the turn of Islam and the Muslim community has arrived the turn of
Islam, which does not prohibit material inventions. Indeed, it counts it as an obligation
on man from the very beginning of time, when God granted him the vicegerent on
earth, and regards it under certain conditions as worship of God and one of the
purposes of man's creation. And when Your Sustainer said to the angels, 'I am going to
make My vicegerent on earth. (2:30) And I have not created jinns and men except that
they worship Me. (2:143) Thus the turn of the Muslim community has come to fulfil the
task for mankind which God has enjoined upon it. You are the best community raised for
the good of mankind. You enjoin what is good and forbid what is wrong, and you
believe in God. (3:110) Thus We have made you a middle community, so that you be
witnesses for mankind as the Messenger is a witness for you (2:143).
Islam cannot fulfill its role except by taking concrete form In a sociality, rather, in a
nation; for man does not listen especially In this age, to an abstract-theory which is
not-seen materialized In a living society. From this point of view, we can say that the
Muslim community has been, extinct for a few centuries, for this Muslim community does
not denote the name of a land in which Islam resides, nor is it a people whose
forefathers lived under the Islamic system at some earlier time. It is the name of a group
of people whose manners, ideas and concepts, rules and regulations, values, and criteria,
are all derived from the Islamic source.
The Muslim community with these characteristics vanished at the moment the laws of
God became suspended on earth. If Islam is again to play the role of the leader of
mankind, then it is necessary that the Muslim community be restored to its original form.
It is necessary to revive that Muslim community which is buried under the debris of the
man-made traditions of several generations, and which is crushed under the weight of
those false laws and customs which are not even remotely related to the Islamic
teachings, and which, in spite of all this, calls itself the 'world of Islam.' I am aware that
between the exempt at 'revival' and the attainment of 'leadership' there is a great
distance, as the Muslim community has long ago vanished from existence and from
observation, and the leadership of mankind has long since pa#sed to other ideologies
and other nations, other concepts and other systems.
This was the era during which Europe's genius created its marvelous works in science,
culture, law and material production, due to which mankind has progressed to great
heights of creativity and material comfort. It is not easy to find fault with the inventors
of such marvelous things, especially since what we call the 'world of Islam' is completely
devoid of all this beauty. But in spite of all this, it is necessary to revive Islam. The
distance between the revival of Islam and the attainment of world leadership may be
vast, and there may be great difficulties on the way; but the first step must be taken for
the revival of Islam. If we are to perform our task with insight and wisdom, we must
first know clearly the nature of those qualities on the basis of which the Muslim
community can fulfill its obligation as the leader of the world. This is essential so that we
may not commit any blunders at the very first stage of its reconstruction and revival.
The Muslim community today is neither capable of nor required to present before
mankind great genius in material inventions, which will make the world bow its head
before its supremacy and thus re-establish once more its world leader-ship.
Europe's creative mind is far ahead in this area, and at least for a few centuries to come
we cannot expect to compete with Europe and attain supremacy over it in these fields.
Hence we must have some other quality, that quality which modern civilization does not
possess. But this does not mean that we should neglect material progress. We should
also give our full attention and effort in this direction, not because at this stage it is an
essential requirement for attaining the leadership of mankind, but because it is an
essential condition for our very existence; and Islam itself, which elevates man to the
position of vicegerent of God on earth, and which, under certain conditions, considers
the responsibilities of this vicegerency as the worship of God and the purpose of man's
creation, makes material progress obligatory-for us. To attain the leadership of mankind,
we must have something to offer besides material progress, and this other quality can
only be a faith and a way of life which on the one hand conserves the benefits of
modern science and technology, and on the other fulfills the basic human needs on the
same level of excellence as technology has fulfilled them in the sphere of material
comfort. And then this faith and way of life must take concrete form in a human society
ù in other words in a Muslim society.
If we look at the sources and foundations of modem ways of living, it becomes clear
that the whole world is steeped in 'Jahiliyyah,' and all the marvelous material comforts
and high-level inventions do not diminish this ignorance. This Jahiliyyah is based on
rebellion against God's sovereignty on earth. It transfers to man one of the greatest
attributes of God, namely sovereignty, and make some men lords over others. It is now
not in that simple and primitive form of the ancient jahiliyyah, but takes the form of
claiming that the right to create values, to legislate rules of collective behavior, and to
choose any way of life rests with men, without regard to what God has prescribed. The
result of this rebellion against the authority of God is the oppression of His creatures.
Thus the humiliation of the common man under the communist systems and the
exploitation of individuals and nations due to greed for wealth and imperialism under the
capitalist systems are but a corollary of rebellion against God's authority and the denial
of the dignity of man given to him by God.
In this respect, Islam's way of life is unique, for in systems other that Islam, some people
worship others in some form or another. Only in the Islamic way of life do all men
become free from the servitude of some men to others and devote themselves to the
worship of God alone, deriving guidance from Him alone, and bowing before Him alone.
This is where the roads separate, and this is that new concept which we possess and
can present to mankind, this and the way of life which this concept organizes for all the
practical aspects of man's life. This is that vital message of which mankind doff not
know. It is not a product of Western invention nor of European genius, whether eastern
or western. Without doubt, we possess this new thing which is perfect to the highest
degree, a thing which mankind doff not know about and is not capable of 'producing'.
But as we have stated before, the beauty of this new system cannot be appreciated
unless it takes a concrete form. Hence it is essential that a community arrange its affairs
according to it and show it to the world. In order to bring this about, we need to initiate
the movement of Islamic revival in some Muslim country.
Only such a revivalist movement will eventually attain to the status of world leadership,
whether the distance is near or far. How is it possible to start the task of reviving
Islam? It is necessary that there should be a vanguard which sets out with this
determination and then keeps walking on the path, marching through the vast ocean of
Jahiliyyah which has encompa#sed the entire world. During its course, it should keep
itself somewhat aloof from this all-encompa#sing Jahiliyyah and should also keep some
ties with it. It is necessary that this vanguard should know the landmarks and the
milestones of the road toward this goal so that they may recognize the starting place,
the nature, the responsibilities and the ultimate purpose of this long journey. Not only
this, but they ought to be aware of their position vis-a-vis this Jahiliyyah, which has
struck its stake throughout the earth: when to cooperate with others and when to
separate from them: what characteristics and quality they should cultivate, and with
what characteristics and qualities the Jahiliyyah immediately surrounding them is armed;
how to address the people of Jahiliyyah in the language of Islam, and what topics and
problems ought to be discussed; and where and how to obtain guidance in all these
matters. The milestones will necessarily be determined by the tight of the first source of this faith - the Holy Quran - and from its basic teaching, and from the concept which it created in the minds of the first group of Muslims, those whom God raised to fulfill His will, those who once changed the course of human history in the direction ordained by God. I have written "Milestones" for this vanguard, which I consider to be a waiting reality about to be materialized. Four chapters are taken from my commentary, Fi Thilal al Qur'an, which I have changed here and there slightly to suit the topic. This introduction and the other chapters I wrote at various times. In writing these chapters I have set down the deep truths which I grasped during my meditations over the way of life presented in the Holy Qur?an. These thoughts may appear random and disconnected, but one thing is common among them; that is, these thoughts are milestones on the road, and it is the nature of signs along the roads to be disconnected. Taken together, these writings are a first installment of a series, and with God's help I hope to write more collections on this topic. And the guidance is from God. |