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Fwd MGG: Mr Lee Kuan Yew Comes To Malaysia Like A Greek Bearing Gifts By web aNtu 15/8/2000 11:10 pm Tue |
[sangkancil] [MGG] Mr Lee Kuan Yew Comes To Malaysia Like A Greek Bearing Gifts
The Singapore senior minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, is in town, in part to put
steel into the Prime Minister's backbone, and reflects the island
republic's fright at the prospect of what one of its senior diplomats
described to me years ago as "mullah rule". Mr Lee's views on Malaysia
and the Malays, as he himself admits, is conditioned by Singapore's
expulsion from the Malaysian federation in 1965. That dominates
Singapore's views, and not helped by cut-and-dried impirical analyses
which depend more on facts than the cultural imperatives that drives
Malaysia, self-consciously ignoring the probability the opposition could
attain power in Malaysia. It could not without a strong multiracial
coalition. PAS and the DAP must be in the same coalition, but with their
fundamental differences, the opposition within each inhibits it. The
National Front ensured that, its equanimity shaken by the movesd to bridge
that. So long as PAS remained in the political backwater, this could not
come to pa#s. What changed this is the fallout from a man clinging to
office for nearly two decades, with official policies meant to strengthen
the siblings, children, cronies and courtiers of the administration. The
spark to light that came with the arrest, murderous a#sault, botched
conviction of the then deputy prime minister, Dato' Seri Anwar
Ibrahim. PAS, with or without DAP, challenges the UMNO world view in the
Malay cultural hinterland. Malaysia has changed beyond recognition. So has the Malays. This
message tricked to Singapore slowly, and until about three years,
disbelieved. The young Malay professional of today, well educated and his
own man, demands to be counted, fuelled the reformasi movement that
burst on the Malaysian landscape in the aftermath of the Anwar affair.
It shook the Prime Minister as it did Mr Lee, with their respective
political parties in a dither. When a Malaysian retired diplomat told a
retired Singapore diplomat three years about this and predicted
difficulties for the Prime Minister in 1998, he was disbelieved. The man
did not know what would bring this about, but the signs were already
there. The Singapore world view, with Mr Lee as the architect, is formed
with statistics, computers, the trappings of modernisation, but which
eschewed cultural underpinnings except in pa#sing. This is why every
prediction about the Prime Minister's longevity in office fails: the man
knows the Malay mind only too well, especially their reluctance to
confront (for that would be "derhaka" or treason) until their cultural
worldview is impinged. A feudal leader (as the Prime Minister) may kill
his feudal chiefs, but never ever humiliate them. He did with Dato' Seri
Anwar, and fuelled the Malay opposition against him. There is no way out
of this impa#se so long as he remains in office.
Singapore does not understand this. As it did not, when it attempted
to support the embattled President Suharto before he resigned. There the
worldview was that of a fading dynasty. As it misjudges the present.
There must be a new president soon, by election or other means.
President Abdurrahman Wahid plays a similar role to Lieut.-Gen.
Rakshasamudra, whom President Sukarno appointed as his alter ego
immediately after the 1965 Gestapu coup d'etat failed. Like Australia,
Singapore does not understand the nuances of what drives Indonesian
society. As it did not when it interfered in the Philippines in several
high profile cases. His visit to prop up the Prime Minister and his
administration therefore would be as effective as his other interventions
in the region. The Prime Minister needs all the help he can get, but it
has to be proferred to him in the cultural, not the economic or global,
worldview. A whole generation of Malays -- the non-Malays would prefer to
sit this out from the sidelines, as they always do -- are incensed at what
happened. They do not go out into the streets, they keep their own
counsel and move from outright support to neutrality and beyond. In other
words, the Malay community is in revolt, though one would not see it
reflected in the streets. But the prospect of that happening should not
be ruled out. As someone said, when peaceful change is impossible,
violent change becomes inevitable. As its nearest neighbour, and linked by a three-quarter-mile causeway
and a rarely-used toll-paying bridge, what happens in one rebounds in the
other. The Chinese majority in Singapore and the Malay majority in
Malaysia, with a significant minority of the other in each, dictates, even
if unacknowleged, the course of bilateral ties. The two countries have
taken different paths to nationhood, again because of their different
experiences, but they have to live with the other. Singapore's future, it
believes, is as compradore to the industrialised world, therefore opts for
a multiracial community which rubs out, or attempts to, racial differences
under a Confucian cloak. Malaysia, while preaching a multiracial society
insists upon Malay hegemonic dominance as its raison d'etre. Because one
saw the divide in economic, and the other in political, terms, bilateral
frustrations took on a political tinge and compounded the current state of
affairs, which while much better than it was, remains cool and formal.
The PAP's links with the Democratic Action Party is now formally no more,
building bridges instead with the Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia, in the National
Front coalition. UMNO's views on Singapore is clouded by the views of the
small Malay opposition, all that remains of the UMNO organisation in the
republic. So, Mr Lee in Malaysia, his first in a decade, is viewed in the Malay
cultural heartland as of a Greek bearing gifts. He is here, in its view,
to provide the multiracial, essentially Chinese, support to the Prime
Minister's weakened Malay political backbone. The two men don't get
along. How could they when they are birds of a feather? In the New
Straits Times interview, he made it clear he works best with the finance
minister, Tun Daim Zainuddin. Indeed, an earlier planned visit by Mr Lee
was abruptly cancelled when the Prime Minister's private comment about Mr
Lee, himself facing a local difficulty in Singapore, reached him. Still,
Singapore foreign policy does not want PAS, not for what it is but for how
Singapore perceives it. Mr Lee's offhanded comment about PAS's negative
reaction to the New Straits Times woman photographer who took photos of
the interview is typical. This demonisation of PAS works so long as PAS
remains a regional party. It is not anymore. When anti-Mahathir and
anti-UMNO Malays, denied of a place in the Keadilan party which fractures
from within and without, move to PAS, the interests of Singapore and the
Prime Minister merge. This visit had to be made, no matter what. But
then Mr Lee always dances to the tune played by the Prime Minister.
Culturally and politically. Indeed, the Prime Minister and his
administration welcomes this visit more than Mr Lee and the Singapore
government. M.G.G. Pillai