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Fwd: MGG - Surviving after Caught With Pants Down By web aNtu 13/8/2000 8:38 pm Sun |
Nota: Apa yang menarik, mengapa Abu Hasan tak lepaskan jawatan ADUN?
Takut ada pilihanraya kecil ke? ... bau2 tentera Teluk Kemang belum
hilang lagi, inikan pula Selangor - bau2 korup tentu sukar hilang
kerana buktinya hidup dan bernyawa bukan macam bukti ala fantasi khayalan
Khalid Jafri yg tidak berpijak di alam nyata.
--ooOoo-- [sangkancil] [MGG] Surviving In Politics After Getting Caught With Pants Down
The mentri besar resigned for health reasons and wanted to spend more
time with his family. At least that is what he told the world. But if
this was his intention, why did he stand for elections last November?
The engineered high drama, with even the mainstream newspapers attacking
him, did suggest that he remained mentri besar so long as he had the Prime
Minister's impramateur, he stayed on. It did not mean he was the natural
choice of Selangor UMNO. The Prime Minister, himself under great pressure
from the ground after the nine year jail sentence on his nemesis, He Who
Must Be Destroyed At All Cost, had to let him go. He was furious and
angry that it had come at this juncture. But it did when the opposition
and those within UMNO who did not like the Prime Minister, the mentri
besar or both joined hands to force the mentri besar out. This is how
politics work. But the National Front was caught flatfooted, and rushed
hither and thither trying to come out of this scandal with a straight
face. The UMNO Vice President, Tan Sri Mohamed Taib, played a large role
in ousting his predecessor. In other words, Dato' Seri Abu Ha#san is forced out politically for
an unacceptable personal life. He would not have had to, if the Prime
Minister had not wanted to destroy his former protege and deputy prime
minister politically by having him tried from an unacceptable alleged (and
still unproven) private life. As it is, the prime minister comes out of
both situation with egg on his face. Dato' Seri Abu Ha#san's matter
becomes an albattross around the Prime Minister's neck. He cannot wish it
away. The "surat layang" (anonymous letters) about Dato' Seri Abu Ha#san
and the Java Pos article is bad enough for the Anti-Corruption Agency to
have begun investigations. So, why is the Prime Minister pushing this
under the proverbial carpet? Because it embarra#ses him? Or to protect
his supporters, one of whom is the mentri besar? Or does the world around
him crash after the Anwar judgement, and he does not one more problem on
his plate? The Prime Minister is caught in a quandry. He cannot afford a
bye-election. After the Teluk Kemang parliamentary byelection, when 80
per centn of the postal votes, about 70 per cent of the Malays, and 1,000
more Chinese voted for the opposition, the National Front would not want
to put that to the test. So, the man who wants to spend more time with
his family because of health problems must remain a state a#sembly man.
There is no clear choice of successor. The state UMNO has named a
football team than a successor. The choice is stark. Whoever comes need
not be popular but must not have unusual living arrangements, beats his
wife in front of his mistress. The aim now is to ensure the rocking
political boat does not capsize. So, it is in the Prime Minister's
interest that the Abu Ha#san affair disappears into the woodwork. Could
it, when this is yet another in the litany of political missteps which
have supporters running away as rats off a sinking ship?
M.G.G. Pillai