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Antara rileks dan berperang - buat HC By web aNtu 13/8/2000 5:32 pm Sun |
Artikel drpd sdr HC nampaknya menggegarkan bangunan PAS - malah mungkin lebih
kuat drpd gegaran anjing yang mengotori dan menakluki bangunan markaz tarbiah
PAS. Saya ada terbaca satu komen menarik HC mengenai pandangan dari Imam Khomeini,
mengenai hukuman terhadap Salman Rushdie itu - decree Imam Khomeini telah
menyelamatkan kesemua ugama2 lain yang telah dihina sebegitu rupa. Komen itu
diutarakan semasa membincangkan isu budak "cambrige" malaysiakini.
Mungkin sdr HC memerlukan sesuatu pandangan dari Imam Khomeini dlm bab2
penaklukan atau berperang ini. Saya tidak bercadang untuk memberi sebarang
komen, kerana ulasan oleh Imam Khomeini ini sudah menjawab kesemuanya sekali:
--ooOoo-- Komen mengenai Jihad dan Peperangan yang dipaksakan (Imposed War)
and invites all mankind to fight for the extinguishment of fitnah from the face
of the earth... "Fight until fitnah is no more" this command is a great blessing for mankind. Those who imagine that the present
life and its animal comforts are all is to human happiness and blessing, say that
if Islam is a merciful religion it should not have hudud, qisas and jihad. But
those who know better and believe in the punishment of the Hereafter (Akhirat),
are convinced that, for example, if a man's hand is amputated for theft, it is a
blessing for him which would become manifest in the Hereafter (Akhirat) ...
A religion, if there is one, which forbids war, is defective. I think that if
Jesus (as) had the opportunity, he would have fought against unbelievers as Musa
(as) and Nuh (as) did before him. Those who imagine that Jesus (as) was averse to
war, reduce him to the level of a mere moralist and vitiate his prophethood. A
prophet is not a moralist. A prophet has a sword. He makes war and makes peace.
Though war is not his ultimate end, he fights in order to deliver the world from
its evils. He punishes the criminals to instruct them and brings the people
peace and relief. |