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Fwd: MGG Pillai - Gov Stumbles in AI affair By web aNtu 4/8/2000 9:16 pm Fri |
Subject: [sangkancil] [MGG] The Government Stumbles Yet Again In The Anwar
Counsel for He Who Must Be Destroyed At All Cost two days ago got the
expected fax from the High Court registrar: Judge Arifin Jaka, who had
fixed Friday, 04 August 00, to deliver judgement in his s###my trial,
would not yet. No reasons given, but it only highlights the judicial
and prosecutorial stumbling to convict the former deputy prime minister
convicted, on the flimsiest of charges, if indeed there is a triable
charge that can stick. The judicial slip that fixed judgement day on a
Friday coupled with an Anwarista show of force with a political
gathering in support skewered the political pitch as nothing else could.
The government huffed and puffed, threatened dire consequences to any
who dare congregate at the National Mosque, show television clips of the
13 May 1969 riots. But how could it forbid Friday prayers in Kuala
Lumpur mosques without pouring more odium and contempt upon its tettered
persona? The case is postponed. That it is after Dato' Seri Anwar put
the chief justice in a spot by asking him to recuse in an appeal before
him, and refusing to proceed when he refused, widens the political
ramifications of the two-year headlong confrontation between the Prime
Minister and the prisoner. The Prime Minster stumbles in every attempt
to cage the prisoner even more securely, but it is the latter who is
more believed. This shifting sands of public support deserts He Who Thinks He Is
Lord Of All He Surveys towards He Who Must Be Destroyed At All Cost. The
unexpected meeting the Prime Minister and his deputy had with their
advisors at the UMNO headquarters on Wednesday underscored the crisis
Dato' Seri Anwar brought upon the government. The Prime Minister used
the Grik arms heist and its aftermath to put the opposition in the spot,
this one fell stroke making irrelevant all others. But he handled that
ineptly, as one comes to expect from his accident-prone administration,
and is now upstaged by Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim's shrewed move to rise
above the mundane and the irrelevant to political leadership. When the
chief justice, Tun Eusoff Chin, deflected his attempt to have him
recuse, the political initiative became no more the Prime Minister's.
The past comparisons of Dato' Seri Anwar's predicament to Mahatma
Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Leon Trotsky jailed for their political beliefs
was self-serving then, but not any more after his performance last
Tuesday and Wednesday in court. It does not matter now if Judge Arifin
Jaka were to convict at the postponed hearing. Many expect him to;
though others insist he would be acquitted as the government could not
withstand the Malay flak from the bondooks.
The initiative is no more the Prime Miniter's. Ironically, the
Prime Minister is the prisoner, and the prisoner the free man. Whether
or not the projected gathering of Anwaristas take place at the National
Mosque today is irrelevant. News of it reflected official nervousness,
the threats of May 13 frightening some but not all, and its hamfisted
attempts to contain it showing the world its nervousness of the troubles
a man jailed can cause from his prison cell. The mosques throughout the
country saw thousands of Anwar supporters and those who felt an
injustice had been done to him gather to pray for his wellbeing. Once,
this would have composed largely of his supporters; today, they include
those whom the Prime Minsiter would gladly sup with at his table. The
Malay conscience, to not put a fine point to it, deserts the Prime
Minister and his administration. The continued jailing of Dato' Seri
Anwar is no more judicial, but irreversibly political. He has left more
tham a glimmer of doubt that the judiciary cannot be trusted to dispense
justice if the powers that be want otherwise. And with it the
government's own stand with those who challenge it.
The once supportive Malay ground, as a result, slides away from the
Prime Minister and his administration, the November 1999 general
elections an ignored early warning, which he compensates by pleading for
multiracial support from the Chinese and Indians. This would have been
believed if this happened when the Malay ground solidly supported him as
it once did. Now, with the Malay disinclined to back him, any other
support gives him a false security of tenure. He was all right so long
as this Malay heartland,though supportive of Dato' Seri Anwar's
predicament would not accept his leadership. This changes.
Irrevocably. From when he refused to argue his appeal before a forum
the chief justice presided. The Prime Minister's moral authority to
govern is now challenged. Every institution of government is
challenged. The judiciary cannot be trusted to intervene in the cause
of justice, subservient as it is, as Dato' Seri Anwar a#serted in the
Federal Court on Tuesday, to the requirements of the administration. And
his travails captures the imagination of Malaysians, even with the
mainstream newspapers careful, to the point of stupidity, not to give
him his due. If one were to depend on the mainstream newspapers on what
happened in court, as of what happens in this country and the world, one
would have been grossly misled. The Malay ground seethes. The government trembles. He Who Must Be
Destroyed At All Cost as equinanimous and confident in his Sungei Buloh
cell as the Prime Minister in his Istana Rakyat is not. The crowds may
gather, or they might not. It does not matter. This panic rush to
prevent the crowds gathering by appealing to the people not to wears
thin. Judge Arifin Jaka's curious decision to deliver judgement on a
Friday, and then postponing it, for whatever reason, puts the government
in a bind. What we see now is the irrevocabline decline inherent in any
autocratic government that harps on time-worn, often irrelevant
theoretical goalposts of the post which are as relevant in the modern
world as the dodo is. Until this problem of Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim is
resolved -- and how that can be while the man continues to sit in jail
is beyond my comprehension -- not just the government and the Prime
Minister's reputation is at stake. For one, UMNO could well be
irrelevant when 2004 comes. Dato' Seri Anwar has time on his hands to
sit and ponder his moves. But I seem more inclined to accept the view I
once did not have: from the view that he is the spark that led to this
confrontation, I see him now as a prime minister in the future, quicker
than I would have dared believe. My reservations about this no longer
matter. M.G.G. Pillai Link Reference : Newskini |