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S'seng Bando@AminSapiro hehe By Ummi Nasuha 28/7/2000 6:39 pm Fri |
a#salamu'alaikum w w Masya Allah, sesungguhnya inilah ujian yang paling berat untuk ummi. Walaupun selalu jugak berhadapan dengan ujian membesarkan anak2, dengan suami dan rumahtangga, tapi pada ummi ini yang terberat sekali. Semua pujian hanya untuk ALLAH. Segala daya fikiran, idea, yang tercetus semuanya kehendakNya. Bahkan tangan yang menggerakkan keyboard jugak adalah dengan KuasaNya. As what i've mentioned in my email to webaNtu, it was a surprise knowing that Wak Amin is actually S'seng Bando. I remember him because he used to make me laugh with his writings hehehehehe. Like now, tv3's postings can compete with HVD script production, and can surpa#s TV3 senario's script anytime too hehehe. Wak Amin told me that he had forgotten his pa#sword to log in this forum, and he was too 'shy' [imagine Wak Amin a shy guy?:)] to write to you [webaNtu] to ask about his pa#sword :) Yes, i know our webmaster can identify us coming into the 'other' forum :). For me, it has been in my responsibility to check the forum everyday when time permits :) And i have yet to discover who is Alfa156 hehehehe Salam to you all |