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Fwd Startfor: Fishy Tales
By web aNtu

10/7/2000 8:59 pm Mon

Perhatikan MOTIF sebenar misi ini - apakah untuk rompak atau utk menyenangkan pelupuskan al maunah N seterusnya membuang sebarang penggunaan nama Islam dalam organisasi2 yg tidak disenangi juak2 keparat UMNO?

Tindakkan tidak pro sprt membuat bising, mencuba peluru, meninggalkan pajero utk mudah dikesan, dll. seolah2 mahu memberitahu "kami ada kat sini. - cepat lah datang..."

Pada hemat saya, K15 telah digunakan utk menangkap al maunah... bukannya general bertopi itu. Masakan dalam bersila boleh tepis peluru N terkena org lain. Inikan pula peluru itu datang dari muncung bekas seorang askar ... Askar yg waras tidak akan duduk dekat dengan musuhnya, apalagi musuh yg byk pengalaman!

Subject: Startfor: Fishy Tales

Something Fishy About Malaysia's Islamic Cult

0011 GMT, 000706

The Malaysian military has surrounded armed members of what they call an Islamic spiritual cult in northern Malaysia. The group was responsible for a high-profile July 2 raid on a Malaysian military facility, in which they impersonated officers on a surprise inspection, carting off more than one hundred firearms and thousands of rounds of ammunition.

The raid demonstrated an intimate knowledge of military procedures and terminology at the base, as well as substantial preparation. Despite this, the group apparently intentionally led the military to its hideout, suggesting a deeper motivation for the operation than simply stealing arms.

On June 12, 15 uniformed men posing as officers entered a Malaysian army checkpoint and the Territorial Army Camp near Gerik, in northern Perak state, according to Malaysian media. The men, claiming to be on a surprise inspection tour, were shown to the armory and loaded more than 100 machine guns and small arms and thousands of rounds of ammunition on trucks.

The Hollywoodesque nature of the raid belies deeper considerations. Inspector General of the Police Norian Mai said some of the members had military knowledge, but could not confirm rumors that they were AWOL soldiers, according to the New Straits Times. The group spoke fully in military language and instructions, according to Malaysian Defense Minister Najib Tun Razak in the Utusan Express.

In addition to having a clear knowledge of military operations, they had knew the base and were able to portray officers credibly. They had access to uniforms, weapons and military-style trucks and were well prepared for the operation in other ways. A few days before the raid, the group was seen in uniform near Sauk, where it is currently holed up; local residents a#sumed it was a military training exercise, according to the New Straits Times citing a local chief.

Prior to that, locals saw the group digging holes in the area, but mistook them for a road crew, according to the national Bernama news agency. This digging was likely in preparation for their base, as the area is known for caves and secret pa#sages, and was used by communist insurgents decades earlier.

The Malaysian security forces tracked the group to their hideout after locals reported gunshots and explosions, and the three trucks they were driving were found in a nearby orchard, according to the New Straits Times. The group apparently had little desire to keep itself hidden, surprising even Malaysia's security forces. Norian said there was apparently little reason for the group to fire their weapons, and thus give away their position, unless they just wanted to shoot or try out the new weapons, according to the New Straits Times.

After carrying out a well-planned and flawless operation, the imposters apparently behaved in a wantonly unprofessional manner. The two incidents are hard to reconcile, it seems the group, which took three hostages, wanted to be found and to draw the army into a standoff.

There was little need for the group to make a high profile raid on an army camp simply to acquire weapons. They were already armed when they carried out the raid, and northern Malaysia is a transshipment area for arms from Thailand and Cambodia to places like Indonesia's Aceh and the southern Philippines. This suggests deeper motivation for the operation and raises questions as to the identity of the group.

They were too high profile to be arms smugglers or drug runners, too efficient and knowledgeable to be simply cultists. The well planned operation raises questions about how deeply involved the group is within the Malaysian military whether they are AWOL soldiers, active soldiers, or even officers carrying out a special operation.

Carrying out the operation and attracting the attention of the military to their hideout may have been an attempt to lure the military into a trap. The group was already seen actively preparing their base prior to the raid in an area rife with tunnels and smuggling. It may also be a diversion for something else, perhaps a large-scale drug, arms or personnel shipment between Thailand and Malaysia or out of Malaysia by sea.

The foreknowledge of military techniques and terminology and the high-profile nature of the raid, coupled with the labeling of the group by security forces as Islamic cult members and the apparent lack of casualties suggests another option. The operation may have been an elaborate staging by elements in the military to enhance the apparent threat of Islamic fundamentalists in Malaysia, something about which the government is already expressing concern.

Whether the threat from an active and armed Islamic cult is real or fabricated, the Malaysian military and government will now focus more directly on the northern provinces, where Islamic political parties have been gaining strength. While the group's motivation for the arms raid is unclear, what is clear is that it was more than simply Islamic fundamentalists.