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Non Malays as PM - AFP/Bernama By web aNtu 18/6/2000 10:15 pm Sun |
Non-Malays can be Malaysian premier in future, says Mahathir KUALA LUMPUR, June 17 (AFP) - 14:53 - Multi-ethnic Malaysia could one day have a Chinese or Indian prime minister, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said Saturday, appealing to the country's largest Chinese party to help close the wealth gap with the Malays. Mahathir, opening the annual a#sembly of the Malaysian Chinese a#sociation (MCA), said the constitution did not stipulate that the premier must be a Malay. "Anyone from any race has the right to become the prime minister of Malaysia," he said. "I am confident that one day, when the Chinese or Indian citizens are accepted by all the races, the prime minister need not come from among the Malays alone. The process towards this end has started." But the premier said racial discrimination must first be abolished and all the ethnic groups integrated under a common Malaysian identity. "If we are all sensitive to the needs of Malaysians, the issue of race and origin will no longer obstruct any Malaysian from holding any post," he said. "Cooperate in the political, economic and social fields and we will all eradicate racism and accept just any Malaysian to become prime minister and fill any post." Malays, or "bumiputera," make-up more than half of Malaysia's 22 million population, the Chinese account for about one-third and the rest are Indians. Malays have dominated politics, the civil service and the army in the country since independence in 1957, while the Chinese control a large part of the economy. The MCA, with some 850,000 members, is the second largest component in the 14-party National Front after Mahathir's United Malays National Organisation (UMNO). UMNO's president and deputy president traditionally become the country's premier and deputy premier. Speaking to some 1,000 MCA delegates, Mahathir warned them not to take the country's racial harmony for granted. He said the wealth gap dividing the Malays and Chinese was a "time-bomb" created during the British colonial era that sparked bloody anti-Chinese riots in 1969, killing some 200 people. Although the New Economic Policy (NEP) managed to narrow the gap, he said the Malays' "fragile achievements were eroded" during the 1997/98 financial crisis. The NEP, an affirmation action program instituted in 1971 to help the Malays catch up with the Chinese, aims to place 30 percent of corporate a#sets in Malay hands. Mahathir urged Chinese businessmen to impart their skills and form "genuine partnerships" with their Malay counterparts. He told them to guard against foreign incitement, saying that the western nations were using non-governmental organisations and the foreign media to meddle in Malaysian affairs. "We accept the freedom of the press but they abused this freedom with constant lies to tarnish our image ... They are totally immoral and have bad intentions towards us," he said. "If possible, they want to destroy our country and spark racial riots and chaos all the time." Later at a news briefing, Mahathir said he could not tell when a non-Malay would become premier. "It depends on the people's acceptance ... it takes time," he said. "It is possible when people don't think whether a person is Chinese, Indian or Malay, but think (of him) as a Malaysian." Earlier, MCA president and Transport Minister Ling Liong Sik said the National Front's inter-ethnic cooperation based on "moderation, tolerance, consultation and consensus" would continue to be relevant. "The MCA will continue to support and strengthen all policies and projects for the advancement of the people," he said. Ling, who earlier this month reversed a decision to quit his cabinet post amid a rift with his party deputy, urged members to close ranks. "The party must work towards remaining strong and united to be a relevant and reliable partner in the ruling coalition in the years ahead .... We need to expand and revitalise our party membership," he added. ________ June 17 , 2000 15:59PM A non-Malay can become PM in future: Mahathir KUALA LUMPUR, June 17 (Bernama) -- Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad is confident that one day, when Malaysians of Chinese or Indian descent are accepted by all the races, the Malaysian prime minister need not come from the Malays alone. Non-Malay bumiputeras may also become the prime minister of the country, he said when opening the MCA's 47th general a#sembly, here. "The process towards this end has started. Believe me, if we are all sensitive to the tastes of Malaysians, the issue of race and origin will no longer obstruct any Malaysian from holding any post," the prime minister said. He said the Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties, including the MCA, should work towards this end with the approach that is unique to Malaysia. "Cooperate in the political, economic and social fields and we will all eradicate racialism and accept just any Malaysian to become prime minister and fill any post," he said. Dr Mahathir, who is also the BN chairman, said anyone of any race had the right to become prime minister because Malaysia's constitution did not mention the origin of the prime minister. Speaking to reporters later, he said the appointment of a non-Malay as prime minister would depend on acceptance by the people. "That is why we (BN) do not want to emphasise too much on differences. We want to emphasise similiarities," he said. He said this when asked how soon a non-Malay could become the prime minister of this country. Asked further if this could happen during his lifetime, Dr Mahathir quipped: "It all depends on how long I live." On whether his remarks would be well-received by Umno members, Dr Mahathir who is Umno president,said: "I think generally Umno accepts... they can accept leaders who are dedicated to the country. "I am not trying to do something that will increase their (Umno's) dislike for me, I am just stating facts." Asked whether this means that there would be more allocations for non-Malays in the Cabinet, Dr Mahathir said it was possible once the feelings of racism was done away with and a person was not identified by his race. In his speech, Dr Mahathir also said that Malaysia belonged to all the people and that since Independence all the races had succeeded in closing ranks. "Actually, sometimes we are so Malaysian that we cannot tell that a person is from the same race," he said. In terms of clothing and manners, it is difficult to distinguish the Malays and bumimputeras from the Chinese or Indians, he added. On the New Economic Policy (NEP), Dr Mahathir said the policy showed that improving the economic status of the bumiputeras did not affect the progress of the other races. Aware that some Chinese were dissatisfied with the NEP, Dr Mahathir some bumiputera communities were also dissatisfied with the policy. "If we share and cooperate, the number of malcontents will drop," he said. Asked about allegations that the NEP had caused disunity among the races, he said that on the contrary, the policy had helped integrate the races. "In some countries which have no such policy, they are more divided and do not recognise races. They claim to be one nation but deep inside they are different," he said. In his speech, Dr Mahathir also touched on the benefits if the Chinese and bumiputeras had more genuine collaboration in business with the bumiputera partners playing a meaningful role that would give them experience and efficiency. "Ali-Baba partnerships whereby the bumiputera is only a "front" do not help the process of transfer of efficiency in business," he said. He believed that if the bumiputera partner was given a meaningful role, he would make valuable contribution to the partnership. He said that if the bumiputeras progressed and became as rich as the other races, the country's progress would be enhanced and the average Malaysian income would improve further. -- BERNAMA |