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Re: back to square one? By Ummi Nasuha 7/3/2000 7:13 pm Tue |
Salam semua... dah expect dah that it is to happen...ibarat ada sorang netter kata, 'potonglah kepala dia kalau madey berani masuk mahkamah'begitu yakin dia yang madey TAK AKAN SESEKALI hadirkan diri ke mahkamah... begitu jugaklah dengan pkmb nih...all the hoopla, all the sing-and-dance theme about a gurkha challenging for posts[utk goalpost jer kot yang dia berani celen?], about the impending break-up in amno, about this person or that person at long last having b*lls to stand up/speak up .....all are just shit [sorry :)] the dictator RULES again..... :(( |