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Samseng cawangan & samseng awan - fwd By Insaf 2/3/2000 9:49 am Thu |
SAMSENG CAWANGAN Lebih 30 polis diperlukan untuk menyelamatkan gusti dalaman umno yang sampai bersenjatakan asid. Saya rasa polis lebih takut jaga mesyuarat segelintir budak-budak UMNO ini tetapi lebih seronok dan relax kalau dapat menjaga ceramah-ceramah BA. Pendengar ceramah BA beribu-ribu pun polis tidak takut tapi kalau ada asid mana polis yang tak risau. Silap-silap rosak muka handsome itu. Apa macam mahdey, norain mai? Berapa ekor budak-budak samseng asid ini yang masuk penjara - Habok pun tarak! Kalau pejuang-pejuang reformasi tanpa senjata bukan sahaja gas dan belantan, malah pasukkan komando tutup muka dan anjing turut serta. Saya rasa lebih baik polis letakkan komando-komando di cawangan umno, sebelum muka2 yang handsome itu menjadi freddy nightmare on elm street. Siapa yang lebih ganas, yang pakai asid ke atau yang pakai air liur menjerit keadilan dan menuntut reformasi? Siapa yang sepatutnya dipenjarakan - yang bertumbuk ke atau atau yang ditumbuk? Yang kena rogol ke atau yg merogol? Yang mendedahkan kesalahan ke atau yang membuat kesalahan? Hancus keadilan macam ini. SAMSENG AWAN dari Forum Gerak Re4mc: Re: Malaysia bought expensive jet b'cuz it value life... Kapla hotak hang madey.. if u really value life, y the hell did u bought the skyhawk which has caused many of our pilots dead - flying coffin they say. Whatabout the newly acquired British hawks from BAe. It was never approved by the RMAF. Even our EX PTU would adviced us the RMAf has no right to say no to this purchase, we can only advice. KUALA LUMPUR, March 1 (AFP) - Malaysia bought a 40.37 million dollar executive jet for its leaders because of the air force's poor safety record, a minister said Wednesday. Deputy Finance Minister Shafie Mohamed Salleh, quoted by the official Bernama news agency, said the purchase was made following frequent accidents involving air force planes previously used for official trips. Frequent accident ni melibatkan VIP aircraft ke? berapa banyak VIp aircraft yang dah jatuh..bangang The air force lost 29 pilots in the last 10 years through accidents due to technical problems, bad weather and pilot errors, he told parliament. These 29 pilots all flew the VIP aircraft i suppose? "We value life and wish to see our leaders safe on airplanes. Life is worth more than money," he told MP Ramli Ibrahim of the opposition National Justice Party, who described the jet as a luxury. Habis VIP chopper yang ko beli tuh afsal tak pakai. dah beli nak jual pulak dah. Ikut suka mak bapak ko. Ingat duit ko ke. Pastu nak jual tak leh sebab export licensing kena minta kelulusan US...tuh pilot pilot yang bawak tuh takde value ke, technician technician ....bangang Shafie said the government last December took delivery of a M4801 Global Express aircraft from Canada's Bombardier Inc after considering two other planes. oooooo..fokker yang ade takleh non stop yek.. He said it could fly non-stop from Kuala Lumpur to London or from Tokyo to New York with four crew members and eight pa#sengers. Reply:- Kalau begitu alasannya, maka dengan kata lain, nyawa tentera2 TUDM kita tak ada harga. Bagi kapalterbang second hand hari ini, besok bila jatuh salahkan juruterbang TUDM. Maklumlah orang dah mampus, macamana nak jawab. Pilih lagi BN. Lagi..dan ...lagi |