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The Anwar Trial: The Worm Turns - MGG Pillai By web aNtu 22/2/2000 10:14 am Tue |
The High Court trying the former deputy prime minister, Dato' Seri Anwar
on s###my charges, when it sat on Friday (18 February 00), heard further
legal arguments whether a man subpoenaed by the defence should appear.
Because the man in question is the Prime Minister, every effort is made
to ensure he does not appear. Mr Justice Ariffin Jaka has to decide,
possibly on Monday, if he would. But Dato' Seri Anwar is convinced the
Prime Minister would not as he told foreign journalists who turned up on
Thursday hoping he would. Subtly, unconsciously, impercetibly, the
defence now dominates the proceedings. The defence is focussed, as it
was not in the earlier corruption trial, with the two lead counsel, Mr
Karpal Singh and Mr Christopher Fernando, bring their considerable
disparate forensic skills to deadly effect. The prosecution is
scattered, occasionally trying the judge's patience. The well-ordered
decorum has made way for a more relaxed atmosphere, the body language
shifting control clearly to the defence. The judge is tense. A young
counsel for the defence talked back to the judge with some heat that, in
other circumstances, a citation for contempt would have been in order;
but nothing happened. Scenes in the public gallery that would have
brought a sharp judicial retort were allowed -- two foreigners, a
diplomat and a journalist, were whispering to each other during
proceedings, but all the judge did was to stare at them.
A taxi driver, there for two days as a witness, went back to work
when told the arguments would take the whole morning. It did not. So,
when he was called, he was not there. The judge bristled in anger,
wanted to know why he was not there, amidst calls for an arrest warrant.
Then, sheepishly, it turned out he was not subpoenaed, that he had
turned up on his own volition when asked to. The defence promptly
demanded if the court's anger at an absent unsubpoenaed witness should
not also be directed at a subpoenaed witness who finds creative reasons
not to? Quickly, Mr Karpal Singh pressed for the court to order the
Prime Minister from making comments on his appearance and on the case as
he often did. It is the first time since Dato' Seri's expulsion from
UMNO that the Prime Minister is restrained by an institution of state.
The trial, it seems to me, is tied up in a tangle so thick that it
afflicts not Dato' Seri Anwar and his co-accused, but every institution
involved in the trial: the state, its institutions, the Prime Minister.
The prosecution behaves like one who realises he has just swallowed a
spider. Any distinct political or legal advantage to ensure Dato' Seri
Anwar's conviction is now counterproductive. The bitter residue the two
trials leave behind outweighs any legal or political solution to the
affair. Mr Justice Ariffin is aware of this as Mr Justice Paul was not in
the corruption trial. As a Malay, he is seeped in the enveloping
cultural tradition which this case confronts, and his doubts intrude
subconsciously more frequently into the case. It is not lost in the
public gallery that a Filipino and an Indian representing a Malay
confronts the Malay establishment. Rarely has a court been electrified
by the overhanging undercurrents as this. But the real battle is not
fought in that courtroom. The political future of this nation, the
Prime Minister, the governing National Front coalition, UMNO depends to
no small extent to the goings on in that courtroom. For the normally
acquiescent Malay stood up to be counted at what he saw as the injustice
to his deputy prime minister which defied the cultural insistence that a
ruler must now humiliate his followers. The s###my trial is the latest
of a litany that Dato' Seri Anwar had suffered since his fall from grace
on 2 September 1998. The cultural import of Mr Justice Ariffin's
carefully-worded order to the Prime Minister to stop discussing the case
is more than the mild reprimand it is. Whatever battles the Prime
Minister wins, and he has won every one in this drawn-out battle to
destroy his once favourite protege, it looks, at this stage, it is Dato'
Seri Anwar who wins the war. This hidden thread causes many sleepless
nights. M.G.G. Pillai |